
!!!Bouvet Island 

[{Image src='110bv.jpg' width='540' height='325' caption='Photo courtesy of NASA. ' popup='false' alt='Bouvet Island ' class='image_left'}]
[{SET customtitle='Bouvet Island '}]
Bouvet Island [{GoogleMap location='Bouvet Island' zoom='3'}] is one of the most remote islands in the world; Antarctica, over 1,600 km (1,000 mi) to the south, is the nearest land mass. 

Located near the junction of three tectonic plates, the island is mostly formed from a shield volcano that is almost entirely covered by glaciers. 

The prominent Kapp (Cape) Valdivia on the northern coastline is a peninsula formed by a lava dome. It is only along the steep cliffs of the coastline that the underlaying dark volcanic rock is visible against the white snow and ice blanketing the island.