!!!Dr Marija Djokic Petrovic

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__Personal details__\\
Date of birth: 11.2.1986\\
Birthplace: Kragujevac, Serbia\\
Address: Graz, Austria \\
Website: [marijadjokicpetrovic.com|http://marijadjokicpetrovic.com] \\
Contact: marija.djokic795@gmail.com\\

__Professional experience__\\
*Researcher, Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH, Austria \\
*Software Developer, mything GmbH, Austria\\
*Software Developer, Virtual World Services GmbH, Austria (Partners: Technical University Graz, Both-Interact, HBA)\\
*Research Associate, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia\\

__Education and training__\\
*Phd, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac\\
*Master of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia (2005-2010)
*Student practice, ComTrade ITSS, Belgrade, Serbia, Software testing, Creation of tutorials for tools Selenium and SoapUI (2009-2010)\\
*EDIT Summer School at ComTrade ITSS, Belgrade, Serbia, Java SMS Server - Bank Services (2009)\\

*Substitute Advisor in the Council of Foreigners in Graz, Austria (2021-present)\\
*Member of Equal Opportunities (2020-present)\\
*Member of Informatics Association of Serbia IAS (2018-present)\\
*Editorial board member of Austria-Forum (2018-present)\\
*Former member of management board of NEU Graz (Verein für Neoösterreicher und EU-Bürger Graz, 2017-2018)\\

__Research interests __
* Semantic Web
* Bioinformatics
* Python Programming

__Hobbies and interests __\\
*A passionate book reader and co-founder of [Knjižičica |http://knjizicica.rs] \\
*History lover \\


!!Ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit am Austria-Forum als Mitglied des Editorial Boards

* [Impressions of Serbia|Geography/Europe/Serbia/Pictures/Serbia_2]


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