
!!!Florø - Windjammer

[{Image src='059_Floroe_Windjammer.jpg' caption='Florø - Windjammer, June 2017, © [Walter Pachl|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Pachl,_Walter,_Dipl.-Ing.]' alt='Florø - Windjammer' class='image_left' width='675' height='900'}]

Florø[{GoogleMap location='Florø, Norway' zoom='8'}] has been a center of shipbuilding for centuries. Today the approximately 11,000 inhabitants of the city live mainly from the fish farming industry.

Florø[{GoogleMap location='Florø, Norway' zoom='8'}] ist seit Jahrhunderten ein Zentrum des Schiffsbaus. Heute leben die ca. 11.000 Bewohner der Stadt überwiegend von der Fischzuchtindustrie.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Florø - Windjammer'}]
[{SET customtitle='Florø - Windjammer'}]