
!!!Mercado San Samilo in Arequipa

[{Image src='090-arequipa-mercado-san-camilo.jpg' caption='Mercado San Samilo in Arequipa\\© [Bernd Mader|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Mader,_Professor_Mag._Dr_Bernd_(Pharmazie,_Volkskunde)], 2014' alt='Mercado San Samilo in Arequipa' width='900' height='1607' popup='false' class='image_left'}]

The coca plant plays a significant role in the traditional culture. When its leaves are chewed, coca acts as a mild stimulant and suppresses hunger, thirst, pain and fatigue and is supposed to ease sickness due to high altitudes.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]