
!!!Glücksburg Castle - Flemish tapestry according to a pattern by David Teniers the Younger (1740)

[{Image src='b99_Schlosz_Gluecksburg_-_flaemische_Tapisserie_nach_einer_Vorlage_von_David_Teniers_dJ_1740.jpg' caption='Glücksburg Castle - Flemish tapestry according to a pattern by David Teniers the Younger (1740), 2015, © [Leopold Röhrer|Geography/About/Consortium/Röhrer,_Leopold]' alt='Glücksburg Castle - Flemish tapestry according to a pattern by David Teniers the Younger (1740)' width='900' height='536'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Schloß Glücksburg - flämische Tapisserie nach einer Vorlage von David Teniers d.J. (1740)'}]
[{SET customtitle='Glücksburg Castle - Flemish tapestry according to a pattern by David Teniers the Younger (1740)'}]