
!!!Khokana  rice and canola fields

[{Image src='311-khokana-reis-und-rapsfelder_Khokana_rice_and_canola_fields.jpg' caption='Khokana rice and canola fields, March 2015, © [Bernd Mader|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Mader,_Professor_Mag._Dr_Bernd_(Pharmazie,_Volkskunde)]' alt='Khokana rice and canola fields' class='image_left' width='900' height='675'}]

Khokana [{GoogleMap location='Khokana, Nepal' zoom='14'}], a tiny village about eight kilometers south of Kathmandu has its own history and has retained its tradition and culture. 

It is a living museum and recalls medieval times. 

it is a farming community. There are Rice and canola (a version of rapeseed) fields as far as you can see.

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