
!!!Vodnjan - Church of St. Blaise

[{Image src='KR0711_Sveti_Blaza_Vodnjan.jpg' caption='Vodnjan - Church of St. Blaise, May 2016, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Vodnjan - Church of St. Blaise' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

Wer Bedarf an Gruseligem verspĆ¼rt, sollte auf dem Weg nach Pula[{GoogleMap location='Pula, Croatia' zoom='8'}] den kleinen Ort Vodnjan[{GoogleMap location='Vodnjan, Croatia' zoom='11'}] besuchen. Seine Pfarrkirche zeigt venezianische Baukunst in Reinkultur.


If you feel a need for something spooky, you should visit Vodnjan[{GoogleMap location='Vodnjan, Croatia' zoom='11'}] on the way to Pula[{GoogleMap location='Pula, Croatia' zoom='8'}]. Its parish church shows pure Venetian architecture.

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