!!!Central Georgia and Cave Cities
One of the big cities in central Georgia is Gori [{GoogleMap location='Gori,Georgien'zoom='11'}], population around 50.000. Gori is northwest of Tbilisi at the confluence of Kura and Liachwi rivers. Gori is an administrative, industrial, traffic  and cultural center with important agricultural areas surrounding it, yet it is mainly know as birthplace of Stalin (for whom there is a museum). However it does not have to offer much for tourists. However, nearby is Uplisziche, an assembly of cave dwellings over 3.000 years old, just above the river Kura. 

Eine der großen Städte Zentralgeorgiens ist Gori [{GoogleMap location='Gori,Georgien' zoom='9'}] mit ca. 50.000 Einwohnern. Gori liegt nordwestlich von Tiflis am Zusammenfluss der Kura und dem  Liachwi. Gori ist zwar ein administratives, industrielles und kulturelles Zentrum mit einer bedeutenden landwirtschaftlichen Umgebung, es ist aber in erster Linie als Geburtsort Stalins bekannt (für den es ein großes Museum gibt), hat aber außer seiner Funktion als Verkehrsknoten touristisch wenig zu bieten, doch findet sich in der Nähe Uplisziche, eine ca. 3.000 Jahre alte Höhlensiedlung oberhalb der Kura.

[{Image src='G070.jpg' caption='The caves are above the river' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G080.jpg' caption='The start of the climb to he caves starts here.' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G100.jpg' caption='From this spot there is a secret passage to the river to get water in case of sieges.' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G110.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G120.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G130.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G140.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G150.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G160.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G170.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G180.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='G190.jpg' caption='' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='471'}]
[{Image src='G200.jpg' caption='Back to where one started' alt='Caves of Uplisziche' class='image_block' height='250' width='188'}]

Bordschomi (some 80 km southwest of Gormi) has been known for many years as area with naturally healing sulphuric wells. It was also a touristic location loved by Russians. Since Russians are not coming any more, the area has lost most of its income and attractiveness. For visitors it is, however, still a MUST if they want to reach the cave city of Wardsia: Warsia is only 120km south of Gori, but can only be reached on poor roads with no touristic infrastructure. Wardsia was a big secret in the 12th and 13th century, i.e. during what is called the “golden age of Georgia”. It is a defensive city, carved out of a 500 m high rock. There are areas for accommodation there, large halls for meeting, caves to hoard provisions. There is even a substantial church in the center. The cave system covers some 13 stories with many secret passages and niches. Part of it has remained as active monastery and is off limits for visitors. 
Bordschomi (ca. 80 km von Gori in südwestlicher Richtung) ist an sich als Kurort mit schwefelhaltigem Wasser seit vielen Jahren bekannt und war auch für Russen ein beliebter Kurort. Durch den Ausfall der  russischen Touristen hat die Stadt viel an Attraktivität eingebüßt. Sie ist aber nach wie vor ein MUSS, wenn man die einmalige Höhlenstadt Wardsia erreichen will, die zwar nur 120 km südlich von Gori liegt, aber nur auf einfachen Straßen ohne wesentlich Infrastruktur zu erreichen ist. Diese im "georgischen goldenen Zeitalter" (12.-13.Jht.) als geheime Stadt errichtete Anlage, als Festungsstadt geplant, wurde in eine rund 500 m hohe Felswand eingeschlagen: Wohn-, Versammlungs- und Vorratsräume und einer Maria Himmelfahrtskirche im Zentrum erstrecken sich über 13 Stockwerke mit unzähligen Geheimgängen und Nischen. Ein Teil ist noch heute ein aktives Kloster aber nicht für Besucher zugänglich.


[{Image src='W090.jpg' caption='Statue in Park of Bordschomi' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='188'}]
[{Image src='W100.jpg' caption='Typical house in Bordschomi, the typical place to stop to visit the cave city Wardsia' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W110.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W115.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W120.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W130.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W140.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W150.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W160.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W162.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W165.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W170.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W180.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W185.jpg' caption='Fresco in the church in the cave' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W190.jpg' caption='Storage chamber' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W200.jpg' caption='A pharmacy! The boxes cut out of stone held different healing substances!
 alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W210.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W220.jpg' caption='' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W230.jpg' caption='One of the many secret passage ways. In peaceful times one could avoid the most difficult parts by walking on the oustside!' alt='Wardsia' class='image_block' height='450' width='600'}]
On the way back there is the fortress of Cherwitsi. Also, there are many interesting trees and beautiful fields of flowers.
Am Rückweg von der Höhlenstadt findet man nicht nur die Festung Chertwisi, sondern auch interessante Bäume und schöne Blumenfelder.
[{Image src='W300.jpg' caption='' alt='Chertwisi fortress' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W310.jpg' caption='Next to the way leading to the fortifiaction' alt='Chertwisi fortress' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W320.jpg' caption='' alt='Chertwisi fortress' class='image_block' height='250' width='188'}]
[{Image src='W330.jpg' caption='' alt='Chertwisi fortress' class='image_block' height='250' width='188'}]

[{Image src='W405.jpg' caption='' alt='Flowers and Plants' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W410.jpg' caption='' alt='Flowers and Plants' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W420.jpg' caption='' alt='Flowers and Plants' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W430.jpg' caption='' alt='Flowers and Plants' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
[{Image src='W440.jpg' caption='' alt='Flowers and Plants' class='image_block' height='250' width='333'}]
*[The capital Tbilisi (German: Tiflis)|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Tiflis]
*[The high Caucasus North of the capital|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/High_Caucasus]
*[The cave cities in central Georgia|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Zentralgeorgien_und_Höhlenstädte] You are here!
*[Kutaissi, famous for Gelati|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Kutaissi]
*[Batumi on the Black Sea|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Batumi]
*[The botanical garden of Batumi|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Botanical_garden_near_Batumi]
*[Ubisa monastery|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Ubisa_monastery]
*[Open air museum of old farmhouses near Tibilis|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Open_air_museum]
*[The wine growing region of Georgia|Geography/Asia/Georgia/Pictures/Trip_2014/Cachetia]


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