
!!!Main Hall Foguangshan

[{Image src='B092_Haupthalle_Foguangshan_Haupthalle_Foguangshan.jpg' caption='Main Hall Foguangshan, September 2011, © Gerhard Huber' alt='Main Hall Foguangshan' class='image_left' width='900' height='600'}]

Three giant gilded Buddha statues dominate the scene. In the middle sits the historical Buddha in meditation posture, flanked by the Buddha of the Pure Land on his right and the Buddha of Medicine to his left. The later heals his worshipers of the three basic mind poisons: hatred, greed and ignorance.

Drei riesige vergoldete Buddhastatuen beherrschen die Szene. In der Mitte thront der historische Buddha in Meditationshaltung, flankiert vom Buddha des Reinen Landes zu seiner Rechten und dem Medizinbuddha zu seiner Linken. Dieser heilt seine Verehrer von den drei grundlegenden Geistesgiften: Hass, Gier und Unwissenheit.

[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Haupthalle Foguangshan'}]
[{SET customtitle='Main Hall Foguangshan (2)'}]