!!!A typical spring hike
by H. Maurer

The Rax is a mountain range in the Northern Limestone Alps on the border of the Austrian federal provinces of Lower Austria and Styria. Its highest peak is the Heukuppe (2,007 m). The Rax, together with the nearby Schneeberg, are a traditional mountaineering and mountain walking area, within reach of the both the capital Vienna and Graz, Graz being the second largest city of Austria.

On May 9, 2016 we took our car to one of the typical starting places Preiner Gscheid[{GoogleMap location='Preiner Scheid, austria'}] from were it is an easy hike of about one hour to reach the Waxriegelhaus hut as the following pictures show.

[{Image src='P01.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer, May 9, 2016' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P02.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus: Spring flowers\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P03.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus: Spring flowers\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P04.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P05.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P06.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P07.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='250' class='image_block' width='374'}]
[{Image src='P08.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='250' class='image_block' width='182'}]
[{Image src='P09.jpg' caption='On the way to Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='250' class='image_block' width='374'}]
[{Image src='P10.jpg' caption='Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P11.jpg' caption='Near Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P12.jpg' caption='Near Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='P13.jpg' caption='Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer, May 9, 2016' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='449'}]
[{Image src='Waxriegelhaus_2016_1.jpg' caption='Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: Fxp42, January 2016. From: [Wikicommons|https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/19/Waxriegelhaus_2016_1.jpg/1280px-Waxriegelhaus_2016_1.jpg]' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='400'}]
[{Image src='P15.jpg' caption='Waxriegelhaus\\Photo: H. Maurer, May 9, 2016' alt='hike' height='300' class='image_block' width='473'}]
We take a short rest and have a look how the trail continues, and if we will still be able to make it to our aim, the small church on the ridge. Well, it looks quite a long way up!

[{Image src='P16.jpg' caption='Looking at continuation of trail\\Photo: H. Maurer' alt='hike' height='245' class='image_block' width='367'}]
[{Image src='P17.jpg' caption='Weather does not look so good but we can distinctly see the little church\\Photo H. Maurer, 2016' alt='hike' height='245' class='image_block' width='327'}]
[{Image src='P18.jpg' caption='The zoom of the cameras convinces us: we can make it up there!\\Photo H. Maurer, 2016' alt='hike' height='245' class='image_block' width='367'}]

So here is the Raxkircherl, the small church at about 1800m  and some solid 2 hours to walk up from where one can park the car. It is used for  mass a few times each summer, and is crowded every time despite the long way up. When we reach the church light is not good any more. So we show you a picture in better lightning conditions. We did manage to get down before it was really dark, but we did have to hurry. And as I write this the day after the hike my knees are still a bit wobbly.

[{Image src='P19.jpg' caption='The small church on the ridge of the mountain\\Foto: Bwag. From: [Wikicommons|https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/34/Kapellen_-_Raxkircherl.JPG/1280px-Kapellen_-_Raxkircherl.JPG]' class='image_block' alt='Small church on mountain ridge' width='900' height='636'}]

Das Photo zeigt das Raxkircherl auf der Rax, rund 200 m südsüdöstlich des Karl-Ludwig-Hauses. Das Bergsteiger-Heldengedenkkirchlein wurde dem Gedenken der in den Kriegen gefallen und 
in den Bergen verunglückten Bergsteiger errichtet. 1935 erfolgte die Grundsteinlegung und 1936 die Einweihung. Links die Steilwand des Predigtstuhls, hinter dem Kirchlein das 
Schneebergmassiv mit dem Klosterwappen (höchster Gipfel Niederösterreichs) und rechts die Preinerwand mit dem Haid-Steig.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Rax, Raxkircherl' Kontrolle='Nein'}]