
!!!Reichstag building

[{Image src='Berlin (15).jpg' caption='Reichstag building, 2012\\© Elisabeth Ertl' alt='Reichstag building' width='900' height='611' class='image_left'}]
In 1894 the Reichstag building [{GoogleMap location=' Reichstagsgebäude, Berlin, Deutschland' zoom='15'}] was opened in Berlin. Originally it was constructed to house the Imperial Diet of the German Empire, which it did up to 1933 when a fire severely damaged the edifice. The building fell into disuse and was only made safe against the elements after World War II until after the reunification in 1990 when the Reichstag building underwent a reconstruction and a full restoration. Nine years later, in 1999, the building process was completed and once again it became the meeting point of the German parliament, the Bundestag. 

[{SET customtitle='Reichstag building (1)'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Reichstagsgebäude' Kontrolle='Nein'}]