
!!!Landscape near Palmyra

[{Image src='sy744_Landschaft_bei_Palmyra.jpg' caption='Landscape near Palmyra, May 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Landscape near Palmyra' width='800' class='image_left' height='531'}]
It's lonely location, surrounded by a sparse desert landscape, the vast extent as well as it's good condition make Palmyra one of the most beautiful and interesting ruin sites of the entire orient.

 Die einsame Lage inmitten einer kargen Wüstenlandschaft, die enorme Ausdehnung und der gute Erhaltungszustand machen Palmyra zu einer der schönsten und interessantesten Ruinenstätten des gesamten Orients.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Landschaft bei Palmyra'
  BilderGeo-Objekt='Landschaft bei Palmyra'
  BilderGeo-Datum='2. Mai 2009'
[{SET customtitle='Landscape near Palmyra'}]