

[{Image src='B044_Bauer_Bauer.jpg' caption='Farmer, January 2009, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Farmer' class='image_left' width='900' height='598'}]

Living a sedentary lifestyle people could start to use their knowledge about the behavior of animals. By the means of domestication they were able to bring animals they had previously hunted right in front of their houses as a source of meat. Sheep and goats were the first. About 8,000 years ago in Catalhöyük an especially difficult candidate was added: the aurochs, ancestor to modern cattle.

In der Sesshaftigkeit konnte der Mensch auch sein Wissen vom Verhalten der Tiere nutzen. Durch Domestizierung der früher gejagten Tiere holte man sich den Fleischvorrat direkt vors Haus. Schafe und Ziegen waren die ersten. Vor 8000 Jahren kam in Catal Hüyük einen besonders schwieriger Kandidat dazu: der Auerochse, der Vorläufer des modernen Rinds.

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