
!!!Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia

[{Image src='ba079_Kathedrale.jpg' caption='Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia, May 2010, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia' class='image_left' width='900' height='598'}]

The gothic cathedral is dedicated to Spain's most revered martyr, Saint Eulalia. As early as in 1298, the foundation stone was laid for the construction of the church, but it took more than 600 years to be completed.

Die gotische Kathedrale ist Spaniens meist verehrter Märtyrerin, der heiligen Eulalia, gewidmet. Schon 1298 legte man den Grundstein zum Bau des Gotteshauses, doch hat es über 600 Jahre gedauert, bis es endgültig fertiggestellt war.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Kathedrale'}]
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