
!!!Landscape at the Caspian Sea / Landschaft am Kaspischen Meer

[{Image src='Scan10_0291.jpg' caption='Photo ©[Hasso Hohmann|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Hohmann,_Hasso,_Univ._Doz._(Architektur,_Baukunst)], 1973' alt='Iran' width='800' class='image_left' height='1074' popup='false'}]

Between the Elburs Mountains [{GoogleMap location='36.0757007,51.796111' zoom='8' }] and the Caspian Sea humidity is much higher than in all other parts of Persia. The Caspian Sea is about 28 m below normal sea level. The vegetation here looks green and agriculture is much more effective than in the rest of the country. 

Zwischen Elburs-Gebirge und diesem Binnenmeer, dessen Spiegel 28m unter dem normalen Meeresspiegel liegt, gibt es deutlich mehr Feuchtigkeit und damit auch viel GrĂ¼n und ertragreiche Landwirtschaft.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]