
!!!Route 20
Starting in Winthrop [{GoogleMap location='Winthrop, WA, United States' zoom='8'}]  Route 20 leads for hundreds of kilometers through almost untouched mountain scenery westward to the Pacific, finally meeting the highway Seattle- Vancouver. It is almost hard to believe that one can find such type of wilderness not that far from large cities like Seattle and Vancouver.
There is much wildlife to find here, and many beautiful hikes (like the one to Lake Anne shown). Even in June some trails at higher elevation are unpassable because of the amounts of snow still remaining! Anyone interested in troutfishing: Don't forget license and equipment, it is a paradise for fishermen.
Von Winthrop [{GoogleMap location='Winthrop, WA, United States' zoom='8'}] führt die Route 20 mehrere hundert Kilometer durch fast unberührte Berggegend direkt nach Westen zum Pazifik, wo man auf die Autobahn Seattle-Vancouver stößt. Dass es so nahe bei diesen großen Städten noch eine derartige Wildnis, mit vielen Tieren und herrlichen Wanderungen gibt (z.B. zum See Anne, siehe Bilder) und wo man auch Mitte Juli noch oft im Schnee stecken bleibt ist fast unglaublich. Das Gebiet ist auch eines der leichter erreichbaren Paradiese für Forellenfischer!

[{Image src='P1040684.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Entlang Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040686.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040687.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040688.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040689.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040690.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040691.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Entlang Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040694.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt=' Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040695.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040696.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040700.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='Bildfinal.JPG' caption='Route 20\\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Route 20' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]


[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]