
!!!Haithabu - Viking Raids; Assault on the Lindisfarne Monastery in 793

[{Image src='c14_Haithabu_-_Raubzuege_der_Wikinger_Ueberfall_793_auf_das_Kloster_Lindisfarne.jpg' caption='Haithabu - Viking Raids; Assault on the Lindisfarne Monastery in 793, 2015, © [Leopold Röhrer|Geography/About/Consortium/Röhrer,_Leopold]' alt='Haithabu - Viking Raids; Assault on the Lindisfarne Monastery in 793' width='900' height='818'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Haithabu - Raubzüge der Wikinger; Überfall 793 auf das Kloster Lindisfarne'}]
[{SET customtitle='Haithabu - Viking Raids; Assault on the Lindisfarne Monastery in 793'}]