
!!!Reykjanes peninsula

[{Image src='Thermalgebiet-Krysuvik-Seltun.jpg' caption='Thermal area Krýsuvík-Seltún, 2014\\© Elisabeth Ertl' alt='thermal area Krysuvik-Seltun' width='900' height='603' class='image_left'}]\\

Krýsuvík-Seltún [{GoogleMap location='Krýsuvík, Suðurnes, Island' zoom='10'}] is a high-temperature thermal area, with steaming burrows, seething mud and hot springs. The temperature exceeds 200°C in a depth of 1.000 metres. The geothermal zone belongs to one of four volcanic chains, which lie in an eruption zone along the Reykjanes peninsula.

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