

The westside of the Olympic peninsula has about 300 days of rain a year. Trees almost collapse under the burden of mosses and such.

Es regnet auf der Westseite der Olympic Peninsula über 300 Tage im Jahr. Die Bäume brechen fast unter der Last der Flechten und Moose.

[{Image src='P1040524.JPG' height='250' caption='Rainforest\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Flechten' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040525.JPG' height='250' caption='Rainforest\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Flechten' class='image_block' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040527.JPG' height='250' caption='Rainforest\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Flechten' class='image_block' width='333'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='' Kontrolle='Nein'}]