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''In 2011 the population of Ireland was about 6.4 million, ranking it the second-most populous island in Europe after Great Britain.\\
As of 2013, the amount of land that is wooded in Ireland is about 11% of the total, compared with a European average of 35%.''

*Ireland shares boundary with United Kingdom  which is approximately 360  km .
*The largest river in Ireland is Shannon
  which is 390 km.
*The largest export partner of Ireland is US.
*The largest import partner of Ireland is UK.
*There are 29 seaports in Ireland.

!!National Facts of Ireland__
* Shamrock is the national flower of Ireland.
* The national sport of Ireland is Gaelic Games.

[{Image class='image_block' src='clovers.jpg' caption='Shamrock\\\Foto source: [PixaBay|https://pixabay.com]' alt='' width='350' height='240'}]
#Text marked as italic is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ireland unter [CC|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at]

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