

Most who read this know Winthrop [{GoogleMap location='Winthrop, WA, United States' zoom='9'}] even if they believe they do not know it :-) Most of the buildings are fake, and were built for Western movies with prominent stars such as John Wayne. There are some authentic buildings, also, like the hotel/restaurant shown below.
Die meisten, die dies lesen kennen Winthrop [{GoogleMap location='Winthrop, WA, United States' zoom='9'}] auch wenn sie glauben es nicht zu kennen: die meisten Gebäude dort (siehe Bilder!) sind nicht echt, sondern wurden für Aufnahmen für Western Filme (z.B. mit John Wayne) hergerichtet. Einige sind aber authentisch, wie ein altes Hotel/Gasthaus.

[{Image src='P1040682.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040681.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040667.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040665.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040664.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='354'}]
[{Image src='P1040661.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040662.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040672.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='P1040668.JPG' caption='Winthrop \\Photo: H. Maurer, 2013' alt='Winhrop' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]