
!!!Path to the Cave of Zeus on Nida Plateau

[{Image src='KR0047_Weg_Zeus_Hohle_Nidajpg.jpg' caption='Path to the Cave of Zeus on Nida Plateau, September 2013, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Path to the Cave of Zeus on Nida Plateau' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

Eine kleine Wanderung führt zur Ideon-Höhle[{GoogleMap location='Cave of Zeus, Crete' zoom='12'}]auf dem Nida Plateau, wo Zeus der Sage nach gleich nach seiner Geburt Unterschlupf fand. Seine Mutter Rhea ließ hier die Kureten Waffentänze aufführen, um den neugeborenen Zeus davor zuschützen, von Kronos aus Angst um seinen Thron verschlungen zu werden. Tatsächlich hat man in dieser Höhle viele Votivgaben gefunden, die zeigen, dass sie schon den Minoern als Kultplatz diente.

A short hike leads to the Ideon Cave[{GoogleMap location='Cave of Zeus, Crete' zoom='12'}] on the Nida Plateau, where Zeus, according to legend, sheltered right after his birth. His mother Rhea had the Kureten perform war dances to protect the newborn Zeus from being swallowed by Kronos out of fear for his throne. In fact, many votive offerings have been found in this cave, showing that it already served the Minoans as a place of worship.

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