
!!!Meinong Folk Village

[{Image src='B070_Meinong_Folk_Village_Meinong_Folk_Village.jpg' caption='Meinong Folk Village, September 2011, © Gerhard Huber' alt='Meinong Folk Village' class='image_left' width='900' height='599'}]

Every day thousands of domestic tourists come to visit the Meinong Folk Village. However, the supposedly traditional Hakka village turns out to be solely a collection of restaurants and shops.

Täglich kommen tausende inländische Touristen, um das Meinong Folk Village zu besuchen. Das angeblich traditionelle Hakka-Dorf entpuppt sich jedoch ausschließlich als Ansammlung von Restaurants und Geschäften.

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[{SET customtitle='Meinong Folk Village (1)'}]