
!!!View of the old town of Aleppo 
[{Image src='sy503_Blick_auf_Altstadt_von_Aleppo.jpg' caption='View of the old town of Aleppo, April 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='View of the old town of Aleppo' width='900' height='598' class='image_left'}]

%%lang,english A walk through the old town of Aleppo [{GoogleMap location='Aleppo, Syria' zoom='12'}] feels like a voyage into the Arabian Middle Ages.%%

%%lang,german Ein Spaziergang durch Aleppos Altstadt [{GoogleMap location='Aleppo, Syria' zoom='12'}]  gleicht einer Reise ins arabische Mittelalter. %%

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Blick auf Altstadt von Aleppo'
  BilderGeo-Objekt='Blick auf Altstadt von Aleppo'
  BilderGeo-Datum='29. April 2009'
[{SET customtitle='View of the old town of Aleppo (1)'}]