
!!!Temple of Ain Dara [{GoogleMap location='Ain dara, Aleppo, Syrien' zoom='13'}]

[{Image src='sy571_Tempel_von_Ain_Dara.jpg' caption='Temple of Ain Dara, April 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Temple of Ain Dara' width='900' height='598' class='image_left'}]

%%lang,english Not far from the Church of Saint Simeon Stylites a shepherd made a chance discovery in 1954. It was a sensation: up till then the hill of Ain Dara was unnoticed, but inside a temple complex from the 10th century B.C. was found.  %%

%%lang,german Unweit des Simeonsklosters brachte 1954 der Zufallsfund eines Hirten eine kleine Sensation zutage: Der bisher unbeachtete Hügel von Ain Dara barg eine Tempelanlage aus dem 10. vorchristlichen Jahrhundert. %%

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Tempel von Ain Dara'
  BilderGeo-Objekt='Tempel von Ain Dara'
  BilderGeo-Datum='28. April 2009'
[{SET customtitle='Temple of Ain Dara (1)'}]