!!!Did you know this about Poland?
Did you know that Poland is very similar to Czech Republic in the following 8 respects.
#Age Structure: 25-54 years - %: (43.6, 43.8).
#Birth rate - births/1,000 population: (9.79, 9.77).
#Death rate - deaths/1,000 population: (10.29, 10.37).
#Literacy - %: (99.0, 99.7).
#Maternal mortality rate - deaths/100,000 live births: (5.0, 5.0).
#Crude oil - imports per capita - bbl/day: (0.01, 0.01).
#Refined petroleum products - production per capita - bbl/day: (0.02, 0.02).
#Refined petroleum products - consumption per capita - bbl/day: (0.02, 0.02).
Did you know that Poland is very similar to Lithuania in the following 7 respects.
#Airports - with unpaved runways - : (39.0, 39.0).
#Mothers mean age at first birth - years: (26.7, 26.9).
#Life expectancy at birth - years: (75.98, 76.65).
#Unemployment- youth ages 15-24 - %: (26.4, 26.5).
#Literacy - %: (99.7, 99.7).
#Refined petroleum products - consumption per capita - bbl/day: (0.02, 0.02).
#Natural gas - imports per capita - cu m: (969.84, 974.8).