
!!! Cape Flattery

The NW part of Olympic Peninsula [{GoogleMap location='48.385613,-124.725773'}]  is a reserve of the Hannah Indians who introduced their own writing only a few years ago (!). One does wonder why. The steep cliffs offer beautiful views after onyl a short hike.
Das NW Ende der Olympic Peninsula [{GoogleMap location='48.385613,-124.725773'}] im Reservat der Hannah-Indianer (mit ihrer erst vor einigen Jahren erfundenen (!) eigenen Schrift) bietet durch die Steilküste nach einer kurzen Wanderung umwerfende Blicke auf den Pazifik.

[{Image src='P1040550.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040551.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040549.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040566.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='336'}]
[{Image src='P1040556.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040562.JPG' caption='Cape Flattery\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Küste Olympic Peninsula' height='250' class='image_block' width='322'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]