

[{Image src='116_Ssvayambhunath_Ssvayambhunath.jpg' caption='Ssvayambhunath, February 2015, © [Bernd Mader|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Mader,_Professor_Mag._Dr_Bernd_(Pharmazie,_Volkskunde)]' alt='Ssvayambhunath' class='image_left' width='675' height='900'}]

According to a legend, the whole valley was once filled with a lake. 

Out of the lake there grew a lotus. 

Manjushri (a Yidamn - a manifestation of Buddhahood or enlightened mind) saw the lotus in a dream and went to the lake and cut a gorge into Chowar which drained the lake. 

The place where the lotus flower settled down became Swayambhunath Stupa and the valley became the valley in which Kathmandu lies nowadays.

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