
!!!Teak Wood Raft

[{Image src='B010_Teakholzfloss_Teakholzfloss.jpg' caption='Teak Wood Raft, December 2013, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Teak Wood Raft' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

Teak Rafts of up to 300 m of length float down the Irrawaddy towards the South. Two thirds of the world’s reserves of this precious tropical timber grow in the forests of Myanmar.

Bis zu 300 m lange Teakflöße gleiten über den Irrawaddy Richtung Süden. Zwei Drittel der Weltreserven des wertvollen Tropenholzes wachsen in den Wäldern Myanmars.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Teakholzfloss'}]
[{SET customtitle='Teak Wood Raft'}]