
H.A. MAURER --- Publications (Fairly complete list) 

Codes used:\\
B	Book\\ 
J	Paper in Journal\\
P	Paper in Proceedings\\
R	Report\\
O	Other\\

1.	 Proposal and Examination of a Table Lookup Technique; Report, IBM Lab., Vienna (1964). (R)\\
2.	 The String of Pseudo-Instructions Created by FORTRAN II from a Series of Fortran-Statements; Report, IBM Lab., Vienna (1964). (R)\\
3.	 A Stringhandling Compiler Allowing for Basic Stringhandling in Connection with FORTRAN II; Report, IBM Lab. Vienna (1964). (R)\\
4.	 Tentative Steps towards a Formal Definition of PL/1 (with K. Bandat. P. Lucas, K. Walk); Report, IBM Lab., Vienna (1965). (R)\\
5.	A Formal definition of the Macro Activity of PL/1; Report, IBM Lab., Vienna (1965). (R)\\
6.	 Rationale Approximationen Irrationaler Zahlen; Ph.D. Thesis, University of Vienna (1965). (O)\\
7.	 Bibliography on Theoretical Foundation of Programming Languages; Report, IBM Lab., Vienna (1966). (R)\\
8.	 A Context-Free Language which is Inherently Ambiguous of Degree 3; Report, University of Calgary (1968). (R)\\
9.	 The Existence of Context-Free Languages which are Inherently Ambiguous of any Degree; Report, University of Calgary (1968). (R)\\
10.	 A Direct Proof of the Inherent Ambiguity of a Simple Context-Free Language; J.ACM 16 (1969), 256-260. (J)\\
11.	 Theoretische Grundlagen der Programmiersprachen; BI, Mannheim (1969). (B)\\
12.	 Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Proc. Intern. Comp. Symposium, Bonn, (1970), 881-892. (P)\\
13.	 On the Structure Generating Function and Entropy of Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Proc. Intern. Comp. Symposium, Bonn (1970), 869-880. (P)\\
14.	 A Note on the Complement of Inherently Ambiguous Context-Free Languages; C. ACM 13 (1970), 194. (J)\\
15.	 The Solution of a Problem by Ginsburg; Information Processing Letters 1 (1971), 7-10. (J)\\
16.	 Programmierverfahren; Lecture Notes, University of Karlsruhe (1971). (R)\\
17.	 Algorithmen, Maschinen, Sprachen; Lecture Notes, University of Karlsruhe (1971). (R)\\
18.	 On the Inherent Ambiguity of Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Computing 7 (1971), 194-203. (J)\\
19.	 The Structure Generating Function and Entropy of Tuple Languages (with W. Kuich); Information and Control 19 (1971), 195-203. (J)\\
20.	 A Collection of Programming Problems and Techniques (with M.R. Williams); Prentice Hall, Englewood-Cliffs (1972). (B)\\
21.	 Unlösbare Probleme; Physikalische Blätter 28 (1972), 311-318. (J)\\
22.	 Systemstrukturen; Lecture Notes, University of Karlsruhe (1972). (R)\\
23.	 Interne Programmierung; Lecture Notes, University of Karlsruhe (1972). (R)\\
24.	 On Classes of Languages between the Context-Free and the Context-Sensitive; Proc. Intern. Comp. Conf., Columbus (1973). (P)\\
25.	 Formale Übersetzungen; Proc. Conf. Form. Lang. and Programming Languages, Dortmund (1973). (P)\\
26.	 Simple Matrix Languages with a Leftmost Restriction; Information and Control 23 (1973), 128-139. (J)\\
27.	 A Note on Leftmost Restricted Random Context Grammar (with A.B. Cremers, O. Mayer); Information Processing Letters 2 (1973), 31-33. (J)\\
28.	 Datenstrukturen und Programmierverfahren; Teubner, Stuttgart (1974). (B)\\
29.	 Programmieren I; Lecture Notes, University of Karlsruhe (1974). (O)\\
30.	 Formal Translations and the Containment Problem for Szilard Languages (with H.P. Kriegel); Proc. Automata Theory and Formal Languages, Kaiserslautern (1975), 233-238. (P)\\
31.	 On Computer Science at the University of Brasilia; Report, University of Brasilia (1975). (R)\\
32.	 Die Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften (with K. Neumann); Fridericiana (1975), 73-84. (O)\\
33.	Formal Translations and Szilard Languages (with H.P. Kriegel); Information and Control 30, 2 (1976), 187-198. (J)\\
34.	 On Strongly Equivalent Context-Free Grammar Forms (with S. Ginsburg); Computing 16 (1976), 281-290. (J)\\
35.	 On Grammar Forms with Terminal Context (with D. Wood); Acta Informatica 6 (1976), 397-402. (J)\\
36.	 Zur Manipulation von Zahlenmengen (with D. Wood); Angewandte Informatik (1976), 143-149. (J)\\
37.	 Implementing Dictionairies Using Binary Trees of Very Small Height (with Th. Ottmann, H.W. Six); Information Processing Letters 5 (1976), 11-14. (J)\\
38.	 Ein Vorschlag für die Verwendung syntaxorientierter Methoden in höheren Programmiersprachen (with W. Stucky); Angewandte Informatik (1976), 189-196. (J)\\
39.	 Szilard Languages of L-Systems (with D. Wood); A. Lindenmayer, G. Rozenberg (Ed.), Automata, Languages, Development, North-Holland Pub.Co., Amsterdam (1976), 251-161. (P)\\
40.	 Manipulation of Number Sets Using Balanced Trees (with Th. Ottmann, H.W. Six); Applied Computer Science 4, Graphen, Algorithmen, Datenstrukturen, Hanser (1976), 9-37. (P)\\
41.	 OL Forms (with H. Hule, Th. Ottmann); Report 48, Inst. f. Angewandte Informatik u. Formale Beschreibungsverfahren., University of Karlsruhe (1976). (R)\\
42.	 Data Structures and Programming Techniques (transl. by C. Price); Prentice-Hall (1977). (B)\\
43.	 Eine Einführung in das Programmieren mit Hilfe von Videogeräten (with H.W. Six); Ingenieurpädagogik 7, Heyn, Klagenfurt (1977), 139-145. (P)\\
44.	 EOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood), Acta Informatica 8 (1977), 75-96. (J)\\
45.	 On Quasi-Interpretations of Grammar Forms (with S. Ginsburg); Computing 19 (1977), 141-147. (J)\\
46.	 Tree Controlled Grammars (with K. Culik II); Computing 19 (1977), 129-139. (J)\\
47.	 On the Form Equivalence of L-Forms (with Th. Ottmann, A. Salomaa); Theoretical Computer Science 4 (1977), 199-226. (J)\\
48.	 Linearizing Selector-Graphs and Applications thereof (with K. Culik II); Angewandte Informatik 9 (1977), 386-394. (J)\\
49.	 Tree-Structures for Set Manipulation Problems (with Th. Ottmann); Proc. of MFCS' 1977, LNCS 53, Springer Verlag (1977), 108-121. (P)\\
50.	 The Class of CF Languages is not an EOL Family (with J. Albert); Information Processing Letters 6 (1977), 190-195. (J)\\
51.	 On two-symbol complete EOL forms (with K. Culik II, Th. Ottmann); Theoretical Computer Science 7 (1978), 69-83. (J)\\
52.	 Isomorphism, form equivalence and sequence equivalence of PDOL forms (with K. Culik II, Th. Ottmann, K. Ruohonen, A. Salomaa); Theoretical Computer Science 6 (1978), 143-173. (J)\\
53.	 Uniform interpretations of L-forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 36 (1978), 157-173. (J)\\
54.	 Propagating chain-free normal forms for EOL systems (with K. Culik II); Information and Control 36 (1978), 309-319. (J)\\
55.	 On good EOL forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); SIAM J. Computing 7, no. 2 (1978), 158-166. (J)\\
56.	 Good OL Forms (with H. Hule, Th. Ottmann); Acta Informatica 9 (1978), 345-353. (J)\\
57.	 ETOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); J. Computer and Systems Science 16 (June 1978), 345-361. (J)\\
58.	 String Representations of Graphs (with K. Culik II); Intern. J. Computer Math. 6 (1978), 273-301. (J)\\
59.	 Increasing the Similarity of EOL Form Interpretations (with G. Rozenberg), Information and Control 38 (1978), 308-342. (J)\\
60.	 Relative Goodness of EOL forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Computer Science 12 (1978), 291-304. (J)\\
61.	 On sub regular OL forms (with J. Albert, Th. Ottmann); Report 15, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1978). (R)\\
62.	 Simple EOL Forms under uniform interpretation generating CF languages (with J.Albert and G. Rozenberg), Proceeedign ICALP 1978, 1-14.
63.	 On the height of derivation trees (with K. Culik II); Report 18, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1978). (R)\\
64.	 Strict context-free grammar forms: completeness and decidability (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Report 20, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung (1978). (R)\\
65.	 Der Fernsehapparat als interaktives Informationszentrum; Report, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1978). (O)\\
66.	 Informationsverarbeitung: Lehre, Forschung, Praxis; Report, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1978). (O)\\
67.	 Manipulating sets of points– a survey (with Th. Ottmann); Applied Computer Science 13, Hanser Verlag (1979), 9-29. (P)\\
68.	 New aspects of homomorphisms; LNCS 67, Springer Verlag (1979), 1-24. (P)\\
69.	 A note on Euclidean near neighbour searching in the plane (with J.L. Bentley); Information Processing Letters 8 (1979), 133-136. (J)\\
70.	 Secure information storage and retrieval using new results in cryptography (with K. Culik II); Information Processing Letters 8 (1979), 181-186. (J)\\
71.	 Sixth International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming; (Ed.), LNCS 71, Springer Verlag (1979). (B)\\
72.	 On some developments in cryptography and their applications to computer science; LNCS 74, Springer Verlag (1979), 121-130. (P)\\
73.	 Context dependent L-forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 42 (1979), 97-118. (J)\\
74.	 On non context-free grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Mathematical Systems Theory 12 (1979), 297-324. (J)\\
75.	Bijective a-transducers (with M. Nivat); Proc. of 20th FOCS, Puerto Rico (1979), 97-100. (P)\\
76.	 On -productions for terminals in EOL forms (with W. Ainhirn); Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 (1979), 155-166. (J)\\
77.	 On simple representations of language families (with K. Culik II); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Informatics 13 (1979), 241-250. (J)\\
78.	 Ein Jahr Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Technische Universität Graz (with W. Bucher); Report, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1979). (R)\\ 
79.	 Kriterien zur Auswahl von Programmiersprachen (with R. Frey, V. Haase, J. Stögerer); Report, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1979). (R)\\
80.	 Das Institut für Informationsverarbeitung der Technischen Universität Graz, Mitteilungsblatt der OCG 21 (1979), 4-6. (R)\\
81.	 Einstein-Hahn-Atombombe (with U. Maurer), Südosttagespost Graz, March 9 (1979), 13. (O)\\
82.	 Pure interpretations of EOL forms (with G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, D. Wood); R.A.I.R.O. Theoretical Informatics 13 (1979), 347-362. (J)\\
83.	 Simple EOL forms under uniform interpretation generating CF languages (with J. Albert, G. Rozenberg); Fundamenta Informaticae 3 (1980), 141-156. (J)\\
84.	 Efficient worst-case data structure for range searching (with J.L. Bentley); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 155-168. (J)\\
85.	 Context-free grammar forms with strict interpretations (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Journal of Computer and System Sciences 21 (1980), 110-135. (J)\\
86.	 Pure Grammars (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 44 (1980), 47-72. (J)\\
87.	 Synchronized EOL Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 12 (1980), 135--159. (J)\\
88.	 Rational bijection of rational sets (with M. Nivat); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 365-378. (J)\\
89.	 Dynamic solutions of decomposable searching problems (with Th. Ottmann), Discrete Structures and Algorithms, Hanser München (1980), 17-24. (P)\\
90.	 MSW Spaces (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 46 (1980), 200-218. (J)\\
91.	 Dynamic Systems of Static Data-Structures (with J. van Leeuwen); Report 42, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1980). (R)\\
92.	 Continuous Grammars (with A. Ehrenfeucht, G. Rozenberg); Information and Control 46 (1980), 71-91. (J)\\
93.	 Derivation Languages of Grammar Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); International Journal Computer Maths. 9 (1980), 117-130. (J)\\ 
94.	 Generators and generative capacity of L forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Acta Informatica 13 (1980), 87-107. (J)\\
95.	 On finite grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); International Journal of Computer Maths. 12 (1983), 227-240. (J)\\ 
96.	 Neue Kommunikationsmethoden: der Fernsehapparat als Informationszentrum; Tagungsband 2, Intern. ADV-Tagung Wien (1980), 19-36. (P)\\
97.	 Bildschirmtext in Österreich (with V. Haase); Bildschirmtext, Oldenburg Verlag (1980), 110-117. (P)\\
98.	 On region location in the plane (with H. Edelsbrunner); Report 52, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1980). (R)\\
99.	 Fernsehapparat und Telefon als Informationszentrum; Berichte und Informationen 35 (1980), 23-28. (J)\\
100.	 Bildschirmtext – Rückschritt vom Fernsehen zum Fernlesen?; Computerwoche 29 (1980), 6. (O)\\
101.	 Viewdata in Austria: Summer 1980; LINK's Viewdata/Videotex Report 1, no. 10 (1980), 110-111. (J)\\
102.	 Der Fernsehapparat als Computerterminal; Styrian Bits and Bytes 2 (1980), 10-11. (O)\\
103.	 On predecessors of finite languages (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Information and Control 50 (1981), 259-275. (J)\\
104.	 A super normal form theorem for context-free grammars (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 30, no. 1 (1983), 95-102. (R)\\
105.	 Die Entwicklung eines computergesteuerten lokalen optischen Bildspeichers; Bericht 8, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1980). (O)\\
106.	 Sub context-free L forms (with G. Rozenberg); Computer Math. 9 (1981), 25-41. (J)\\
107.	 Uniform interpretations of grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); SIAM J. Comput. 10 (1981), 483-502. (J)\\
108.	 Concise description of finite languages (with W. Bucher, K. Culik II, D. Wotschke), Theoretical Computer Science 14 (1981), 227-246. (J)\\
109.	 Synchronized EOL forms under uniform interpretation (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); R.A.I.R.O. 15 (1981), 337-353. (J)\\
110.	 Decidability and Density in Two-Symbol Grammar Forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 (1981), 289-299. (J)\\
111.	 Colorings and interpretations – a connection between graphs and grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 (1981), 119-135. (J)\\
112.	 The post-office problem and related questions; Graph-theoretic concepts in Computer Science, Carl Hanser, München (1981), 1-19. (P)\\
113.	 Completeness of context-free grammar forms (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Journal Computer and System Sciences 23 (1981), 1-10. (J)\\
114.	 Context-free complexity of finite languages (with W. Bucher, K. Culik II); Theoretical Computer Science 28 (1984), 277-285. (J)\\ 
115.	 Bildschirmtext in Übersee; BTX-Mitteilungsblatt 3 (1981). (O)\\ 
116.	 Bildschirmtext-Computerzugriff für Jedermann/; Fakten, Daten und Zitate 1 (1981), 8-10. (O)\\
117.	 The start of Viewdata in Austria; LINK (1981). (O)\\
118.	 Language forms and density (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); McMaster Report, 81–CS–06 (1981). (R)\\
119.	 Bildschirmtext; Österr. Hochschulzeitung (1981), XX--XXI. (O)\\
120.	 Colorings of graphs versus finitary and infinitary interpretations of languages (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Report F 65, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1981). (R)\\
121.	 4. Tagung: Bericht der Informatikinstitute (with G. Haring (Ed.)); Report B 9, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1981). (O)\\
122.	 Institut für Informationsverarbeitung: Jahresbericht 1980 (with W. Bucher, (Ed.)); Report B 10, Institut für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1981). (O)\\
123.	 Dense intervals of linguistical families (with A. Salomaa, E. Welzl, D. Wood); Information and Control 51 (1981), 128-145. (J)\\
124.	 On the complexity of the general coloring problem (with I.H. Sudborough, E. Welzl); Information and Control 51 (1981), 128-145. (J)\\
125.	 Alphabetisches Suchen im österreichischen Bildschirmtext; BTX-Seminar Schloß Laxenburg b. Wien (1981). (O)\\
126.	 On alphabetic searching in Videotex systems (with I. Sebestyen, W. Rauch); Electronic Publishing Review 1 (1981). (J)\\
127.	 Videotex message service systems (with W. Rauch, I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 1 (1981), 267--296. (J)\\
128.	 Bildschirmtextähnliche Systeme; Report B 11, Institute für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1981). (R)\\
129.	 „Unorthodox“' Videotex Applications (with I. Sebestyen); Information Services and Use 2 (1982), 19-34. (J)\\
130.	 L codes and number systems (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 22 (1983), 331-346. (J)\\
131.	 A space optimal solution of general region location (with H. Edelsbrunner); Theoretical Computer Science 16 (1981), 329--336. (J)\\
132.	 On sub-regular OL forms (with J. Albert, Th. Ottmann); Fundamenta Informaticae IV.1 (1981), 135-149. (J)\\
133.	 Prozessorgestützte Datenfernübertragung und Geräte (with R. Posch); Bericht B 12, Institute für Informationsverarbeitung Graz (1981). (O)\\
134.	 The composition method for graphic editing in videotex (with W.D. Fellner); Report F 80, IIG Graz (1981). (R)\\
135.	 Dense hierarchies of grammatical families (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); J.ACM 29 (1982), 118-126. (J)\\
136.	 On the intersection of orthogonal objects (with H. Edelsbrunner); Information Processing Letters 13 (1982), 177-181. (J)\\
137.	 Polygonal intersection searching (with H. Edelsbrunner, D.G. Kirkpatrick); Information Processing Letters 14 (1982), 74-79. (J)\\
138.	 Printing without paper (with J. Charles and I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 2 (1982), 151-159. (J)\\
139.	 Picture description languages (with G. Rozenberg, E. Welzl); Information and Control 54 (1982), 155-185. (J)\\
140.	 Stabbing line segments (with H. Edelsbrunner, F.P. Preparata, A.L. Rosenberg, E. Welzl, D. Wood); BIT 22 (1982), 274-281. (J)\\
141.	 One way versus two way videotex (with I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 2 (1982), 279-295. (J)\\
142.	 Some remarks on energy and resource consumption of new information – and communication technologies (with W. Rauch, I. Sebestyen); Information Services and Use 2 (1982), 73-80. (J)\\
143.	 MUPID  – An Austrian contribution to videotex (with R. Posch); Report F 87, IIG Graz (1982). (R)\\
144.	 Institute für Informationsverarbeitung Graz –Jahresbericht 1981 (with W. Bucher); Report B 15. (R)\\
145.	 Der Bildschirmtextpilotversuch in Österreich ist erfolgreich (with G. Greiner); Report B 16, IIG Graz (1982). (R)\\
146.	 How to further improve interactive videotex (with R. Posch); Report F 88, IIG Graz (1982). (R)\\
147.	 Will MUPID revolutionize Austria's videotex?; Videotex 82, Proceedings of Conference, New York (1982), 187-198. (P)\\
148.	 On some unusual applications of videotex (with I. Sebestyen); Videotex 82, Proceedings of Conference, New York (1982), 199-210. (P)\\
149.	 What's new in Graz?; Bulletin of the EATCS 17 (1982), 136-139. (O)\\
150.	 Der MUPID: Ein Beitrag Österreichs zur Entwicklung von Bildschirmtext (with R. Posch); Report B 17, IIG Graz (1982). (R)\\
151.	 MUPID Basic-Sprache (with J. Jaburek, H. Mülner); Report B 20, IIG Graz (1982). (R)\\
152.	 Der MUPID – Dokumentation einer MUPID Präsentation (with G. Greiner); Report B 21 (1982). (R)\\
153.	Der MUPID präsentiert sich selbst (with G. Greiner); Report B 22, IIG (1982). (R)\\
154.	 Neue Entwicklung im BTX und Implikationen auf das Bildungswesen; Kommunikationstechnologien, Linz (1982), 138-148. (P)\\
155.	 Wer braucht den BTX Rechnerverbund wirklich?; Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises BTX 5 (1982). (O)\\
156.	 Einige Anwendungen des MUPID; Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises BTX 6 (1982). (O)\\
157.	 Videotex makes dramatic breakthrough; Viewdata 82, London (1982), 135-143. (P)\\
158.	 Ein neuartiges – durch spezielle Hardware unterstütztes – Terminalkonzept für Bildschirmtext (with H. Bogensberger, R. Posch, W. Schinnerl); Angewandte Informatik 3 (1983), 108-113. (J)\\
159.	 Inhouse versus public videotex systems (with I. Sebestyen); Computer Networks 7 (1983), 329-342. (J)\\
160.	 Public-key cryptosystems, telesoftware and other novel applications of videotex (with I. Sebestyen); Viewdata 82, London (1982), 145-158. (P)\\
161.	 Finitary and infinitary Interpretations of Languages (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Mathematical System Theory 15 (1982), 251-265. (J)\\
162.	 Chain code picture languages (with G. Rozenberg, E. Welzl), LNCS 153, Springer Verlag (1983), 232-244. (P)\\
163.	 Prozessorgestützte Datenfernübertragung und Geräte (2) (with R. Posch); IIG Report (Oct.. (O)\\
164.	 Lokale Intelligenz zur Unterstützung von Bildschirmtext; Nachrichten für Dokumentation 34 (1983), 8-13. (J)\\
165.	 ACONET Graz (with F. Haselbacher, P. Lipp, R. Posch, J. Theurl); Bericht B 28, IIG Graz (1983). (R)\\
166.	 New developments of Videotex and their implications on computer aided instruction; Information Services & Use 3 (1983), 319-324. (J)\\
167.	 On some beneficial implications of videotex on society; Computer Compacts 1 (1983), 132-135. (J)\\
168.	 Intelligente Decoder und ihr Einsatzspektrum; Diebold Kongreß Mainz (1983). (P)\\
169.	 Some aspects of the market penetration of 1 W and 2 W videotex (with I. Sebestyen); Electronic Publishing Review 3 (1983), 55-77. (J)\\
170.	 Intelligent videotex terminals for rapid videotex penetration (with W.D. Fellner, R. Posch); Videotex Europe, Online Conference, Amsterdam (1983), 155-164. (P)\\
171.	 Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung (Surveys in Computer Science 1983); (Ed.), BI Mannheim (1983). (B)\\
172.	 Bildschirmtext–Netzwerk der Zukunft?; Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung, BI Mannheim (1983), 135-177. (P)\\
173.	 Bildschirmtext – omnipräsente Computerterminals?; Elektronische Rechenanlagen 25 (1983), 177-183. (J)\\
174.	 Bildschirmtext und die Informatisierung der Gesellschaft; Report Graz (1983). (O)\\
175.	 Bildschirmtext und einige seiner Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft; Was (1983). (O)\\
176.	 Fünf Jahre IIG (with W. Bucher); Report B 37, IIG Graz (1983). (O)\\
177.	 Neues vom MUPID; Mitteilungsblatt des Arbeitskreises Btx 8 (1983). (O)\\ 
178.	 Mehr Komfort durch intelligente Decoder; Diebold Management Report 6/7 (1983). (O)\\
179.	 Teleprograms – the right approach to videotex – if you do it right (with H. Cheng); Proc. of the IRE Conference on Telesoftware, London (1984), 75-78. (P)\\
180.	 MUPID–die österreichische Dimension; Tagungsband BAV-Btx-Kongreß, Wien (1983). (P)\\
181.	 Using string languages to describe picture languages (with G. Rozenberg, E. Welzl); Information and Control 54 (1982), 155-185. (J)\\
182.	 Anordnung für das Zuordnen von Bildern; (Patent), Austrian Patent, 375 234 (1984). (O)\\
183.	 MUPID; The Microcomputer Users Handbook (Ed.: D. Longley, M. Shain); Macmillan Press, London (1983), 143-145. (O)\\
184.	 Mehr Komfort durch intelligente Decoder: MUPID in der Schweiz; Technische Rundschau 47 (Nov. 1983), 18-19. (O)\\
185.	 ACONET–Graz (2) (with F. Haselbacher, P. Lipp, R. Posch, J.Theurl); Report B 40, IIG Graz (1983). (O)\\
186.	 The Austrian approach to videotex; Proc. of the Seventh European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, North Holland Pub. Co., Amsterdam (1984), 589-592. (P)\\
187.	 Videotex without Big Brother (with N. Rozsenich, I. Sebéstyén), Electronic Publishing Review 4 (1984), 201-214. (J)\\
188.	 Report on Videotex development in Austria  (with I. Sebéstyén); Electronic Publishing Review 4 (1984), 45-57. (J)\\
189.	 Wie nah sind wir 1984?; Politicum 18 (1984), 8-11. (O)\\ 
190.	 Keine Überwachung durch Bildschirmtext!; Output (1984) und Lies Mit 1 (1984), 20. (O)\\
191.	 CEPT und MUPID 2 in Österreich; Lies Mit 1 (1984), 12-14. (J)\\
192.	 Bildschirmtext muß ein Erfolg werden; Bericht B 42, IIG Graz (1984). (R)\\
193.	 MUPID Teleprogramme in Österreich; Lies Mit 4 (1983), 26--28, (O); second part Lies Mit 2 (1984), 24-25. (O)\\
194.	 Finding extreme points in 3-space and solving the post-office problem in the plane (with H. Edelsbrunner); Information Processing Letters 21 (1985), 39-47. (J)\\
195.	 Zehn Thesen für Bildschirmtext; Mitteilungsblatt der OCG (1984), 2-3. (O)\\
196.	 Bildschirmtext – Gegenwart und Zukunft eines Mediums; Österreichische Sparkassen Zeitung 71 (1984), 82-88. (O)\\
197.	 MUPID 2: Durchbruch für Btx (with R. Posch); B 43, IIG Graz (1984). (R)\\
198.	 MUPID 2  =  Bildschirmtext wie es sein muß;  Proc. Microsoft Meeting Fiba, Düsseldorf (1984). (P)\\
199.	 Einige rechtliche Aspekte von Bildschirmtext (with W. Jaburek); Daten, Fakten, Zitate 4 (1984), 11-13. (O)\\
200.	 Halbautomatisches Erstellen von Bildschirmtextgrafik (with H. Cheng); Angewandte Informatik 8 (1984), 333-339. (J)\\
201.	 Die Bedeutung intelligenter Terminals für Bildschirmtext; Telematika, Stuttgart (1984). (P)\\
202.	 MUPID – ein österreichisches Terminal revolutioniert Bildschirmtext (with I. Mischinger); West-Ost Journal 1/2 (1984), 59. (O)\\
203.	 Fördern – nicht hemmen!; Output 2 (1984). (O)\\
204.	 Der Durchbruch von Btx steht bevor; Bildschirmtext 3/4 (März/April 1984), 24-27. (O)\\
205.	 Teleprogramme – der richtige Weg zu Bildschirmtext – wenn sie richtig verwendet werden (with H. Cheng); Lies Mit (1984). (O)\\
206.	 MUPID 2 –Zeit im Aufwind; Computer Zeitung (Mai 1984). (O)\\ 
207.	 An innovative project in telematics (with I. Sebéstyén); IFIP Information Bulletin 18 (1984), 6-7. (J)\\
208.	 MUPID 2 – Überblick (with W.D. Fellner); B 47, IIG Graz (1984). (R)\\
209.	 Neue Möglichkeiten mit intelligenten Videotex Endgeräten; 2. Schweizerischer Videotex Kongreß, Basel (1984), III18-III25. Appeared also in: Marketing Journal 5 (1984), 490-493. (J)\\
210.	 CUU mit intelligenten BTX-Terminals; Bildschirmtext in der betrieblichen Aus- und Weiterbildung, FU Berlin (1984), 3-8. (P)\\
211.	 Theoretische Grundlagen der Informationsverarbeitung (with W. Bucher); BI Mannheim (1984). (B)\\
212.	 Der Mupid Ausdruckdienst: Die gegenwärtige Situation und zukünftige Möglichkeiten; Bericht IIG Graz (1984). (O)\\
213.	 Videotex '84 in Chicago; Lies Mit 3 (1984), 18. (O)\\
214.	 Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung (Surveys in Computer Science) 1984 (Ed.), BI Mannheim (1984). (B)\\
215.	 Telematik als Forschungsschwerpunkt für die 90er Jahre; Forschungspolitik für die 90er Jahre, Springer Verlag (1985), 331-347. (P)\\
216.	 Btx 2000; BAV-Kongreß Band, Wien (1984). (P)\\ 
217.	 GASC: A low-cost, no-nonsense Graphic and Software Communication System (with H. Cheng, P. Lipp); Electronic Publishing Review 5 (1985), 141-155. (J)\\
218.	 Denseness, Maximality and Decidability of Grammatical Families (with A. Salomaa, E. Welzl, D. Wood); [Mathematica 1986|https://www.nid-library.com/Home/ViewBook/2103] (J)\\
219.	 Führungskraft und Informationslawine; WdF (1984), 13-14. (J)\\
220.	 Btx – neue Chancen für rechnerunterstütztes Lernen (RUL); Tagungsband des Arbeitskreises Bildung der Bildschirmtext-Anbieter-Vereinigung, Stuttgart (1985). (P)\\
221.	 Zweijahresbericht (with W. Bucher); Bericht IIG Graz (1985). (O)\\
222.	 Neue Anwendungen intelligenter Btx-Terminals; Tagungsband Fiba Stuttgart (1985). (P)\\
223.	 The Videotex Saga; Comnet Proceedings Budapest (1985). (P)\\
224.	 Computer und Informationsgesellschaft; Club AAB 11/12 (1985), 57-67. (O)\\
225.	 Bildschirmtext und die Gesellschaft; Retzhofschriften 11 (1985), 47-67. (J)\\
226.	 Btx und mein Computer; Neue Medien – Chip (1985), 20-21. (O)\\
227.	 Authoring systems for computer assisted instruction; ACM Annual Conference, Denver (1985), 551-561. (P)\\
228.	 Probleme des Downloading von Teleprogrammen in Videotex-Systemen (with R. Posch); Videotex Europa, Basel (1985), XVII/5-XVII/8. (P)\\
229.	 Videotex als Mittel im Ausbildungsbereich; Videotex Europa, Basel (1985), IV/1-IV/7. (P)\\
230.	 Bildschirmtext und Unterricht; OCG-Tagung „Informationstechnik für die 90er Jahre“ (1985), 119-127. (P)\\
231.	 Some remarks on videotex privacy and security; Proc. Videotex '85 Conference Amsterdam (1985), 213-224. (P)\\
232.	 Überblicke Informationsverarbeitung (Surveys in Computer Science) 1985 (Ed.); BI Mannheim (1985). (B)\\
233.	 GASC – ein Graphik- und Softwarekommunikationssystem; GI-Jahrestagung Wien (1985). (P)\\
234.	 Btx für die Ausbildung im universitären Bereich (with H. Huemer and P. Sammer); Tagungsband BMfWuF (1985). (O)\\
235.	 Technikbewältigung durch Technik; Symposium des KAV (Kath. Akademikerverband), Graz (1985). (O)\\
236.	 Forschungsschwerpunkte am Institut für Informationsverarbeitung der TU Graz; Österr. Hochschulzeitung (1986). (O)\\
237.	 Autoo l– a new system for computer assisted instruction (with D. Kaiser); IIG-Report 218 (1986). (R)\\
238.	 Autool – a new authoring system (with J. Garratt, F. Huber, H. Huemer); IIG-Report 219 (1986), (R)\\
239.	 Nationwide teaching through a network of microcomputers; Proc. IFIP '86 Dublin, Ireland (1986), 429-432. (P)\\
240.	 Ein Experiment in Studienberatung über Btx  (with D. Kaiser); IIG-Report 220 (1986). (R)\\
241.	 Btx und MUPID-Führer; Bohmann Verlag (1986). (O)\\
242.	 How to develop a COSTOC course (with D. Kaiser); IIG Report 229 . (R)\\
243.	 Btx- und MUPID-Führer 2; Bohmann Verlag (1986). (O)\\
244.	 COSTOC – Computer Supported Teaching of Computer Science (with F. Makedon); Proc. of IFIP Conference on Teleteaching Budapest 1986, North-Holland Publ.Co. (1987), 107-119. (P)\\
245.	 CLEAR – Computer Learning Ressource Centers (with F. Makedon); Proc. of IFIP Conference on Teleteaching Budapest 1986, North-Holland Publ.Co. (1987), 93-106. (P)\\
246.	 Presentation Type CAI for classroom and lab use at University Level; Proc. International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Calgary (1987), 27-29. (P)\\
247.	 A Rule-Based Graphics Editor for Presentation CAI (with J. Koegel); Proc. of the 2nd Rocky Mountain Conf. on AI, Boulder, Colorado (1987), 133-142. (P)\\
248.	 Btx- und MUPID-Führer 3; Bohmann Verlag (1987). (O)\\ 
249.	 Presentation Type CAI in Computer Science Education at University Level (with F.~ Makedon, Th. Ottmann); J.MCA 10 (1987), 283-295. (J)\\
250.	 On Editors for Presentation Type CAI (Editoren für Präsentations-CUU (with F.~ Huber), Angewandte Informatik 11 (1987), 449-457. (J)\\
251.	 Extended Ideas on Editors for Presentation Type CAI (with F. Huber); IIG Report 240 (1987). (R)\\
252.	 A General Lesson Specification System (with R. Stubenrauch); IIG Report 241 (1987). (R)\\
253.	 Bildschirmtextorientierte Fileserver und Kleinstzentralen  (with P. Lipp, J. Nagy, R. Posch); IIG Report 242 (1987). (R)\\
254.	 Autool 2 Manual für COSTOC Autoren (with J. Garratt); IIG Report 244 (1987). (R)\\
255.	 Btx- und MUPID-Führer 4\/; Bohmann Verlag (1987). (O)\\
256.	 Sortierverfahren; COSTOC Anthology 7, Hofbauer Verlag, Switzerland (1988), (includes courseware). (B)\\
257.	 Sorting Techniques; COSTOC Anthology 7, Hofbauer Verlag, Switzerland (1988), (includes courseware). (B)\\
258.	 Selected Topics in Computer Science (Ed.); COSTOC Anthology 8, Hofbauer Verlag, Switzerland  (1988), (includes courseware). (B)\\
259.	 Computer Learning: A Step Beyond the Book (with F. Makedon, Th. Ottmann); Hector Congress Karlsruhe, Springer Verlag (1988), 441-449. (O)\\
260.	 A Report on the COSTOC Project; EATCS Bulletin 35 (1988), 48-53. (O)\\
261.	 Privacy and Security on Videotex Systems; Communications Technologies for the 1990's (Ed. D. Shorrok), Online Publ. London (1988), 49-55. (P)\\
262.	 Active Annotation in Hyper-COSTOC (with F. Makedon and L. Reinsperger); IIG Report 256 (1988). (R)\\
263.	 A Heterogeneous Data-Base with Hyper-Navigation as New Paradigm for CAI; UNESCO-Conference „Education and Informatics: Strengthening International Cooperation“, Paris (1989), 476-481. (P)\\
264.	 Computer Assisted Learning: ICCAL '89 (Ed.); LNCS 360, Springer Verlag (1989), (B)\\
265.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 1,1 (April 89), 12. (O)\\
266.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 1,2 (Juni 89), 11. (O)\\
267.	 BTX-Führer 1989; Generalpostdirektion Wien (Mai 1989). (O)\\
268.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 1,3 (Aug. 89), 18. (O)\\
269.	 Hypermedia Systems for Information and Education (with I. Tomek); Proc. of the 4th  Austrian-Hungarian Informatics Conf., J.v. Neumann Society for Computing Sciences, Budapest , 93-110. (P)\\
270.	 Hyper-COSTOC: A Comprehensive Computer-Based Teaching Support System (with F. Huber, F. Makedon); J.MCA 12 (1989), 293-317. (J)\\
271.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 1,4 (Oct. 89), 14. (O)\\ 
272.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 1,5 (Dec. 89), 6. (O)\\
273.	 Sklaverei in Österreich? oder: Obst in die Parks!; Fric Verlag Wien (1989), 230 p. (B)\\
274.	 Hypertext and Operating Systems (with I. Tomek); IIG Report 275 (1989). (R)\\
275.	 Hypermedia in Teleteaching (with I. Tomek); IIG Report 277 (1989)  R
276.	Tiny CAI Tools –Giving Students „the Works“ (with P. Gillard), J.MCA 13 (1990), 337-345. (J)\\
277.	 A Note on Colour-Table Programming (with P. Gillard), J.MCA 13 (1990), 97-104. (J)\\
278.	 Bildschirmtext (BTX); Österreichische Hochschulzeitung Nr. 2/42.Jg, 20-21, 1990. (O)\\
279.	 BTX-Führer 1990}; Generalpostdirektion Wien (1990). (O)\\
280.	 Some aspects of Hypermedia Systems and their treatment in Hyper-G (with I. Tomek); Wirtschaftsinformatik 32 (1990), 187-196. (J)\\
281.	 From Hypertexts to Hyperenvironments (with I. Tomek); e & i, Special Zemanek-Issue (1990), 614-616. (J)\\
282.	 Hypermedia in Teleteaching (with I. Tomek); Invited Paper, Proc. IFIF Congress WCCE '90, North Holland Pub.Co., Amsterdam (1990), 1009-1015. (P)\\ 
283.	 Kommunikation in einem Hypermedia-System (with W. Schinnerl, I. Tomek); Proc. of Hypertext/Hypermedia '90, IFB 249, Springer Verlag Berlin (1990), 124-133. (P)\\
284.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 2,1 (March 90), p 14. (O)\\
285.	 The Viewseum – An Introduction; IIG Report 279 (1990). (R)\\
286.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 2,2 (May 90), pp 7,10,11. (O)\\
287.	 Presentation metaphors for  very large hypermedia systems (with G. Davies, J. Preece); J.MCA 14 (1991), 105-116. (J)\\
288.	 HOTACT– HOmeTrainer And Computer Technology (with G. Soral), IIG Report 283 (1990). (R)\\
289.	 Der neue Arbeitskreis „Hypermedia-Systeme“; OCG Kommunikation (May 1990),  25-27 (O).
290.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 2,4 (Sept. 90) pp 14,16 (O).
291.	 Computer und Zukunft; Kolloquium, Institut für Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren, Uni Karlsruhe, Bericht 200 (1990), 23--41 (O).
292.	 Question-Answer Specification in CAL Tutorials: Automatic Problem Generation does not work  (with P. Gillard, M.G. Stone, R. Stubenrauch), Proc. 6th Symposium Didaktik der Mathematik, Klagenfurt/Austria, Hpölder-Pichler-Tempsky (1990), 191-197. (P)\\
293.	 Animation in Hyper-G – An Outline (with F. Kappe); Proc. Future Trends in Information Technology, Oldenburg Pub.Co. Vienna-Munich (1990), 235-248. (P)\\
294.	 Computer Visualization: The Crutch for a Missing Organ  (with P. Carlson); IIG Report 295 (1990). (R)\\
295.	 Introduction to Data Base Systems and the Relational Data Model;  COSTOC Anthology 28 (1990) (includes courseware). (B)\\
296.	 Mathematical Models in Computer Science; COSTOC Anthology 33, Hofbauer Verlag, Switzerland (1990) (includes courseware). (B)\\
297.	 Network Data Model; COSTOC Anthology 38, Hofbauer Verlag, Switzerland (1990) (includes courseware). (B)\\
298.	 Hypermediasysteme: Informationssysteme der Zukunft; Austria Innovativ 6 (1990), 17. (O)\\
299.	 BTX aktuell; BTX Journal 2,6 (1990), 8-9. (O)\\
300.	 Broadening the scope of hypermedia principles (with I. Tomek); Hypermedia 2, 3 (1990), 201-221. (J)\\
301.	 A model for next generation hypermedia systems (with I. Tomek); Proc. 19th Annual Computer Science Conference, San Antonio, Texas (1991), 456-470. (P)\\
302.	 Bounded Delay L Codes (with A. Salomaa, D. Wood); Theoretical Computer Science 84 (1991), 265-279. (J)\\ 
303.	Hypermedia Bibliography (with I. Tomek); J. MCA 14 (1991), 161-216. (J)\\
304.	 Hypermedia Systems and Other Computer Support as Infrastructure for Museums (with M.R. Williams); J.MCA 14 (1991), 117-137. (J)\\
305.	 Fitnesstraining fürs Gehirn; Furche 3 (1991), 10. (O)\\ 
306.	 The Analyst as a Starting Point for a Hypermedia System (with I. Tomek); J.MCA 14 (1991), 139-160. (J)\\
307.	 Jede Entwicklung, die man verstanden hat, ist veraltet; Computerwoche (März 1991), 94-99. (O)\\
308.	 BTX-Führer 1991; Generalpostdirektion Wien (1991). (O)\\
309.	 Hyper-G: Das Grazer Hypermediasystem  (with F. Kappe); Monitor (Juni 1991), 96-101. (J)\\
310.	 Hypertext/Hypermedia'91 (Ed.), Proc. of Symposium, IFB 276, Springer Pub.Co. (1991). (B)\\
311.	 Hyper-G: Specification of Requirements (with F. Kappe, I. Tomek); IIG Report 284 (1991) and Proc. Conference on Intelligent Systems, CIS'91, Veszprem, Hungary (1991), 257-272. (P)\\
312.	 New Results and New Trends in Computer Science (Ed.), Proc. Of Symposium, LNCS 555, Springer Pub.Co. (1991). (B)\\
313.	 Hypermedia and Computer Supported Teaching; Proc. Nordic Conference on  Computer Aided Higher Education, Otaniemi, Finland (1991), 162-171.  (P)\\ (Invited contribution).
314.	 Hypermedia – from the Past to the Future (with I. Tomek); LNCS 555, Springer Pub.Co. (1991), 320--336. (P)\\ 
315.	 Special Hypermedia-Issue of the Journal of Microcomputer Applications 14, 2 (1991) (Ed.). (J)\\
316.	 Computervisualisierung: die Krücke für ein fehlendes Organ? (with P. Carlson), technolgie & management 41, 1 (1992), 22-26. (J)\\
317.	 Pro und Contra Hypermedia (with W. Rauch); Computerwoche 43 (1991), 73-76. (J)\\
318.	 Links in Hypermedia Systems (with I. Tomek); IIG Report 315 (1991). (R)\\
319.	 Computer Visualization, a Missing Organ and a Cyber-Equivalency (with P. Carlson); Collegiate Microcomputer X, 2 (1992), 110-116. (J)\\
320.	 Why Hypermedia Systems are Important; Proc. ICCAL'92, LNCS 602, Springer Pub. Co (1992), 1-15. (P)\\ (Invited Paper)
321.	 Zehn Jahre Grazer Zweigverein der OCG (with U. Pail); OCG Kommunikativ 16, 1 (1992), 20-21. (O)\\
322.	 Software Development on the Basis of Frame-Channel Model ( with N. Scherbakov); Proc. SPSE'92, Klagenfurt, OCG/NJSZT, Springer (1992), 206-213. (P)\\
323.	 Die IIG -- ein österreichisches Zentrum für Hypermedia-Entwicklungen; Internal Report IICM Graz (1992). (O)\\
324.	 Hyper-G: Hauptstoßrichtungen; Internal Report IICM Graz (1992). (O)\\
325.	 A critical review of the paper „Videotex in Austria“; Report for the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research, Graz (1992). (O)\\
326.	 Gras auf dem Mond? oder: Frauen in alle Gremien!; Fric Verlag Wien (1992), 300 p. (B)\\ 
327.	 Applying a PC-based new hypermedia system for information and education (with P. Sammer, R. Stubenrauch); Internal Report IICM Graz (1992). (O)\\
328.	 Hyper PC – a New Training Tool and its Integration in a Large  Hypermedia System (with F. Kappe, N. Scherbakov), Proc. ETTE'92 Paris (1992), 271-282. (P)\\
329.	 Links in Hypermedia Systems (with F. Kappe, I. Tomek); Proc. SPSE'92, Klagenfurt, OCG/NJSZT, Springer (1992), (P)\\
330.	 Helping the User to Select a Link (with I. Tomek), Hypermedia 4, 2 (1992), 111-122. (J)\\
331.	 Hyper-G: A Modern Hypermedia System (with F. Kappe, G. Pani, F. Schnabel), Proc. Network Services Conference (NSC)'92, Pisa, Italy  (Nov. 1992), 35-36. (P)\\
332.	 Hyper-G – A Universal Hypermedia System (with F. Kappe, N. Sherbakov), J.EMH (Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia) 2,1 (1993), 39-66. (J)\\
333.	 Hyper-G: ein großes universelles Hypermediasystem und einige Spinoffs (with F. Kappe); it + ti (Informationstechnik und Technische Informatik) 35, 2,  (April 1993), 39-46. (J)\\
334.	 AEIOU – Annotierbares Elektronisches Interaktives Österreich-Universallexikon; Internal Report Graz (1993) (O).
335.	 Deductive Databases (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report 1, Graz/Perm (1992). (R)\\
336.	 Object-oriented Databases (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report 2, Graz/Perm (1993). (R)\\
337.	 Functional Data Model (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report 3, Graz/Perm (1993). (R)\\
338.	 The HM-data Model (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report 4, Graz/Perm (1993)(R)
339.	 Hypermedia Efforts and Hypermedia Philosophy at the Graz University of Technology; IIG Report 354 (January 1993). (R)\\
340.	 Spekulationen über die multimediale Zukunft; CAP debis Reprint (1993) (O).
341.	 Network Data Model (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report 5, Graz/Perm (March 1993). (R)\\
342.	 Interactive Information Center  (with D. Foresta, J. Götschl, W. Schinagl); Proc. ED-MEDIA' 93 , AACE, Virginia (1993), 197-202. (P)\\
343.	 Optimal Presentation of Links in  Large Hypermedia Systems (with M. Nassar, I. Tomek); Proc. ED-MEDIA'93, AACE, Virginia (1993), 511-518. (P)\\
344.	 Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 1993 (Ed.); Proc. ED-MEDIA'93, AACE, Virginia (1993). (P)\\
345.	 From Multimedia to Hypermedia; Proc. of the 13th New Zealand Computer Society Conference, Auckland (Aug. 1993), 2-9. (P)\\ 
346.	 From Hypertext to Active Communication/Information Systems (with F. Kappe); IIG Report 363 (May 1993); J.MCA. 17 (1994) 333-344. (J)\\
347.	 Hyper-G: A Large Universal Hypermedia System and Some Spin-offs (with F. Kappe); IIG Report 364 (May 1993); also appeared as electronic version, anonymous FTP siggraph.org, in publications /May-93-online/Kappe.Maurer
348.	 Lecturing Technology: A Future with Hypermedia (with J. Lennon); University of Auckland, Computer Science Report No 74 (July 1993) (R); Educational Technology 34, 4 (1994), 5-14. (J)\\
349.	 Die Vortragstechnologie in zehn Jahren; in: Entwicklungen im Management – Gedankenskizzen für Innovationsbewußte, Linde Verlag, Wien (1993), 145-153.. (P)\\
350.	 Hypermedia Systems Without Links (with A. Philpott, N. Scherbakov); University of Auckland, Computer Science Report No. 75 (July 1993); J.MCA. 17,4 (1994), 321-332. (J)\\
351.	 An Overview of Hypermedia and Multimedia Systems; in: Virtual World and Multimedia; N. Magnenat Thalmann, D. Thalmann (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, New York (1993), 1-12. (P)\\
352.	 Applications of Hypermedia in Universities (with J. Lennon); University of Auckland, Computer Science Report No. 78 (September 1993). (R)\\
353.	 Hyper-G: Ein modernes verteiltes Informationssystem und seine Anwendungen (with F. Kappe); Proc. Synergie durch Kommunikation: Netzwerksystems, Netzwerkplanung, Multimedia; Kongreßdokumen-tation, Hochschul-Computer-Form 1993 (Hrsg.: Technologie-Vermittlungs-Agentur Berlin E.V.), VISTAS, Berlin (1993), 211-129. (P)\\
354.	 A New Hypermedia Data Model (with N. Scherbakov, P. Srinivasan); Proc. DEXA'93, Prag, LNCS 720, Springer Pub. Co. (1993), 685-696. (P)\\
355.	 Structured Browsing of Hypermedia Databases (with F. Kappe, N. Scherbakov, P. Srinivasan); Human Computer Interaction, Vienna, LNCS 733, Springer Pub. Co. (1993), 51-62. (P)\\
356.	Ideen zum Ars Electronica Center: Viewseum, hypermediale Systeme und andere computerunterstützte Verfahren als Infrastruktur für Museen (with M.R. Williams); Ars Electronica Center Projektstudie, Band 3 (1993), VI/1-51. (O)\\
357.	 Hyper-PC -- a New Hypermedia Authoring System  (with N. Scherbakov, P. Srinivasan); Proc. of CBLIS'93, Vienna (Dec. 1993), 181-190. (P)\\
358.	 Introduction to Database Systems and the Relational Data Model (with N. Scherbakov); CSAR Report No. 6 (1993). (R)\\ 
359.	 Multimedia Systems for the General Public: Experiences at World Expositions and Lessons Learned (with P. Sammer, A. Schneider); Proc. Second Interactive Multimedia Symposium, Perth, Western Australia (Jan. 1994), 333-341 (P)\\
360.	 An Electronic Library and its Ramifications (with H. Mülner, A. Schneider); IIG Report 382, January 1994. (R)\\
361.	 Forecasting - an Impossible Necessity (with J. Lennon); NZ SCIENCE Monthly (February 1994), 12-13. (O)\\
362.	 They Just Sold New Zealand (with L. Rajasingham, J. Tiffin); NZ SCIENCE Monthly (March 1994), 6-7. (O)\\
363.	 JUCS: The Journal for Universal Computer Science and its Applications to Science and Engineering Teaching (with C. Calude, A. Salomaa); Report No. 91, University of Auckland (March 1994). (R)\\
364.	 JUCS: The Journal for Universal Computer Science and its Applications to Science and Engineering Teaching (Extended Abstract) (with C. Calude, A. Salomaa); Proc. Salodays in Auckland, Auckland (1994), 30-32. (P)\\
365.	 Pocket Mathematics (with C. Calude); Proc. Salodays in Auckland, The University of Auckland (1994), 25-29; Mathematical Aspects of Natural and Formal Languages (Ed. G.Paun), World Scientific Series in Computer Science, vol. 43, World Scientific- Singapore (1994), 13-41. 
366.	 Salodays in Auckland (Ed.) (with C. Calude, .J. Lennon); Auckland University (1994) (P)\\
367.	 Theory as Basis for Advances in Hypermedia (with F. Kappe); RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 28, 3-4 (1994), 201-211. (J)\\
368.	 A.E.I.O.U und das Österreicharchiv; Proc. Symposium Grenzenloses Österreich, Vienna, Austria (April 1994), 21-28. (P)\\
369.	 Authoring a Large Distributed Hypermedia System: Document Linking and Embedding (DLE) concept (with F. Kappe, N. Scherbakov); Proc.First Eurographics Symposium on Multimedia, Graz (1994), 230-243. (P)\\
370.	 Learning Theoretical Aspects is Important but (Sometimes) Dangerous; LNCS 812, Springer Pub.Co. Heidelberg/New York (1994), 279-288. (P)\\
371.	 Results and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science (Ed.) (with J. Karhumäki, G. Rozenberg); LNCS 812 Springer Pub.Co. Heidelberg/New York (1994) (B)\\
372.	 Conceptual Modeling in Hypermedia: Authoring of Large Hypermedia Databases (with F. Kappe, N. Scherbakov, P. Srinivasan); Proc. Hypermedia'94, Vaasa, Vaasa Institute of Technology (1994), 294-304. (P)\\
373.	 MUSLI -- A MUlti-Sensory Language Interface (with J. Lennon); Proc. ED-MEDIA' 94 (best paper award), AACE, Virginia (1994), 341-348. 
374.	 New Aspects of a Hypermedia University Representation (with A. Schneider); Proc. ED-MEDIA' 94, Vancouver, AACE, Virgina (1994), 504-509. (P)\\
375.	 HyperCard Monitor System (with Julian Harris); Proc. ED-MEDIA' 94, Vancouver, AACE, Virgina (1994), 246-250. (P)\\
376.	 Lecturing in the Future: Bringing it all Together; Proc. ED-MEDIA'94, Vancouver, AACE, Virgina (1994), 46. Invited Paper (P)\\
377.	 The A.E.I.O.U.  Hypermedia Project; Computer Animation' 94, IEEE Computer Society Press (1994), 192-196 (P)\\
378.	 Networked Multimedia Systems (with F. Kappe, K. Andrews, J. Faschingbauer, M. Gaisbauer, M. Pichler, J. Schipflinger); Proc. TECHNOVA 94, Graz. (P)\\
379.	 From Personal Computer to Personal Assistant (with J. Lennon); IIG Report No. 386, Graz/Austria (1994). (R)\\
380.	 Bald Computer als Multimedia-Maschine: Nachträglich zum Rendezvous  mit Marlyn!; ibi 7/8 1994, 11-21. (O)\\
381.	 Object-Oriented Modeling of Hyperstructure: Overcoming the Static Link Deficiency (with N. Scherbakov, K. Andrews, P. Srinivasan); Information and Software Technology (IST) 36, 6 (1994), 315-322. (J)\\
382.	 Extending Electronic Eyes; NZ SCIENCE Monthly (July 1994), 3. (O)\\ 
383.	 Advancing the Ideas of World Wide Web: Hyper-G; Proc.Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications, Honolulu (1994), 201-203. (P)\\
384.	 Hyper-G: A New Tool for Distributed Hypermedia (with F. Kappe, K. Andrews, J. Faschingbauer, M. Gaisbauer, M.  Pichler, J. Schipflinger); Proc.Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications, Honolulu (1994), 209-214. (P)\\
385.	 Applications and Impact of Hypermedia Systems: An Overview (with J. Lennon); J.UCS 0, 0 (1994), 54 -108. (J)\\
386.	 J.UCS- The Next Generation in Electronic Journal Publishing (with K. Schmaranz); J.UCS 0, 0 (1994), 118-126; Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26 (1994), 563-569. (J)\\
387.	 On Second Generation Hypermedia Systems (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe, K. Schmaranz); J.UCS 0,0 (1995), 127-136. (J). 
388.	 Hypermedia Authoring with HM-Card (with N. Scherbakov, A. Schneider); IIG Report No. 396, (1994)(R) 
389.	 Document Linking and Embedding: A New Hypermedia Structuring Paradigm (with N. Scherbakov); Proc. of MHVR'94, LNCS 1077, Springer Pub. Co.(Sept. 1994), 17-27. (P)\\
390.	 Computer Based Learning in Distributed Hypermedia Environment (with F. Kappe, N. Scherbakov); Proc. EW-ED' 94, East-West Conference on Computer Technologies in Education, Crimea, Ukraine, Part 1 (1994), 160-164. (P)\\
391.	 Harmony on an Expanding Net (with B. Fenn); Interactions (October 1994), 26-38. (J)\\
392.	 Conferencing - Do It the Hypermedia Way (with A. Schneider); Report no. 101, Dept. of CS, University of Auckland (Sept. 1994). (R)\\
393.	 Networked Multimedia in the Auckland Casino, Technical Report,  University of Auckland (1994). (O)\\
394.	 On Major Misconceptions Concerning Networked Multimedia; 27th Professor R. Van Cauteren Chair on Multimedia, Brussels, Belgium (1994) (P)\\
395.	 Die Infobahnen der Zukunft; Proc. ENTER'95, Innsbruck, Oldenbourg Verlag (1995), 148-165. (P)\\
396.	 Hypermedia in the Making (with J. Lennon); Datamation (October 1994), 84-85. (J)\\
397.	 Levels of Anonymity (with B. Flinn); IIG Report No. 387, Graz/Austria (1994); JUCS 1, 1 (1995), 35-47. (J)\\
398.	 Internet and Electronic Publishing; STM Innovations Seminar „Gutenberg on the Superhighway“, London (Dec. 1994), STM Newsletter (March 1995), 36-44. (O)\\
399.	 HM-Card: A New Hypermedia Authoring System (with N. Scherbakov, A. Schneider); Multimedia Tools and Applications 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (1995), 305-326. (J)\\
400.	 Hyper-G: A Distributed Hypermedia System of the Second Generation (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe, K. Schmaranz); Proc. EEOS Workshop, Marino (Rome) Dec. 1994, CEO/130/1994 ESRIN EEOS-WS1-001-FP-1.0 (March 1995), 305-318. (P)\\
401.	 The roles of digital libraries in teaching and learning (with G. Marchionini); C.ACM 38, 4 (April 1995), 67-75. (J)\\
402.	 Interactive and Annotated Semiotics (with J. Lennon); IN: Nöth, W. (Ed.): Semiotics of the Media, State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives, Mouton de Gryter ; Kassel, Germany (March 1995), . (P)\\
403.	 Hypermedia in a Gambling Casino Setting; Proc. HIM'95, Konstanz, Universitätsverlag Konstanz (1995), 233-241. (P)\\
404.	 Hyper-G and Harmony: Towards the Next Generation of Networked Information Technology (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe); Proc. of  CHI'95, Denver, ACM (1995), 33-34. (P)\\
405.	 Proceedings of ED-MEDIA'95 (Ed.); AACE Publishing, Virginia (1995). (B)\\
406.	 On Second Generation Network Hypermedia Systems (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe, K. Schmaranz); Proc. ED-MEDIA'95, Graz (1995), 75-80. (P)\\
407.	 Interactive and Annotated Movies (with C.Jayasinha, J. Lennon); Proc. ED-MEDIA'95, Graz (1995), 366-371. (P)\\ 
408.	 Digital Libraries as Components of Modern Computer Supported Learning Environments (with G. Marchionini); Proc. ED-MEDIA' 95, Graz (1995), 413-417. (P)\\
409.	 Conferencing: Doing it the hypermedia way (with A. Schneider); Proc. ED-MEDIA'95, Graz (1995), 436-441. (P)\\
410.	 Support for teaching in a hypermedia university transaction, information and communication system (with N. Scherbakov, A. Schneider); Proc.  ED-MEDIA'95, Graz (1995), 448-453. (P)\\
411.	 Future Aspects of Electronic Publishing in the Internet (with K. Schmaranz); Proc. ED-MEDIA'95, Graz (1995), 442-447. (P)\\
412.	 Teaching in a Distributed Hypermedia Environment (with N. Scherbakov, A. Schneider); Proc. CBLIS'95, Opava (July 1995), 527-536. (P)\\ 
413.	 Semantic Modeling of Object-Oriented Hypermedia Databases (with K. Andrews, N. Scherbakov); Proc. of EWHCI'95, Moscow, Vol. 1 (July 1995), 219-232 and LNCS 1015, Springer Pub. (1995), 121-134. (P)\\
414.	 New Ways of Using Old Media (with J. Lennon); NZ Science Monthly (August 1995), 10-11. (O)\\
415.	 Die Entwicklung der Non-print Medien 1945 -- 1995; Sonderausgabe von POLITICUM (Mai 1995), 43-48. (O)\\
416.	 Hypermedia Systems: An Introduction (with J. Lennon);  Programming 1995, no. 2 (1995), 48-60. (in Russian) (J)\\
417.	 Applications of Hypermedia Systems (with J.Lennon); Programming 1995, no. 3 (1995), 17-34. (in Russian) (J)\\
418.	 J.UCS and Extensions as Paradigm for Electronic Publishing (with K. Schmaranz); Proc. DAGS' 95, Boston, Birkhäuser, Boston (May 1995), 191-196. (P)\\
419.	 Serving Information to the Web with Hyper-G (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe); Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 27 (1995), 919-926. (J)\\
420.	 Infobahnen der Zukunft (1); Computer Kommunikativ 1/95, OCG (März 1995). (O)\\  
421.	 Datenhighways und Multimedia: Chancen und Gefahren für den Printbereich; Das österreichische grafische Gewerbe 47, Heft 7-8 (1995), 2-8. (O)\\
422.	 HM-CARD: A Second Generation Hypermedia Authoring Tool (with N. Scherbakov, A. Nedoumov); Proc. of Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems (MHS),  MIPRO' 95, Rijeka (May 1995), 6-12.
423.	 ‘Der Tod als Hilfe?’ oder ‘Der Berg von hinten!’; Fric Verlag, Wien (1995) (B)\\
424.	Infobahnen der Zukunft (2); Computer Kommunikativ 3/95, OCG (June 1995). (O)\\ 
425.	 Internet als Publikationsforum: Probleme und Lösungen; Proc. Electronic Publishing, IIR Munich, Germany (1995). (P)\\
426.	 Hypermedia Systems as Internet Tools; LNCS 1000, Springer Pub.Co. Heidelberg (1995), 608-624.
427.	 Die Internet Euphorie; Wirtschaftsblatt (Sept. 95).  (O)\\
428.	 The Hyper-G Network Information System (with K. Andrews, F. Kappe); J.UCS 1,4 (1995), 206-220. (J)\\
429.	 Digital Libraries as Learning and Teaching Support (with J. Lennon); J.UCS 1/11 (1995), 719-727; Proc. ICCE'95, Singapore (Dec. 1995), AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1995), 28-33. (Invited Paper) (P)\\
430.	 Lecturing „On the Fly“ (with J. Lennon); Proc. ICCE'95, Singapore  (Dec. 1995), AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1995), 150-156. (P)\\
431.	 Glimpses at the Future of Networked Hypermedia Systems (with A. Schneider); Proc. ICCE'95, Singapore (Dec. 1995), AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1995), 236-242. (P)\\
432.	 Die Pubertät des elektronischen Zeitalters; Internationale Wirtschaft 39 (Okt. 1995), 30-31. (O)\\
433.	 On some New Aspects of Networked Multimedia Systems; Proc. SOFSEM'95, Milovy, Czech Republic (November 1995), LNCS 1012, Springer Pub.Co. (1995), 315-333. (P)\\
434.	 The Graz Digital Library Effort; ACM SIGLINK Newsletter, Vol IV, No.2 (Sept. 1995), 10. (J)\\
435.	 Vernetzte Multimedia Systeme; Telematik 1, 2/3 (1995), 6-11. (J)\\ 
436.	 Hypermedia Network Architecture for Digital Echocardiography (with S. Lobodzinski); Medical Imaging 1996: PACS Design and Evaluation: Engineering and Clinical Issues (R. G. Jost, S.J. Dwyer; Eds), Proc. SPIE Vol. 2711, p 214-221. (P)\\ 
437.	 Applications of Hypermedia in Universities (with J. Lennon); Technical Report, Dept. of CS, The University of Auckland (1995). (R)\\
438.	Neue Medien-Technik -- Neue Media-Chancen?; Tagungsband der 42. Werbewirtschaftlichen Tagung, Österr. Werbewissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Wien (Nov. 1995), 81-87. (P)\\
439.	M4 – Das Multi Mediale Musik Museum Wien; Projektvorstudie für das WED, Wien (Jänner 1996). (O)\\
440.	DynamIcons as Dynamic Graphic Interfaces: Interpreting the Meaning of a Visual Representation (with D.H. Jonassen, R. Goldman-Segal); Intelligent Tutoring Media , vol. 6 (3/4) (1996), 149-158 (J).\\
441.	Multimedia (with J. Faschingbauer); in: Hüffel, C., Reiter, A. (Hrsg.): Praxis der EDV/Informatik, Verlag Jugend und Volk, Wien (1996), 353-371.\\
442.	 Multimedia Authoring for Presentation and Education - The Official Guide to HM Card (with N. Scherbakov); (Ed.) Addison-Wesley, Bonn, 1996. (B)\\
443.	 HyperWave: The Next Generation Web Solution; (Ed.), Addison-Wesley Longman, London (1996).\\
444.	 Flexible Link Architecture in Hypermedia Systems (with J. Lennon); Proc. ED-MEDIA'96, Boston, AACE (1996), 384-389. (P)\\
445.	 Courseware Market: Problems and Solutions (with N. Scherbakov); Proc. ED-MEDIA'96, Boston, AACE (1996), 427-432. (P)\\
446.	 Navigation Through Medical Digital Video Libraries (with. S. Lobodzinski); ED-MEDIA'96, Boston, AACE (1996), 788. (P)\\
447.	 LATE: A Unified Concept for a Learning And Teaching Environment; J.UCS 2, 8 (1996), 580-595. (J)\\
448.	J.UCS: The Journal for Universal Computer Science and its Applications to Teaching (with C. Calude, A. Salomaa);  Symposium Didaktik der Mathematik, Klagenfurt, Schriftenreihe Didaktik der Mathematik, Band 23 (1996), 255-262 (P)\\
449.	 Hypermedia Paradigms as a Model of Human-Computer Interaction (with  N. Scherbakov); Proc. EWCHI’96, Moscow (1996), 67-73.\\
450.	Proceedings of WebNet'96 (Ed.), San Francisco Oct. 15-19, 1996, AACE, Virginia (1996). (B)\\
451.	 Towards a Novel Networked Learning Environment (with A. Koutoumanos, N. Papaspyrou, S. Retalis, E. Skordalakis); Proc. WebNet'96, San Francisco, AACE (1996), 267-272. (P)\\
452.	 Aspects of Large World Wide Web Systems (with J. Lennon); Proc. WebNet'96, San Francisco, AACE (1996), 298-303. (P)\\ 
453.	 Browsing Hypermedia Composites: An Algebraic Approach (with K. Andrews, N. Scherbakov); Proc. WebNet'96, San Francisco, AACE (1996), 348-353. (P)\\
454.	 An Ongoing Experiment in ODL using New Technologies (with N. Papaspyrou, A. Koutoumanos, E. Skordalakis); Proc. WebNet'96, San Francisco, AACE (1996), 390-395. (P)\\
455.	Glimpses at the Future of Networked Hypermedia Systems (with M. Klemme, Achim Schneider), Journal Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, AACE, 5, 3/4 (1996), 225-238. (J)\\
456.	 HyperWave, der österreichische Beitrag zum WWW; Der Standard, 5. 2.1997, 11 (O)\\
457.	 Braucht man das Internet?; DINERS Club Magazin , Heft 2, 1997, 54-55.\\
458.	Datenbanken, Interaktivität und Benutzerprofile im WWW;  Proc. DIK’97, dpunkt Verlag Heidelberg (1997), 25-34. (P)\\
459.	 Hyperwave aus Graz: Ordnung ins chaotische WWW!; Made in Styria 2/97 (Juni 1997), 48-49. \\
459.	Customization of Educational Material Delivered over the Internet (with S. Maglajlic, N. Scherbakov); Proc. ED-MEDIA’97, Calgary, AACE (1997), 659-664. (P)\\
460.	 Necessary  Ingredients of Integrated Network Based Learning Environments; Proc. ED-MEDIA’97,  Calgary, AACE (1997), 709-716. (P)\\
461.	Preliminary Evaluation Results of the EONT Project (with V. Makrakis + 11 other co-authors); Internal Report  June 1997. (R)\\
462.	 WW-WWW-WW?,  Jahresbericht 96, AIFB, Karlsruhe, Bericht Nr. 353 (1997), 173-176. (O)\\
463.	Wie sich die Dinge oft wiederholen ...; Katalog zu „Jenseits von Kunst“, Passagen Verlag (1997), 388-389. (O)\\
464.	 The emergence of Sophisticated Distributed Teaching and Learning Environments; Proc. ITiCSE’97, Stockholm, ACM. (P)\\
465.	What We Want from WWW as Distributed Multimedia System; Proc. VSMM’97, Geneva. IEEE, 148-155. (P)\\
466.	Object-Oriented Hypermedia: A Non-Existing Problem (with N. Scherbakov), Proc. WOON (White Object-Oriented Nights)’97, St. Petersburg, September 1997 (1997), 155-163. (P)\\
467.	 Keine Wegweiser in den elektronischen Orkus aufstellen; Computerwoche 41/97, 105-108. (J)\\
468.	 Novel Aspects of Web Based Training; Open Classroom II Conf., Crete Greece (1997), p. 6. (O)\\
469.	 Hyperwave: Der Beitrag der TU Graz zum Internet; Jahresbericht der TU Graz (1997), 77-80. (R)\\
470.	 On Two Aspects of Improving Web-Based Training; J.UCS 3, 10 (1997), 1126-1132. (J)\\
471.	 Der Einsatz von modernen WWW-Systemen als multimediale Datenspeicher (with A. Grim, C. Fessl); Österr. Zeitschrift für Vermessung & Geoinformation,  Heft 3, 1997, 190-197. (J)\\
472.	Der Telematiker in den nächsten 10 Jahren;  Telematik, Jahrgang 3, 3 (1997), 20-21. (O)\\
473.	 How Modern WWW Systems Support Teaching and Training;  (with Th. Dietinger), Proc. of  ICCE’97, Kuching, Malaysia, AACE, Charlottesville (1997), 37-51. (P)\\
474.	 Large WWW-Systems: New Phenomena, Problems and Solutions; Proc. of the 21st Annual Conference  of the GfKl, 1997; Classification,  Data Analysis, and Data Highways; Balderjahn, Mathar, Schader (eds)),  Springer Verlag (1998), pp270-276. (P)\\
475.	 Web-Based Knowledge Management; Internet Watch, Computer, March 98, IEEE, 122-123. (J)\\
476.	Große WWW Systeme: Neue Phänomene, Probleme und Lösungen; in: Kolb, A., Esterbauer, R., Ruckenbauer H.-W. (Hrsg): Cyberethik, Verantwortung in der digital vernetzten Welt, Verlag Kohlhammer (1998), 182-187.\\ 
477.	 Using the WWW System Hyperwave as the Basis of a General Networked Teaching and Learning Environment; CIT, vol. 6, 1 (1998), 63-72 (special issue) (J)\\
478.	 GENTLE - (GEneral Networked Training and Learning Environment) (with Th. Dietinger); Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98, Freiburg, Germany, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1998), 274-280. (P)\\
479.	 Separating Structure and Content: Authoring Educational WEB Applications (with S. Maglajlic, N. Scherbakov), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98, Freiburg, Germany, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1998), 880-884. (P)\\
480.	 On Two Aspects of Improving Web-Based Training; Proceedings of ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98, Freiburg, Germany, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1998), 925-930. (P)\\
481.	 AEIOU - The Development and Presentation of a Multimedia National Project; Proc. ED-MEDIA & ED-TELECOM 98, AACE, Charlottesville (1998), 931. (O)\\
482.	 Modern WISs; C.ACM, July 1998, 41, 7 (special section), 114-115 (J)\\ 
483.	 Multimedia learning Environment: Combining easier courseware production and new learning methods; (with Th. Dietinger, M. Pivec); Proc. of Teleteaching´98, XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, OCG Schriftenreihe (1998), 39-49. (P)\\
484.	 From Databases to Hypermedia (with N. Scherbakov, Z. Halim, Z. Razak); Springer Pub. Heidelberg (1998). (B)\\
485.	 GENTLE (GEneral Networked Training and Learning Environment) - Die sanfte Einführung in virtuelle Ausbildung (mit Th. Dietinger, C. Gütl, M. Pivec); Proc. ICL 98, Villach, Technikum Kärnten (1998) , 11-17. (P)\\
486.	 A critical look at current Web Based Training efforts; Proc. ICCE98, Beijing, CHEP, Beijing and Springer Heidelberg (1998) 30-33. (P)\\
487.	 Intelligent Knowledge Gathering and Management as New Ways of an Improved Learning Process ( with Th. Dietinger, C. Gütl, M. Pivec, K. Schmaranz); Proc. WebNet 98, Orlando, FL, AACE, Charlottesville, USA, 244-249. (P)\\
488.	 Course Development Environment for Hyperwave (with N. Scherbakov); Proc. WebNet 98, Orlando, FL, AACE, Charlottesville, USA 623-628. (P)\\
489.	 Proceedings of WebNet 98, Orlando, Florida  November 7-12, 1998 (Ed. with R. Olson), AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1998)  (B)\\
490.	 GENTLE (General Networked Training and Learning Environment) (with Th. Dietinger), Proc.   Multimedia - Aufbruch in neue Lernwelten (Reiter A., Hrsg.) OCG Schriftenreihe, Bd. 111 (1998) 99-110.\\
491.	 Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer: Key Issues of the Information Society;  Proc. of IST'98, Vienna, European Commission and Austrian Ministry of Science & Transport (1998) 132-133.\\
492.	Modern Web Systems and Important Applications; Proceedings of the Conference on Electronic Communication and Research in Europe, Darmstadt April 1998, European Commission, DG XII (1999), 53-61. (P)\\
493.	Can WWW Be Successful?,  Proc. IFIP'99 Eighth Working Conference on Database Semantics, Rotorua , NZ,  Kluwer Academic Publishers (1999), 17-25.(P)\\ 
494.	 Not Only Theory; in: People & Ideas in  TCS (C.Calude, Ed.), Springer-Verlag Singapore (1999) 205-226.
495.	 Vienna Tower, (with Mag. W. Schinagl); Studie im Auftrag der Stadt Wien; Jänner 1999, (O)\\
496.	 Kriterien für ein flexibles System für die Unterstützung von Ausbildungsaufgaben mit modernerer Web-Technologie (with Th. Dietinger, Ch. Gütl, N. Scherbakov, K. Schmaranz), HMD 205,Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, Hüthig Verlag (1999), 22-33.
497.	 Incidental learning, motivation and the Tamagotchi Effect: VR-Friends, chances for new ways of learning with computers;   Proc.CAL 99 (Abstract Book): Virtuality in Education, London,  Elsevier Science (1999), 70. (P)\\
498.	 The Heart of the Problem: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Transfer ; Proc. Enable 99, Espoo - Vantaa Institute of Technology  (1999), 8-17. (P)\\
499.	 Die vernetzte Welt -  World Wide Web im Internet (mit M. Lampl); in " Meilensteine der Menschheitsgeschichte, F.A. Brockhaus, Mannheim (1999), 410 - 413.  (O)\\
500.	 Jewels are Forever (with J. Karhumäki, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, Eds.), Springer-Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-540-65984-6 (B)\\
501.	Leitlinien für WBT in Internet- und Intranet-Umgebungen, Proceedings of . LEARNTEC'99 (Beck, U., Sommer, W. Hrsg.), Schriftenreihe der Karlsruher Kongreß- und Ausstellungs-GmbH (1999), 633-642. (ISSN 1433-416X) (P)\\
502.	 Beyond Over-Integration: GENTLE (with Th. Dietinger, K. Schmaranz); Proc. ED-MEDIA'99, Seattle, AACE, Charlottesville, Usa (1999), 1772-1778.
503.	Authoring and Maintaining of Educational Applications on the Web (with D. Helic, N. Sherbakov), Proc. ED-MEDIA'99, Seattle, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1999), 1792-1797 (P)\\
504.	A critical look at Web Based Training efforts, Proceedings of . HCI99, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, London, vol. 2 (1999), 718-724. (P)\\
505.	Knowledge Management - Schlagwort oder Neuerung?, Austria Innovativ 3 (1999), 41.
506.	Introducing Hypermedia Composites to WWW (with D. Helic, N. Scherbakov), JNCA vol. 22, 1 (1999), 19-32. (J)\\
507.	Internet und Intranet sind mehr als Hilfen bei der Ausbildung, ME'99, Wien (September 99), e & i, Springer Verlag, 116 (1999), 491-494. (P)\\
508.	 WWW Needs More Interaction, Proc. Informatik'99, Springer Verlag (1999), 4-10.(P)
509.	How to Make Discussion Forums Work on the WWW (with N. Rozsenich, M. Sapper); Proc. WebNet 99, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1999), 717-722. (P)\\
510.	 An Associative Repository for the Administration of Course Modules (with Th. Dietinger, Ch. Eller, Ch. Gütl and M. Pivec),  Proc. WebNet99, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (1999), 295-300. (P)\\
511.	 Targeted Information Retrieval (with Th. Dietinger, Ch. Gütl, M Pivec), Proc. ICCE'99, Chiba, Japan, IOS Press, Amsterdam, vol. II  (1999), 355-358.  (P)\\
512.	 Goal-Oriented learning on the Web: Practical Approach (with N. Scherbakov), Proc. ICCE99, Chiba, Japan, IOS Press, Amsterdam, vol. II  (1999),  736-743.(P)\\
513.	 Learning on Demand Using XFind (with C. Gütl, M. Pivec), Proc. ICCE99, Chiba, Japan, IOS Press, Amsterdam, vol. I (1999), 592-599.(P)\\
514.	 60 Thesen, in: Angewandte Informatik und Formale Beschreibungsverfahren,  Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Professor W. Stucky, Teubner-Texte zur Informatik, Bd. 29, Teubner Stuttgart-Leipzig (1999), 153-171.\\
515.	Prognosen und Thesen ... nicht nur zum Schmunzeln,  Informatik Spektrum 23,1( 2000), 51-59. (J)\\
516.	 Knowledge Management and Environmental Informatics (with K. Tochtermann)., J.UCS 6,5(2000),517-536. (J)\\
517.	Interactive Computer Assisted Formulation of Retrieval Requests for Medical Information System using an Intelligent Tutoring System.  (with A. Holzinger, G. Gell, A. Kainz, M. Brunold), Proc. of EDMEDIA 2000, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (2000) 431-436. (P)\\
518.	New Developments in the World Wide Web and the Effects on Medicine,  Proc. of EUROPACS 2000, (September 2000) ,  29-37. (P)\\  
519.	Situation Learning or what do adventure games and hypermedia learning content have in common (with Al-Ubaidi T., Dietinger, Th., Pivec M.) ,GMW-Tagung  Innsbruck, Sept. 19-21  2000 , Medien der Wissenschaft: Band 10: Campus 2000  (Hrsg.  F. Scheuermann), Waxmann Verlag Münster, 83-95. (P)\\ 
520.	Telematik - Rückblick und Ausblick,  Telematik  Jahrgang 6, Nummer 3/2000, 2-4. \\
521.	Dinopolis - A Leading Edge Application Framework for the Internet and Intranets (with Ch. Dallermassl, H. Haub, K. Schmaranz, Ph. Zambelli), Proc. WebNet2000, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (2000),  111-116. (P)\\
522.	 Das Neue Lernen – Die Möglichkeiten von Computern und Computernetzen; in.: Schule Online (Hrsg.: R. Apflauer, A. Reiter), Public Voice Report Verlag, Wien (2000) , 3-10.\\
523.	 Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2000) (Eds: S.S. Young, J. Greer, H. Maurer, Y. S. Chee), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2000) \\ 
524.	Web Based Training: What do we expect from the system (with D. Helic, N. Scherbakov), Proceedings  of ICCE/ICCAI 2000, Taipei, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2000), vol. 2, 1689-1694. (P)\\
525.	 What we should expect from WBT and how WBT is just part of Knowledge Management, Proceedings  of ICCE/ICCAI 2000, Taipei, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan (2000), vol. 2, 1560 .(P)\\
526.	 Umweltinformatik und Wissensmanagement (with K. Tochtermann), Tagungsband des 14. Internationalen GI-Symposiums Informatik für den Umweltschutz, Bonn, Metropolis Verlag, S.462-475. (P)\\
527.	 Active Documents: Concept, Implementation and Applications; J.UCS 6,12 (2000),  1197-1202. (J)\\
528.	Das Zeitalter nach der Arbeitsteilung,  Business2.0,  2,1 (2001), 98.
529.	 Über einige Visionen beim Wissensmanagement, von denen wichtige Teile überraschend einfach zu verwirklichen sind; Professionnelles Wissensmanagement – Erfahrungen und Visionen( Schnurr, H.-P. , Staab, St., Studer, R., Stumme, G., Sure, Y. (Hrsg.)), Shaker Verlag, Aachen (2001), 1 (O)\\
530.	Knowledge Management as a Bridge between Computer Science and Education, Proc. 20th Scientific Conference on Development of Organizational Sciences, Portoroz, Modern Organization (2001), 86  (O).
531.	 Vier Komponenten des informationstechnischen Wissensmanagements: 
Unternehmensgedächtnisse, Wissensretrieval, Wissenstransfer und Wissensvisualisierung und Wissensmanagement und Kreativität (mit K. Tochtermann), in: Management von nicht-explizitem Wissen: Noch mehr von der Natur lernen, Teil 3, FAW Ulm (2001) , 83-100
532.	 Wissensmanagement für  die Dritte Welt, Tagungsband des 4. Workshops de GI Arbeitskreises Hypermedia im Umweltschutz, Metropolis Pub. Co., Marburg (2001), 15-20.  (P)\\
533.	  E-Learning muss als Teil von Wissensmanagement gesehen werden, LOG In 20 (2000) Heft 6, 24-27.
534.	Was kann man  über Computernetze vorhersagen?, Geldanlage Schauplatz Zukunft (Zeitschrift der Volksbank), May 2001, 13-15. (O)\\
535.	eLearning: Wissen, Weiterbildung, Wettbewerbsvorteil, Hyperwave Pressespiegel, May 2001 (www.hyperwave.de/d/news_events/news_ps37.html) (O)\\
536.	Turn your knowledge into competitive advantage, Knowledge Management Magazine, May 2001 (www.kmmag.co.uk/CURRENTMAY/olearnmay.HTM) (O)\\
537.	 Lernen für das Leben, FAZ, 25.5.2001, 38 ff 
538.	 Can Knowledge Management Help in Poverty-stricken Countries and Crisis Situations (with J. Lennon), J.UCS 7, 4 (2001)  327-334. (J)\\
539.	Die (Informatik) Welt  in 100 Jahren,  Informatik Spektrum (April 2001). 65-70. (J)\\
540.	  Beyond classical digital libraries, in: Global Digital Library Development in the New Millenium (Proceedings. NIT Conference), Beijing, Tsinghua University Press (2001) 165-173. (P)\\ 
541.	 Learner-Formulated Questions in Technology-Supported Learning Applications (with E. Heinrich, R. Johnson, D. Juo), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, AACE, Charlottesville, VA (2001), 720-725h. (P)\\
542.	 Accessing Best-Match Learing Resources in WBT Environment (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, AACE, Charlottesville, VA (2001), 726-727. (P)\\
543.	TRIANGLE: A multi-Media test-bed for examining incidental learning, motivation and the Tamagotchi-Effect within a Game-Show like Computer Based Learning Module (with A. Holzinger, A. Pichler, W. Almer), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, AACE, Charlottesville, VA (2001), 766-771. (P)\\
544.	 E-Learning Has to be Seen as Part of General Knowledge Management (with M. Sapper), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, AACE, Charlottesville, VA (2001),1249-1253. (P)\\
545.	 Situation Learning: A New Approach to Knowledge Mediation (with M Pivec), Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 2001, Tampere, AACE, Charlottesville, VA (2001), 1254 – 1259. (best paper award) (P)\\
546.	 Computer-Based Teaching/Web-Based Teaching, in: Encyclopedia of Computers and Computer History, Vol. One (Ed.. R. Rojas), Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago (2001), 181-182. (P)\\
547.	 Hyperwave, in: Encyclopedia of Computers and Computer History, Vol. One (Ed.. R. Rojas), Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago (2001), 383-384. (P)\\
548.	 Videotex, Encyclopedia of Computers and Computer History, Vol. Two (Ed.. R. Rojas), Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago (2001), 798-799. (P)\\
549.	 Proceedings of I-KNOW 01, JUCS (Eds. K. Tochtermann, H. Maurer), Springer  Verlag und KNOW-Center  (2001).
550.	 How information technology can help Third World countries; in: The role of new technologies in poverty alleviation and sustainable development (eds: R.K. Pachauri, G. Vasudeva), Tata Energy and Resources Institute –North America, New Delhi, India (2001), 69-73 (P)\\
551.	 Die Rolle des Lehrers im Informationszeitalter, in: Anekdoten zur Informatik (Hrsg. A. Reiter), Studienverlag (2001), 54-59.
552.	 Automatisch wachsende Wissensbestände in eLearning-Situationen (with W. Schinagl), Proceedings LEARNTEC 2001, Schriftenreihe der Karlsruher Kongreß- und Ausstellungs-GmbH (Eds: Beck, U., Sommer, W.) (2001), 453-459. (P)\\
553.	Knowledge Domains: A Global Structuring Mechanism for Learning Resources in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proceedings WebNet 2001, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (2001), 509-514. (P)\\
554.	Mentoring Sessions: Increasing the Influence of Tutors on the Learning Process in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proceedings WebNet 2001, AACE, Charlottesville, USA (2001), 515-519. (P)\\
555.	MUSLI: A hypermedia interface for dynamic, interactive, and symbolic communication (with J. Lennon), JNCA 24, 4 (2001), 273-291. (J)\\
556.	Augmenting text and voice conversations with dynamic, interactive abstractions using P2P networking (with J. Lennon), JNCA 24, 4 (2001), 293-306. (J)\\
557.	 Transclusions in the 21st Century (with H. Krottmaier), JUCS 7, 12 (2001), 1125-1136. (J)\\
558.	Plädoyer für ein europäisches Medizinportal,  in: "Medizin Online 2002" ( Stodulka, Th., Tauss, M. (Eds.)), Public Voice Verlag, Wien (2001), 15-17.
559.	Grandes Sistemas da www – Novos fenômenos, novos problemas e novas soluções; in Ciberetic. Responsabilidade em um mundo interligado pela rede digital (Kobl A., Esterbauer, R. Ruckenbauer, H.W., (eds.), Edicoes Loyola , Sao Paolo (2001), 205-212 (= Übersetzung von  476).
560.	 On a New Powerful Model for Knowledge Management and its Applications (with K. Tochtermann), JUCS 8,1 (2002), 85-96. (J)\\
561.	Telekommunikation und Internet (with D. Greuling); Bericht für das CSC, Köln, Germany (2002).
562.	Is Democracy possible in the Internet? (with J. Shearer), JUCS 8, 3 (2002), 396-407. (J)\\
563.	 Xperten – Der Telekinet, Freya Verlag (2002).
564.	HWOES: A Hyperwave Online Employment Service (with J. Lennon, H. Liu), JUCS 8, 4 (2002), 409-422 (J)\\
565.	 Parapsychologische Phänomene, Magie, Wunder … und Technologie, Informatik Spektrum, 25/3 (Juni 2002), 187-193. (J)\\
566.	What Have we Learnt in 15 Years About Educational Multimedia?, Proc. ED-MEDIA 2002, AACE Charlottesville,  USA, Volume 1(2002) 2-7. (P)\\
567.	 A User Interface and Knowledge Delivery Solution for a Modern WBT System (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proc. ED-MEDIA 2002, AACE, Charlottesville, USA, Volume 2 (2002) 753-758. (P)\\
568.	  Aspects of Collaborative Authoring in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov),  MIPRO 2002 (P)\\
569.	 Wichtige Aspekte des nLearnings,  in: Kysela-Schiemer (Hrsg.),  Notebooks im Unterricht (, Manz Verlag Schulbuch GmbH (2002),19-26
570.	Proceedings of I-KNOW'02 (eds. with K. Tochtermann), JUCS, Special Issue , Springer, 2002 
571.	Implementing Complex Web-Based Training Strategies with Virutal Classrooms (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proceedings of E-Learn, Montreal, October 2002, AACE, 426-432. (P)\\
572.	HWONS: A Hyperwave Online Negotiation System (with J. Lennon, H. Liu); Proceedings of E-Learn, Montreal October 2002, AACE, 573-577 (P)\\
573.	Wissensmanagement – ein Schritt nach vorne oder nur ein neues Schlagwort?, Informatik Spektrum 17, Februar 2003, 26-33. (J)\\
574.	Important Aspect of Knowledge Management, LNCS 2598, special issue, Springer Verlag , 2003, 245-254.
575.	 The Future of PCs and Implications on Society (with R. Oliver); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 300-308 (J)\\
576.	 Foundations of MIRACLE: Multimedia Information Repository, A Computer-supported Language Effort (with R. Stubenrauch, D.G. Camhy); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 309-348 (J)\\
577.	 Applications of MIRACLE: Working With Dynamic Visual Information (with R. Stubenrauch R., D.G. Camhy, J.A. Lennon); JUCS 9, 4 (2003), 349-368 (J)\\
578.	XPERTEN 2 – Der Paradoppelgänger, freya (2003)  -  ISBN 3-902134-39-9-
579.	XPERTEN 1.2 -  Der Mindcaller, freya (2003) ISBN 3-902134-49-6 (with J. Lennon)
580.	XPERTEN 0 – Der Anfang, freya (2003), ISBN 3-902134—50-X (with P. Lechner)
581.	XPERTEN 1  Der Telekinet (2. Auflage), freya (2003)
582.	Proceedings of I-KNOW'03 (eds. with K. Tochtermann), JUCS, Special Issue , Springer, 2003, ISSN 0948-695x
583.	 Reusing Discussion Forums as Learning Resources in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference Computers and Advanced Technology in Education , Acta Press (2003), 223-228. (P)\\
584.	 Necessary aspects of quality in eLearning systems, in: Quality Education @ a Distance (Eds: G. Davies, E. Stacey), ISBN  1-4020-7568-5, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2003), 29-37. (P)\\
585.	Lernen ist Wissenstransfer und muss daher als Teil von Wissensmanagement gesehen werden; Proc. of education quality forum 2002: Wirkungen und Wirksamkeit Neuer Medien in der Bildung (R. Keil-Slawik, M. Kerres, Hrsg.), Bd. 1,  Waxmann , Münster (2003), 133-144.  ISB 3-8309-1287-0 (P)\\
586.	Why  it is Difficult to Introduce e-Learning into Schools And Some New Solutions (with J. Lennon),  JUCS 9 (10), 1244-1257. (J)\\
587.	 Implementing Project-Based Learning in WBT Systems (with D. Helic, H. Krottmaier, N. Scerbakov); Proc. of E-Learn 03 (2003), 2189-2196  
588.	Der PC in zehn Jahren und seine Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft, e&i, heft 11, November 2003, 411-413
589.	 Xperten 3 – Die Parakämpfer, freya (2003), (B)\\ 
590.	Wie Wissen wirklich wirkt, Austria Innovativ 1, 2004, 16-19 (mit K. Tochtermann). (J)\\
591.	Der PC in zehn Jahren, Informatik Spektrum, Bd. 27, Heft 1, Februar 2004, 44-50. (J)\\
592.	  Learning Support Systems for Organizational Learning (with J. Hasebrook), World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore (2004).  ISBN  981-238-831-1 (B)\\
593.	 Delivering Relevant Training Objects to Personal Desktop with Modern WBT-Systems (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), International Journal on E-learning, Vol., 3, No.4, (2004) 42-50. (J)\\
594.	Die neue Fakultät für Informatik an der TU Graz, Telematik 1/04, (2004), 18-25 (O)\\
595.	 Xperten – Das Paranetz, freya 2004 , ISBN 3-902134-72-0 (B)\\
596.	 E-Learning als Teil von Wissensmanagement ÖZB (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Berufsbildung), 4-03/04, 4-6. (J)\\
597.	Discussion Forums as Learning Resources in Web-based Education (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), Acta Press, Anaheim, Advanced Technology for Learning, Vol., 1, No. 1, 2004, 8-15. (J)\\
598.	Knowledge Transfer processes in a modern WBT system (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov), J.NCA, vol. 27, 3 (2004), 163-190. (J)\\
599.	 Das Know-Center und die neue Fakultät für Informatik an der TU Graz (with K. Tochtermann), Telematik 2/04, 2-4. (O)\\
600.	Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2004. (P)\\
601.	 A Child’s CanDo Assistant (with J. Lennon), Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2004, AACE, 2004, 1430-1437. (P)\\
602.	Why do Standards in the Field of E-Learning not fully support Learner-centred Aspects of Adaptivity? (with F. Mödritscher, Ch. Gütl, V.M. Garcia Barrios), Proc. Of ED-MEDIA 2004, AACE, 2004, 2034-2039. (P)\\
603.	Die neue Fakultät für Informatik an der TU Graz, OCG Journal Juni, Ausgabe 3/2004, 4-6. (O)\\
604.	 Theory is Forever (Eds., with J. Karhumäki, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg), Springer Verlag 2004., ISBN 3-540-22393-2 (P)\\
605.	Xperten – Der Paraschirm (Ed.), freya 2004, ISBN 3-902134-73-9 (B)\\
606.	Hermann A. Maurer, in: Medienpioniere erzählen (Hrsg. C. Hüffel, A. Reiter), Braumüller Verlag 2004, ISBN 3-7003-1480-9, 147-153. (P)\\
607.	 What we Expect from Digitial Libraries (with H. Dreher, H. Krottmaier) , JUCS  vol 10, 9 (2004) 1110-1122 (J)\\
608.	Multitasking in a Managed Learning Environment (with J. Lennon), Proceedings of E-Learn 2004, AACE, 2004, 2773-2776. (P)\\
609.	Die Fakultät für Informatik an der TU Graz, Studienführer der Fakultät Informatik, Hochschülerschaft der TU Graz, 2004,  8-29. (O)\\
610.	 Globalisierung und der Zusammenbruch der Computernetze, Informatik Spektrum 1/2005 (J)\\
611.	Informatik und das Informatikstudium an der Technischen Universität Graz, (mit K. Tochtermann, K.C. Posch), Telematik 1/2005, 4-6. (O)\\
612.	Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2005. (P)\\
613.	 Forschung an der Fakultät für Informatik (Styria Professur für zukunftsweisende Medien), Forschungsjournal der TU Graz SS05, 22-23. (O)\\
614.	 Game-based E-Learning Applications of E-Tester (with Guetl, C., Dreher, H., Williams, R.) . In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2005, pp. 4912-4917 (P)\\
615.	A Didactics Aware Approach to Knowledge Transfer in Web-based Education, In Claude Ghaoui, Mitu Jain, Vivek Bannore (Editors), Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Volume 178/2005, Chapter 9, , Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2005, pages 233-260 (with D. Helic, N. Scerbakov). (P)\\
616.	Enabling Project-Based Learning in WBT Systems, Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), vol. 4/4 (2005), pp. 445-461. (J)\\
617.	 New Features for eLearning in Higher Education for Civil Engineering, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp. 635-642 (with M. Ebner, N. Scerbakov) (P)\\
618.	 DynEST – Dynamically Explained Symbols for Traffic Or Learning How to Drive Without Words, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp.829-835 (with P. Korica) (P)\\
619.	 Anonymous Feedback in E-Learning Systems, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp. 2019-2025 (with H. Dreher) (P)\\
620.	 Extending Annotations to Make them Truly Valuable, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp. 2149-2154 (with P. Korica, N. Scerbakov) (P)\\
621.	 E-Learning Strategy for South East European University to Enable Borderless Education, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp.2557-2561 (with B. Fetaji, D. Helic)  (P)\\
622.	 An Analysis of Application of Business Process Management Technology in E-Learning Systems, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005,  Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp.2937-2942 (with D. Helic, J. Hrastnik) (P)\\
623.	 The Use of a Dynamic Background Library within the Scope of adaptive e-Learning, Proceedings of E-Learn 2005, Vancouver, AACE (2005), pp. 3045-3052 (with F. Mödritscher, V. Garcia-Barrios) (P)\\
624.	E-Learning-Modelle für die Hochschule: Ein best practice-Beispiel aus der Bauingenieurwissenschaft (mit M. Ebner, A. Holzinger), OCG Journal 4 (2005), 22-23.  (J)\\
625.	The Growing Importance of E-Communities on the Web (with P. Korica, W. Schinagl), Proc. of the  IADIS International Conference on Web based Communities, San Sebastian, Spain (2006), 165-174. (P)\\
626.	The Transformation of the Web: How Emerging Communities Shape the Information we Consume (with J. Kolbitsch), J.UCS, vol 12, no. 2 (2006), 187-213. (J)\\
627.	 Semantic Web – Geschichte und Ausblick einer Vision; in: Semantic Web – Wege zur vernetzten Wissensgesellschaft (Pellegrini, T., Blumauer, A.  Hrsg.), Springer Verlag (2006), 1-6. (P)\\
628.	 Transclusions in an HTML-Based Environment (with J. Kolbitsch), CIT 14 (2006), 2, 161-174. (J)\\
629.	 The Future of PCs and its Usage for Everyone beyond Barriers of Marginalisation;  Proceedings of International Symposium on ICT for Rural Development,  Universiti Malaysia, Kota Samarahan,  Sarawak, April 2006, pp 21-22. (O)\\
630.	The Worth of Anonymous Feedback (with H. Dreher); Proc. eValues, 19th Bled eConference, 2006. (P)\\
631.	Wikis and other E-communities are Changing the Web; Proc. ED-MEDIA 2006, AACE, Chesapeake, VA, 2006, 2858-2866. (P)\\
632.	The MIRACLE Project, Projektbericht, JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Juni 2006 (mit D. Camhy, R. Stubenrauch). (O)\\
633.	 Plagiarism – A Survey  (with B. Zaka, F. Kappe), JUCS, vol. 12, no 8 (2006), 1050-1084.(J)
634.	Community Building around Encyclopaedic Knowledge (with J. Kolbitsch), CIT vol.14, no. 3 (2006), 175-190. (J)\\
635.	 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2006. (P)\\
636.	Multi Media e-Learning Software TRIANGLE - Case-Study: Experimental Results and Lessons Learned (with A. Holzinger, A. Pichler),  Journal of Universal Science and Technology of Learning (JUSTL), vol 0, no. 0 (2006), 61-92. (J)\\
637.	 New Features for eLearning in Higher Education for Civil Engineering (with M. Ebner, N. Scerbakov), Journal of Universal Science and Technology of Learning (JUSTL), vol 0, no. 0 (2006), 93-106. (J)\\
638.	 Unbekannte Chancen und Risken der IT-Entwicklung, in:  Zum Gedenkjahr 2005 (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Hg.), Montagsakademie  Band 2 (2006), 125-142.  (P)\\
639.	Important Aspects of Modern Digital Libraries, Proc, ICDL, Delhi, Dec. 2006 (with H. Krottmaier, H. Dreher), Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries2006: Information Management for Global Access, vol. 2, Teri, New Delhi (2006), 843-855. (P)\\
640.	 Semantic Technologies – An Introduction (with Klaus Tochterrmann); in A. Blumauer, G. Dösinger, Th. Fundneider, P. Meinl (eds.): Semantic Technologies Showcase – The Austrian Situation; Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft Wien (2006), 15-19. ISBN 3-902580-01-1 (P)\\
641.	 Vergoogelt und verkauft; Die Presse, Spektrum, 19.5.2007, I-II. (O)\\
642.	 From Emoticon to Universal Symbolic Signs: Can Written Language Survive in Cyperspace? (with J. Azuma); Proc. of the 3rd International Microlearning 2007 Conference, Innsbruck university press (2007), 106-122. (P)\\
643.	Current Developments of Mashups in Shaping Web Applications (with N. Kulathuramaiyer), Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2007, AACE, Chesapeake, VA (2007), 1172-1177. (P)\\
644.	  Beyond Wikipedia (with C. Safran), Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2007, AACE, Chesapeake, VA (2007), 4444-4450. (P)\\
645.	  Plagiarism – A Problem and How to Fight it (with B. Zaka), Proc. of  ED-MEDIA 2007, AACE, Chesapeake, VA (2007), 4451-4458. (P)\\
646.	 Why is fighting plagiarism and IPR violation suddenly of paramount importance? (mit N. Kulathuramaiyer); Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Knowledge Management; World Scientific (2007), pp 363-372. (P)\\
647.	Web 2.0 Technology: Future Interface for Technology Enhanced Learning? (with M. Ebner, A. Holzinger); Proceedings of HCII 2007,  Springer Verlag, LNCS 4556, pp 559-568. (P)\\
648.	 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2007. (B)\\
649.	 Emerging Data Mining Applications: Advantages and Threats (with N. Kulathuramaiyer), Proceedings of I-Know 07, pp. 225-232. (P)\\
650.	 Service Oriented Information Supply model for Knowledge Workers (with B. Zaka), Proceedings of I-Know 07, pp432-439. (P)\\
651.	 Dynamic Adaptation of content and Structure in Electronic Encyclopaedias; Journal of Digital Information <Elektronische Ressource>, 8/3 (2007). (J)\\
652.	Addressing plagiarism and IPR violation (with N. Kulathuramaiyer), Information Services & Use, vol.27, no. 4 (2007), IOS Press, 185-191. (J)\\
653.	Creating Links into the Future (with M.T. Afzal, N. Kulathuramaiyer), JUCS, vol 13, 9 (2007), 1234-1245. (J)\\
654.	Fighting plagiarism and IPR violation: why is it so important? (with N. Kulathuramaiyer), Learned Publishing, 20, no. 4, (Oct. 2007) 252-258 (J)\\
655.	 Coping With the Copy-Paste-Syndrome (with N. Kulathuramaiyer), Proc. of E-Learn 2007, Quebec (2007), pp. 1072 -1079. (P)\\
656.	 E-Quiz – A Simple Tool to Enhance Intra-Organisational Knowledge Management, eLearning and Edutainment Training (with W. Schinagl), Proc. of E-Learn 2007, Quebec (2007), pp 1080-1088. (P)\\
657.	 Blogging in Higher Education (with M. Ebner), Proc. of E-Learn 2007, Quebec (2007), pp. 767-774. (P)\\
658.	 Google – Freund oder Feind? , Informatik Spektrum 30/4 (2007), 272-278. (J)\\
659.	 The Growing Importance of e-Communities on the Web (2) (with J. Kolbitsch), Web Information Systems and Technologies (Eds: J. Filipe, J. Cordeiro, V. Pedrosa),  LNBIP 1, Springer Verlag (2007), 19-37. (P)\\
659 a.   Report on dangers an opportuntiies posed by large serach engines, particularly Google. (with T. Balke, F. Kappe, N. Kulathuramaiyer, ST. Weber, B. Zaka), 190 pages, (O)
660.	 Learning Ecosystems for Dealing with the Copy-Paste Syndrome (with N. Kulathuramaiyer);  Journal for Research in Innovative  Teaching, Vol.1., No.1 (2008), pp.1-25 (J)\\
661.	 Dienstleistungsimperien im Internet: Eine Gefahr für Menschen, Kultur und Wirtschaft; Couleur 01/08, 2008,  10-11. (O.)
662.	 Application of Mashups for a Digital Journal (with S. Khan, N. Kulathuramaiyer); JUCS, vol 14, no. 10 (2008), 1695-1716 (J)\\
663.	Proceedings of the International Conferences on Knowledge Management and New Media Technology (I-KNOW and I-MEDIA 2008)  (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2008. (B)\\
664.	 Expertise Finding for an Electronic Journal (with M.T. Afzal, N. Kulathuramaiyer), Proceedings of I-KNOW and I-MEDIA 2008, 436-440. (P)\\
665.	 Austria-Forum: A Citable Web Encyclopedia (with D. Helic, B. White) , Proc. of IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2008, 19-26. (P)\\
666.	 Can Microblogs and Weblogs change traditional scientific writing? (with M. Ebner); Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, USA, AACE, Cheasapeake, USA, 768-776 (P)\\
667.	Mobile Information Access in Higher Education (with M. Ebner, N. Scerbakov, Ch. Stickel), Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, USA, AACE, Cheasapeake, USA, 777-782 (P)\\
668.	 Topic-Centered Aggreagation of Presentations for Learning Object Repurposing (with B. Zaka, N. Kulathuramaiyer, W-T. Balke), Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, USA, AACE, Cheasapeake, USA, 3335-3342. (P)\\
669.	  FutureLabs@Informatik.TUGraz: Bericht Gruppe Maurer/Scerbakov für 2008  (Teil des Jahresberichts FutureLab.) (O)\\
670.	  Dialogue on Theoretical and Applied Computer Science, The Bulletin of EATCS, no 97 (2009), 30-35.  (J)\\
671.	 "EXTENDED VISUALIZATION FOR A DIGITAL JOURNAL", (with Khan, M.S., Afzal, M.T., Kulathuramaiyer,) Proc. of International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2009), pp. 385-388. (P)\\
672.	 Discovering Trends in the Field of E-Learning from 2003 to 2008 Using Visualization (with Khan, M.S.); Proc. of e-Learning 2009 (IADIS Intl. Conference), vol I, pp. 88-97. (P)\\
673.	 Knowledge Gathering as it Changes with New Technologies (with Kulathuramaiyer, N.);  Proc. of e-Learning 2009 (IADIS Intl. Conference), vol II; pp. XXV – XXXII. (P)\\
674.	 Trends Discovery in the Field of E-Learning with Visualization (with S. Khan, M. Ebner), Proceedings of EDMEDIA 2009, Honolulu, USA, AACE Cheasapeake, USA, 4408-4413 (P)\\
675.	 Improving Citation Mining (with T. Afzal, W.T. Balke, N. Kulathuramaiyer); Proc. of the International Conference on Networked  Digital Technologies (NDT 2009), Ostrava, Czech Republic, pp 116-121. (P)\\
676.	 Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (IKNOW 2009), (Eds., with K. Tochtermann), 2009. (B)\\
677.	 Discovery and Visualization of Expertise in a Scientific Community; Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2009), Abbottabad, Pakistan; ACM Digital Library, Article 43; doi > 10.1145/1838002.1838051 (P)\\
678.	Research trends in the field of e-Learning from 2003 to 2008: A scientometric and content analysis for selected journals and conferences using visualization (with S. Khan); Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol 7, no. 1, 2010, Emerald, pp 5-18 (P)\\
679.	  Die ignorierte Katastrophe; in: Matt, W., Brida, B., Ortner, W. (Hgs.). Das Montagsforum, Verlag Stadtarchiv Dornbirn, 2010, 220-234.  ISBN 978-3-901900-27-3 (P)\\
680.	 The Effect of the WWW on Scientific Research and Publishing; E-Zine of the Academia Europaea, Issue February 2010; http://academiaeuropaea.createsend5.com/T/ViewEmail/r/750DCD95F69D5809/4BEC45A7F59327D544D0DD5392A9C75A (J)\\
681.	Rule based Autonomous Citation Mining with TIERL (with T.M.  Afzal, W.T. Balke, N. Kulathuramaiyer), Journal of Digital Information Management, vol. 8, no 3 (June 2010), 196-204. (J)\\
682.	Using Wiki for Rapid Authoring of Huge Numbers of E-Assessments (with I. Hasani-Mavriqi, C. Portsch, C. Trattner, B. Kacjan, D. Helic); Proc. ED-MEDIA 2010, Toronto, AACE, Cheasapeake, USA, 3046-3053 (P)\\
683.	Click, Click – and an Educational Presentation Is Available on the Web (with C. Trattner, D. Helic, P. Korica-Pehserl); Proc. ED-MEDIA 2010, Toronto, AACE, Cheasapeake, USA, 3932-3938. (P)\\
684.	 Gentle und seine Weiterentwicklung; in: Humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie (Hrg: Heidi Heilmann; Integrata Stiftung für humane Nutzung der Informationstechnologie), AKA GmbH Heidelberg, 2010, 147-156.  (P)\\
685.	 Unforseen Effects of the WWW, Journal of IT in Asia Vol 3, No 1, pg. 1-8, 2010 (J)\\
686.	Knowledge Management, Information Systems, E-Learning, and Sustainability Research; (Ed.) Proc. of the Third World Summit in the Knowledge Society; WSKS 2010; Part I, Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 111; Springer, 2010 (P)\\
687.	Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society; (Ed.) Proc. of the Third World Summit in the Knowledge Society; WSKS 2010; Part II, Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 112; Springer, 2010 (P)\\
688.	  Why predictions always fail; In: Future Organization; Proc. of the 30th Conference on Organizational Science Development, Portoroz, Slovenia , 23.-25. März 2011; 123-124. (P)\\
689.	 SEMantic Internet Education (SEMIE) Tool (with P. Korica-Pehserl, …), Proc. of ED-MEDIA 2011, Lissabon, Portugal, 442-447 (P)\\
690.	 How to use the Web’s information flood for teaching (with H.Mueller), Proc. of  ED-MEDIA 2011, 3103-3108 (P)\\
691.	 Implementation of a Wiki-based Information and Communication System for Academia Europaea (with I. Hasani-Mavriqi, H. Leitner, D. Helic); IEEE 33nd International Conference on Information Technology Interfaces (ITI 2011), June 27-30, 2011, Cavtat / Dubrovnik, Croatia, 193-198  (P)\\
692.	 Adaptive Visual Symbols for Personal Health Records; Proceedings the IEEEE 15th International Conference on Information Visualization, London (2011) ISBN 978-0-7695-4476-2, ISSN 1550-6037 (2011),  220-225.(with H. Müller, R. Reihs, St. Sauer, K. Zatloukal) (P)\\
693.	 Expertise Recommender System for Scientific Community (with T. Afzal), JUCS 17, vol 11, 2011,  1529-1549. (J)\\
694.	How to Carry over Historic Books into Social Networks (with H. Müller), Proceedings of the 4th ACM Workshop on Online Books, Complementary Social Media and Crowdsourcing, Glasgow 2011, 25-34 (P)\\
695.	Calude as Father of one of the Computer Science Journals (zum 60. Geburtstag von C. Calude); in: Hermann Maurer, M.J. Dinneen et al. (Eds.): WTCS 2012, LNCS 7160, pp. 20-30. Springer, Heidelberg (2012) (P)\\
696.	  Implementation of a Wiki-based Information and Communication System for Academia Europaea (with I. Hasani-Mavriqi, H. Leitner, D. Helic); Journal of Computing and Information Technology- CIT 19, 2011, 231-238 (J)\\
697.	A linear ordering of a multi-parameter universe is usually nonsense, H. Maurer, Theoretical computer Science, Volume 429 (2012), pp. 222–226 (J)\\
698.	Das Austria-Forum und die Informationswissenschaft (with H. Müller); in: Informationswissenschaft (Hrsg: O. Petrovic, G. Reichmann, Ch. Schlögl), Böhlau Verlag Wien, 2012, 237-264. ISBN 978-3-205-78799-0 (P)\\
699.	Discovery and Visualization of Expertise in a Scientific Community; Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT 2009), Abbottabad, Pakistan; ACM Digital Library, Article 43; doi > 10.1145/1838002.1838051 (P)\\
700.	CAOWL-SAI: Context aware OWL based semantic association inference  (with S. Nazir, M.T. Afzal, M.A. Qadir), Proc. of NCM 2010, 746-751. (P)\\
700a. Die ignoriert Katastrophe; Praedica Verbum 116, 220-234(2009)
701.	We have seen nothing yet; Proceedings of INNOV 20111, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011, p. 3. Also in Proceedings of Business and Modelling and Software Design, Sofia. Bulgaria, p.9 (P)\\
702.	Semi-automatic Information Retrieval and Consolidation with a Sample Application; (with P. Korica-Pehserl); Proc. of  the International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET 2012), IEEE, Islamabad, Pakistan (2012), 402-407. (P)\\
703.	Why Wikipedia is not enough;) March  2012, Proc. ICIST 2012 , Kapaonik, Serbia (29.2.-3.3.2012), pp 7-8 (P)\\
704.	Computer für die Wissensvermittlung; in: Informatik ; Von Anfang an (Festschrift für J.R. Mühlbacher), Schriftenreihe Informatik 40 (Hsgr.: M. Sonntag, R. Hörmanseder); Trauner Druck 2012, 53-58; ISBN 978-3-99033-058-6 (P)\\
705.	Can the web turn into a Digital Library (with H. Mueller), Intl. Journal of Digital Libraries, Springer Verlag ; Vol 13, No. 2, 2013, 65-75 (J)\\
706.	 Attention Capturing Story-based Individualized Informatin Integration: A New Way to Browse the Web (with  g. Rakocevic, V. Milutinovic); Proc. ICIST 2013 (March 2013), pp 195-199. (P)\\
707.	 Is the  Web turning us into dummies? (with K.Tochtermann) Proc. ED-Media  2013, Victoria, Canada, pp 2524-2534 (P)\\
708.	Irrgarten Sprache; Steirische Berichte 2-3/2013, 7-9 (O)\\
709.	 Die Geschichte des WWW - Persönlicher Bericht aus europäischer Perspektive; In: L3T:Lehrbuch für Lehren und Lernen mit Technologien (M. Ebner, S. Schön , Herausgeber), Holzbrinck (2013), 39-50 (P). Siehe dazu das [NID Dokument|https://www.nid-library.com/Home/ViewBook/2020] mit wichtigen ergänzenden Annotationen 2024!\\
710.	 How dangerous is the Web for Creative Work? (with P. Korica-Pehserl, R. Mehmood), CIT, 21,2  (2013) 59-69. (J), see also [web-books/dochowdangerousis00en2013iicm]\\
711.	 Überwacht, verroht, bedroht und verdummt uns das Internet?; Informatik Spektrum vol. 36, no. 6 (2013), 536-547 (published online: Nov. 6, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s00287-013-0739-3, ISSN 0170-6012;) (J)\\
712.	Aspects of Information Integration in a Wiki; Proc. iiWAS 2013  (with R. Mehmood), 575-579 (P)\\
713.	Towards integration of images on the Web; Proc. iiWAS 2013 (with R. Mehmood), 580-584 (P)\\
714.	Metadata Extraction from Books with Facts about Austria; Proc, iiWAS 2013 (with P. Korica-Pehserl), 615-618 (P)\\
715.	 nowledge Discovery in Hastags#; proc. ICEt2013, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2013 (with R. Mehmood, M.T. Afzal)  (P)\\
716.	Verdummt uns das Internet? VLM vol. 14, no.2  (2013), pp 24-27. (O)\\
717.	 Bedroht uns das Internet?  Die FURCHE 2/9.1.2014, p13. (O)\\
718.	 Are large Regional or Special Topic Servers Necessary (Preface); IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research; July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 1-2. (J)\\
719.	Austria-Forum and Beyond; IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research; July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 3-8 (J)\\
720.	Heritage Portals and Heritage Mining: Synergizing Data and Image Mining Under Uncertainty Constraints (with V. Milutinovi, J. Salom, V. Jelisavcic, V. Filipovi, A. Mihajlovic, Z. Ognjanovic, Z. Markovic, A. Kos, S. Tomazic); IPSI BgD Journal, Transactions on Internet Research; July 2014, Vol 10, Number 2 (ISSN 1820-4503), pp 53-56 (J)\\
721.	Der Grazer Beitrag zur Entwicklung weltweiter Computernetzwerke, Hermann Maurer in: Nachhaltige Entwicklungen an der TU Graz und ihre Initiatoren, Verlag der TU Graz 2014, pp.  66-99. (O)\\
722.	Does the Internet Make Us Stupid?; CACM, January 2015, Vol 58, no 1, 48-51 (J)\\
723.	Merging image databases as an example for information integration (with R. Mehmood); Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 23, no. 2 (2015), 441-458 (J)\\
724.	 Special Issue on Emerging Web Technologies and Applications; Nara Kulathuramaiyer, Hermann Maurer (Eds.) CIT- Journal of Computing and Information Technology vol. 23, no. 1 (2015) (J)\\
725.	  A Survey of Communications and Collaborative  Web Technologies; (with N. Kulathuramaiyer) CIT- Journal of Computing and Information Technology vol. 23, no.1 (2015), 1- 18 (J)\\
726.	 Neue Technologien verändern uns und das Leben; In: Zukunft des Lernens (G. Roth, Ed.) F .Schöning Paderborn (2015), 135-146 (O)\\
727.	 Fact Collection and Verification Effort (with Rizwan Mehmood); in: 4 th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, Colmar, France (2015) (O)\\
728.	 A New Look at Geography of the World (with Rizwan Mehmood  and Nara Kulathuramaiyer); in: Transactions of Internet Research (2015) (J)\\
729.	New Developments on the Web; in: Transactions of Internet Research (2015) (J)\\ 
730.	Die frühe Entwicklung des Internets, des WWW und erste E-Learning –Aktivitäten; in: 20 Jahre Lernen mit dem World Wide Web, Band 330, Heinz Nixdorf Institut (2015), 1- 24 (P)\\
731.	Computing and Thinking about the Future; in: The Human Face of Computing (Ed. C. Calude), Imperial College Press, London (215), 399-408 (P)\\
732.	New Developments on the Web (Editoral); IPSI Transactions on Internet Research vol 12., no. 1 (2016), 1-2 (J)\\
733.	A New Look at Geography of the World (with Mehmood, R., Kualthuramaiyer, N.); IPSI Transactions on Internet Research vol. 12., no. 1 (2016), 21-30 (J)\\
734.	The Next Quantum Jump of the Internet (with Jelisavcic, V.); IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research vol. 12., no. 1 (2016), 3-9 (J)\\
735.	Ein geführter Spazierganz durch das Austria-Forum (Version Februar 2016); Austria-Forum Web-Book (2016) (B)\\
736.	Kohlenstoffdioxid- Feind oder Freund, https://austria-forum.org/af/Wissenssammlungen/Essays/Ökologie/Kohlenstoffdioxid-_Feind_oder_Freund, 20. August 2016 (O)\\
737.	Bedrohung der Umwelt, AEIOU/Bedrohung_der_Umwelt, 10. Februar 2017 (O)\\
738.	Alternative Energie, https://austria-forum.org/af/AEIOU/Alternative_Energie, 10. März 2017 (O)\\
739.	SUBA Tauchen, https://austria-forum.org/af/AEIOU/SCUBA, 6. April 2017 (O)\\
740.	Die Verfügbarkeit digitaler Informationen, https://austria-forum.org/af/Wissenssammlungen/Essays/Medien/Zur_Verfügbarkeit_digitaler_Informationen,   August 25, 2017 (O)\\
741.	Problems and solutions for using computer (networks) for education';  Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning (JRIT), vol.10, no.1, 63-78 (2017), [online|https://www.nid-library.com/Home/ViewBook/2104] (J)\\
742.	To My Friend Bolgani. Liber Amicorum, Univ. Turku Pub., 23-25 (2017) (O)\\
743.	Semi-automatic Story Generation for a Geographic Server (with R. Mehmood), Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society, vol.16, no. 27, 12-25 (2017) (J)\\
744.	Mobile Applicationss for Encyclopedias (with P. Neuhold and M. Ebner), In: International Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquituous Learning, 229-247 (2017), online https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-10-6144-8  (P)\\
744b. Ändert die Digitalisierung die Aufklärung? [web-books/docdigiaufklaerung00de2017iicm] (P) 2017
745.	 Finding Reliable Information on the Web Should and Can Still Be Improved (with Mathias Glatz, and  Afzal Tanvir), CIT- Journal of Computing and Information Technolgoy vol.2 6., no. 1 (2018),  1-6. (2018 (J)\\
746.	Impact analysis of adverbs for sentiment classification on Twitter     product reviews (with S. Haider, M.T. Afzal, M. Asif, A. Ahmad, A.  Abuarqoub), Concurrency and Computation- Practice and Experience, Wiley 2018,  e4956, 1-15.     https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4956 (O)\\
747.	Können Computer intelligent werden? Wing Business 4 (18), 16- 20, https://austria-forum.org/af/Wissenssammlungen/Essays/Naturwissenschaften/Intelligente_Computer (2018) (O)\\
748.	Comprehensive Evaluation of h-index and its Extensions in the Domain of Mathematics (with Rizwan Ghani, Faiza Qayyum and Tanvir Azfal); Scientometrics, Springer, Pub. Co.  (March 2019)  (P)\\
749.	Libraries of Interactive Books as Powerful Tool for Information Communication (with Namik Delilovic and Bilal Zaka); Proceedings of ED-Media 2019, AACE (2019), 1353- 1359 (P)\\
750.	A critical discussion of some current and future developments of IT (with Namik Delilovic); Proceedings of EuroSPI 2019, Edinburgh, 3-14 (P)\\
751.	Wie sich die Welt in 80 Jahren veränderte. In: Veränderungen in einer Generation (J. Günther, Ed.) Freya Publishing, Austria,  2019, pp.124-149 (P)\\
752.	An Introduction to Interactive Books (with N. Delilovic und B. Zaka) , Proc. ED-MEDIA 2019, Amsterdam, 1353-1359 (P)\\
753.	A Note concerning Feedback and Queries for Web pages (with N. Delilovic)  JUCS vol. 25, no. 7, 733-739 (J)\\
754.	A Critical Discussion of Some Current and Future Developments of IT (with N. Delilovic). In: Proceedings of EuroSPI Edinburgh September 19, 2019; Springer Conference Publication, 3- 14 (P)\\
755.	Experiences Based on a Major Information Server (with N. Delilovic, M. Ebner, B. Zaka); IPSI  Transactions on Internet Research, vol 16, no. 1 (Jan, 2020) , 68 -74 (J) or in Web-Books.\\
756.	Reinhard Posch: Der Beginn einer großen Karriere-Aus dem Buch der Geschichte des IAKI, Graz 2019, 174-199 (O)\\
757.	Investigating the interaction activities in digital libraries: The Networked Interactive Digital Books Project. (with B. Zaka and N.Deliliovic), IPSI  Transactions on Internet Research, vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan. 2020), 75- 82.  (J)\\
758.	Editorial on Digital Heritage: IPSI  Transactions on Internet Research, vol. 16, no. 1 (Jan. 2020), 1-2 (J)\\
759. KI und Digtiale Bücher werden Bibliotheken stark verändern (with N. Delilovic). (O)\\
760.	Ein kritischer Spaziergang durchs Internet (mit N. Deliovic), https://austria-forum.org/web-books/dockritspaziergang00de2019isds, Proc. Enlightenment Today (D. Camhy, Ed.), 2020, 221-250. (P)\\
761. Mein Beruf (Austria-Forum, Mai 2020) (O)\\
762. An Introduction to Interactive Books (Libraries of Interactive Books as Powerful Tool for Information Communication (with Namik Delilovic and Bilal Zaka); Proceedings of ED-Media 2019, AACE (2019), 1353- 1359\\ 
763. Ein kritischer Spaziergang durchs Internet (with N. Delilovic) Proc. Enlightenment Today (D. Camhy, Ed.), 2020, 221-251\\
764. Explanation, Application Scenarios and some possible extensions of NID (Englisch Version) (with B. Zaka) (O)\\
765.   Allgemeine Erklärungen, Anwendungsbeispiele und zukünftige Entwicklungen von NID (Deutsche Version) (with N. Delilovoic) (O) \\
766. Reinhard Posch: Der Beginn einer großen Karriere- Aus dem Buch der Geschichte des IAIK, 2019, 174-199 (O)\\
767. Experiences with my floater, https://austria-forum.org/af/Geography/Europe/Finland/Special_Information/Experiences_with_my_floater; (Oktober  2019) (O) \\
768. Bericht über Interact-Reflect (with D. Camhy) (O) \\
769. Um die Welt mit Zwischenfällen und mehr: Stücke einer Biographie (__gedrucktes Buch__) Verlag Johannes Martinek, Perchtoldsdorf bei Wien, 509 Seiten (2020) (B) \\
770. Um die Welt mit Zwischenfällen und mehr: Stücke einer Biographie (__NID-Buch__), 853 Seiten (2020)(B) [https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/BookDetail/230] \\
771. Producing Unifying Reports on Topics of General Interest; In: IPSI Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol.21, No. 1, 43-48 (2021) (with N. Delilovic) (J)\\
772. Twenty-five Years of Journal of Universal Computer Science: A Bibliometric Overview (with Nelson Baloian, José A. Pino, Gustavo Zurita, Valeria Lobos-Ossandón), JUCS vol.27, No.1, pp.3-39\\ 
773. Networked Networked Interactive Digitized information will change the world. (2021) (O)\\
774. Supercomputing applied to digital libraries. In: Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of Supercomputing, by Veljko Milutinovic and Milos Kotlar IGI Global 2021, 331-332 (O)\\
775. Passively Acquiring Information Must End: H. Maurer, B. Zaka, S. Eisenberger in:  Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, M. Yilmaz et al. (Eds.): EuroSPI 2021, CCIS 1442, pp. 151–163, (2021),  [https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-85521-5_11]. See also presentation on  [https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/ViewBook/411]\\
776. Rezension [„Gotik und Informatik/Intelligenter Entwurf damals und heute“ von Manfred NAGL in HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik|https://rdcu.be/cBU3p]\\
777: New Applications of a System Supporting Interactive Documents (with Sonja Eisenberger); NID Book https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/ViewBook/497,  in: Band 10, IAFeS Edition,  pp. 63-72 )\\
778: Neues zum Austria-Forum und NID, NID Book https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/ViewBook/562, Graz, March 2022 (R)\\
779: Web Sites Need Much More User-Driven Interactivity (with ZAKA, Bilal),  IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, vol 18, no. 2 (June 2022), 63-68, see also http://ipsitransactions.org/journals/papers/tir/2022jul/p8.pdf (J)\\
780: Digital Libraries, IPSI Transactions on Internet Research, vol 18, no. 2 (June 2022), 1-4, see also http://ipsitransactions.org/journals/papers/tir/2022jul/p1.pdf, (J)\\
781: Large webistes have to become more interactive, NID Book https://nid.iicm.tugraz.at/Home/ViewBook/716; also Invited Keynote presentation at EuroSpi 2022 in Salzburg, Austria, September 2022\\
782: Digital Libraries of the Future; NID Book https://nid.kinderphilosophie.at/Home/ViewBook/315; Graz, Vobember 2022 also Invited talk at Internationaler Kongress "Rationalität und Emotionalität in unsicheren Zeiten - Wie sollen wir in Zukunft leben")\\
783: [Documents as collaborative living objects in modern digital libraries (with ZAKA, Bilal)|22-12-26-Zaka-Maurer AIC-Paper.docx] (Invited Presentation for AiC Journal, to appear 2023)\\
784: Net Interactive Documents revolutionize many applications; NID Book https://www.nid-library.com/Home/ViewBook/1529,Eurospi 2023, September 2023\\
785: A new approach to store digital documents with many applications; NID Book https://nid.kinderphilosophie.at/Home/BookDetail/324, Graz, November 2023\\

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