
!!!Candles in front of the Kalibo Church

[{Image src='B_373_Kerzen_vor_Kalibo_Church_Kerzen_vor_Kalibo_Church.jpg' caption='Candles in front of the Kalibo Church, January 2010, © Gerhard Huber' alt='Candles in front of the Kalibo Church' class='image_left' width='900' height='598'}]

Saturday starts early in the morning with an open air church service. Worshippers light candles before it gets light outside.

Der Samstag beginnt frühmorgens mit einem Freiluft-Gottesdienst. Noch bevor es richtig hell wird, zünden Gläubige Kerzen an.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Kerzen vor Kalibo Church'}]
[{SET customtitle='Candles in front of the Kalibo Church (1)'}]