
!!!Republic Square and Library

[{Image src='MA0367_Bibliothek_Valetta.jpg' caption='Republic Square and Library, March 2016, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Republic Square and Library' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

Under the watchful eyes of Queen Victoria the dolce vita can be observed in the cafés of the Republic Square. Here also stands the last building of the chevaliers: The library, completed in 1796, houses the records of the Order, including not less than 7,000 volumes with documents of the Knights of St. John.

Unter den gestrengen Augen von Queen Victoria tummelt sich das weltliche Leben in den Cafes des Republic Square. Hier steht auch das letzte Bauwerk der Ordensritter. Die 1796 fertiggestellte Bibliothek beherbergt das Ordensarchiv, darunter nicht weniger als 7000 Bände mit Urkunden der Johanniter.

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