
!!!View of Islamabad City from Daman e Koh

[{Image src='18.jpg' caption='View of Islamabad City from Daman e Koh, October 2016, © [Haris Naeem|User/Naeem Haris]' alt='View of Islamabad City from Daman e Koh' class='image_left' width='900' height='506'}]

A spectacular view of the city can be seen from Daman e Koh, a vieiwing point loacted in Margalla Hills, Islamabad. It is situtaed about 2400ft from sea level and presents a great view of Islamabad City. A park has been constructed by the Capital Development Authority(CDA) at the viewpoint offering various facilities to the tourists like picnic spots, car service, restaurants and much more. It is considered as the most popular location to travel for anyone visiting the city.

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