

[{Image src='Eyafjallajökull.jpg' caption='Eyjafjallajökull, 2013\\© [Elisabeth Ertl' alt='Eyjafjallajökull' width='900' height='315' class='image_left'}]

Eyjafjallajökull [{GoogleMap location='Eyjafjallajokull, Suðurland, Island' zoom='9'}], the infamous volcano with the unpronounceable name, is a 1.666m high strato-volcano situated to the north of the town of Skógar and to the west of the Mýrdalsjökull. The volcano is covered by an approximately 100km² large ice cap, which is the fourth biggest one in Iceland. After a dormant period of nearly two-hundred years it erupted with a vengeance in spring 2010.\\
Over a span of thousands of years the sea retreated about 5km and the former Atlantic coastline is now the south face of the mountain, a sheer cliff with many waterfalls, like the best known one, Skógafoss. In strong winds, the water of the smaller falls can even be blown up the mountain. \\
Deep down under the mountain a magma chamber feeds the Eyjafjallajökull. The magma chamber is caused by the tectonic divergence of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which forms a chain of volcanoes stretching across Iceland, with the Katla and the Eldfell on Heimaey, as the two nearest neighbours.

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