!!!Short English Presentation

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!Main aim: To provide trustworthy information for the general public like former encyclopedias 
!Content: Currently 1.2 million media objects, 20% yearly increase, over 5 million page-views/ year and supposed to grow fast when the Austrian Learning platform  “Eduthek” will be opened. 
!Main features of austria-forum.org:
*Quality control by various means:
*Contributions are not anonymous but known by name and vitae
*Authors can be contacted, and even anonymous contacts can lead to discussions
*Extensive linkage with freely readable 2.500 digital books
*Use of high-quality publications by research institutions
*Grouping material together by topics
*Academic publications suitable for a wide audience are accepted
!Material goes beyond static text and pictures:
*Videos, 360° panoramas and interactive videos (!)
*Interactive comparisons of areas of interests in any of the UN countries
*Attempt to check figures by examining typical 6 different data-bases
*Presentation of interactive graphs
*Moderated discussions on topics of European and national interest
*Competitions and quizzes to attract users
*Contributions lead to interesting books, hence support from publishers     
*Collaboration with similar efforts in other countries, exchange made possible by automatic but afterwards polished translations
*Financial support beyond sponsors and projects by innovative SW developments applicable to many WWW servers rather than an advertisement based model

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