
!!!Puerto de Honduras

[{Image src='B025_Puerto_de_Honduras_Puerto_de_Honduras.jpg' caption='Puerto de Honduras, April 2014, © [Gerhard Huber|Geography/About/Consortium/Huber,_Gerhard]' alt='Puerto de Honduras' class='image_left' width='900' height='601'}]

A serpentine and narrow road, 42 kilometres long, winds over the 1440-meter-high Honduras Pass[{GoogleMap location='Puerto de Honduras, Spain' zoom='8'}], accompanied by an eerie vegetation.

Eng und kurvenreich schlängelt sich eine 42 km lange Straße über den 1440 m hohen Honduras-Pass[{GoogleMap location='Puerto de Honduras, Spain' zoom='8'}], begleitet von einer gespenstisch anmutenden Vegetation.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Puerto de Honduras'}]
[{SET customtitle='Puerto de Honduras (1)'}]