
!!!Myra - Saint Nicholas Memorabilia

[{Image src='LY0721_Nikolaus_Andenken_Myra.jpg' caption='Myra - Saint Nicholas Memorabilia, September 2015, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Myra - Saint Nicholas Memorabilia' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

The ancient sites of Arycanda[{GoogleMap location='36.513889, 30.06' zoom='12'}] and Myra[{GoogleMap location='36.259061, 29.985175' zoom='12'}] are located in the heartland of Lycia. This area is also of particular importance for Christianity. Souvenir shops leave no doubt.

Die antiken Stätten von Arykanda[{GoogleMap location='36.513889, 30.06' zoom='12'}] und Myra[{GoogleMap location='36.259061, 29.985175' zoom='12'}] liegen im Kernland Lykiens. Dieses Gebiet ist auch für die Christenheit von besonderer Bedeutung. Souvenirläden lassen keinen Zweifel.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Myra - Nikolaus-Andenken'}]
[{SET customtitle='Myra - Saint Nicholas Memorabilia'}]