
!!!National Museum Aleppo

[{Image src='sy461_Nationalmuseum_Aleppo.jpg' caption='National Museum Aleppo, April 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='National Museum Aleppo' width='900' height='598' class='image_left'}]

%%lang,english The National Museum of Aleppo [{GoogleMap location='Aleppo, Syria' zoom='12'}] spans 12.000 years of Syrian history. Especially its external facade impresses. It is recreated after the entrance to the Aramaic palace and sanctuary of Tell Halef built in the 8th century B.C.. %%

%%lang,german Das Nationalmuseum von Aleppo [{GoogleMap location='Aleppo, Syria' zoom='12'}] führt durch 12.000 Jahre syrische Geschichte. Es beeindruckt durch seine Außenfassade, die dem Eingang des aramäischen Tempelpalastes von Tell Halef aus dem 8. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert nachempfunden ist. %%

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Nationalmuseum Aleppo'
  BilderGeo-Objekt='Nationalmuseum Aleppo'
  BilderGeo-Datum='29. April 2009'
[{SET customtitle='National Museum Aleppo'}]