
!!!Utrecht - Ancient City Centre with Dom Church

[{Image src='6_Utrecht_-_Altstadt_mit_Dom.jpg' caption='Utrecht - Ancient City Centre with Dom Church, 2014, © [Leopold Röhrer|Geography/About/Consortium/Röhrer,_Leopold]' alt='Utrecht - Ancient City Centre with Dom Church' class='image_left' width='900' height='662'}]

The St. Martin's Cathedral, also known as Dom Church, was built in 1254. Its central aisle was destroyed during this heavy storm in 1674 and since then only consisted of a choir, a transept and a steeple, which, with its 112 metres, is the tallest church steeple in the Netherlands.

Der Utrechter Dom, erbaut ab 1254, und dessen Mittelschiff bei diesem schweren Sturm im Jahr 1674 zerstört wurde, besteht seither nur noch aus Chor, Querschiff und Turm, der mit 112 Metern der höchste Kirchturm der Niederlande ist.

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