
!!!Ceremonial Courtyard

[{Image src='sy232_Zeremonialhof.jpg' caption='Ceremonial courtyard, April 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Ceremonial courtyard' width='900' class='image_left' height='598'}]

A Pontifex Maximus was elected annually by the people of the Roman republic as the supreme guardian of the god cult. Since Augustus the respective emperor automatically filled that role. 

In der römischen Republik war ein jährlich vom Volk gewählter Pontifex Maximus oberster Wächter des Götterkultes. Seit Augustus fiel diese Rolle automatisch dem jeweiligen Kaiser zu.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Zeremonialhof'
  BilderGeo-Datum='25. April 2009'
[{SET customtitle='Ceremonial Courtyard (3)'}]