

[{Image src='NG033_Zeus_Zeus.jpg' caption='Zeus, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard], 2011' alt='Zeus' class='image_left' width='591' height='900'}]

Zeus survived, eventually defeated his father, made himself master of the gods and chose Mount Olympus as place of his residence. 

By the way: Zeus is said to  have laughed for seven consecutive days after his birth... and this is why 7 is a lucky number.

Zeus überlebte, besiegte seinen Vater, setzte sich selbst an die Spitze der Götterwelt und erkor den Olymp zu seiner Residenz. Übrigens: Zeus soll nach seiner Geburt 7 Tage lang gelacht haben. Seitdem gilt die Sieben als Glückszahl.

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