[{GoogleMap location='Samoa' type='embedded' zoom='bounds'  width='450' height='350'}]
[{Image src='ws-lgflag.gif' class='image_left' height='150' width='226'}]

[{Image src='samoa.jpg' class='image_left' }]

New Zealand occupied the German protectorate of Western Samoa at the outbreak of World War I in 1914. It continued to administer the islands as a mandate and then as a trust territory until 1962, when the islands became the first Polynesian nation to reestablish independence in the 20th century. The country dropped the "Western" from its name in 1997.
* %%icon-geo,geo %% [Geography|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Geography]
* %%icon-geo,maps %% [Maps|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Maps]
* %%icon-geo,culture %% [Culture|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Culture]
* %%icon-geo,special %% [Special Information|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Special_Information]
* %%icon-geo,picture %% [Pictures|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Pictures]
* %%icon-geo,community %% [Community Contributions|Geography/Australia/Samoa/Community_Contributions]