!!!Did you know this about Marshall Islands?
Did you know that Marshall Islands is very low in ranking among 193 countries in the following 12 respects.
#Total Area - sq km: 181.0 (Rank 188).
#Land Area - sq km: 181.0 (Rank 187).
#Highest Point - meter: 10.0 (Rank 191).
#Population - : 70,983 (Rank 186).
#Imports - $: 118,700,000 (Rank 187).
#GDP (purchasing power parity) - $: 486,000,000 (Rank 189).
#GDP (official exchange rate) - $: 193,000,000 (Rank 190).
#Internet hosts - : 3.0 (Rank 192).
#Internet users - : 2,200 (Rank 188).
#Telephones - main lines in use - : 4,400 (Rank 188).
#Telephones - mobile cellular - : 3,800 (Rank 192).
#Telephones - mobile cellular per capita - : 0.05 (Rank 193).