

[{Image src='Nuernberg (9).jpg' caption='Handwerkerhof, 2013\\© Elisabeth Ertl' alt='Handwerkerhof' height='900' width='600' class='image_left'}]
In 1971 the Handwerkerhof [{GoogleMap location='49.447361,11.081111' title='Handwerkerhof' zoom='17'}] was established in the inner bailey of the Frauentor, part of the latest town fortification of Nuremberg, as a tourist attraction. Originally it was meant to be dismantled after the "Dürerjahr", the year of Albrecht Dürer's 500th birthday, was over, but because of its popularity it remained. The Handwerkerhof offers specialities like "Nürnberger Rostbratwürste", a special type of Bratwurst, Franconia beer and wine, gingerbread, handicraft as well as wooden toys. It is also possible to view the artists at work.

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