
!!!Kiel - Protestant St. Nicholas' Church; Winged Altar, Detail

[{Image src='a114_Kiel_-_Nikolaikirche_Fluegelaltar_Detail.jpg' caption='Kiel - Protestant St. Nicholas' Church; Winged Altar, Detail, 2015, © [Leopold Röhrer|Geography/About/Consortium/Röhrer,_Leopold]' alt='Kiel - Protestant St. Nicholas" Church; Winged Altar, Detail' class='image_left' width='900' height='675'}]

On these altar panels are depicted on the left: Virgin Mary and Elisabeth and on the right the Nativity.

Auf diesen Altartafeln abgebildet sind links: Maria bei Elisabeth und recht die Geburt Christi.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Kiel - Nikolaikirche; Flügelaltar, Detail'}]
[{SET customtitle='Kiel - Protestant St. Nicholas' Church; Winged Altar, Detail (3)'}]