
!!!Dresden - Augustusbrücke - Metal Work of Art

[{Image src='Dresden_-_Augustusbruecke_-_Metallschnitt_Die_Woge_zur_Erinnerung_an_das_Elbehochwasser_2002_von_Tobias_Stengel_2006_IMG_1234.jpg' caption='Dresden - Augustusbrücke - Metal Work of Art, February 2017, © [Ewald Judt|Geography/About/Consortium/Judt,_Ewald]' alt='Dresden - Augustusbrücke - Metal Work of Art' class='image_left' width='900' height='675'}]

The sculpture 'Die Woge' ('The Wave') was created by Tobias Stengel in 2006 in memory of the flood of the Elbe in 2002.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Dresden - Augustusbrücke - Metallschnitt Die Woge zur Erinnerung an das Elbehochwasser 2002 von Tobias Stengel 2006'}]
[{SET customtitle='Dresden - Augustusbrücke - Metal Work of Art'}]