!!! [Reports/Berichte on/über das COVID 19 Virus|Coronavirus]

!!! COVID Virus - Numbers
compiled by Hermann Maurer, but no responsibility is accepted. 

This site was monitoring the virus following the numbers in Worldometers in the [geography section of  Austria-Forum|Geography/Visualizations], more specifically the part in  [the Corona- Section|https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus]. Details were shown for over two years, and we leave what was shown in the last months (most of 2022) below for some time.

>[The official major site in Austria|https://info.gesundheitsministerium.at] (Deutsch/In German)   
>[Das können die Corona Impfstoffe leisten-Beitrag aus dem Spektrum|https://www.spektrum.de/news/astrazeneca-das-koennen-die-corona-impfstoffe-leisten/1839421] (Deutsch/In German)

However, numbers concerning COVID are less and less reliable due to different COVID rules, levels of enforcement, and, even more, they are very much country dependent. 

We have asked our users and got a number of replies suggesting that a continuation of the effort on a large scale is not really necessary, given that other sources are available. Here are some of the answers from users:

*Feedback: Ich glaube, dass die Corona Angaben, weil sie so unregelmäßig und in verschiedenen Ländern so verschieden erfasst werden, kaum mehr sinnvoll sind.
*Sinnlos,  die Zahlen werden  zu verschieden erhoben und berichtet
*Waren anfangs interessant und ziemlich ok, sind aber immer instabiler geworden
*Vorschlag: Es werden nur noch die Zahlen vom Mittwoch berichtet, die scheinen noch einigermassen zu sein, nicht aussagekräftig, aber doch ein bisschen den Trend  zeigend
*Nur die Zahlen von Österreich zeigen, und eher die vom Vortag, weil die sich im Laufe des  Tages noch verändern
*ich hab selbst geraume Zeit gewisse Inzidenzzahlen  aufgezeichnet; nach fast zwei Jahren habe ich es  dann  aufgegeben, weil mir schien, daß es a) in meiner umgebung niemandem wichtig ist und b) für mich auch keine Orientierungshilfe mehr ist.  Notiere bloß noch die zahlen um die Monatswende. Es ist sonst zu viel Arbeit für zu wenig Nutzen, wie mir scheint. 

Hence, as of November 1, we change our reporting to just one report for one day a month. The new table shows the 20 country with the largest reported total infections to date (i), with growth from last day (g), with total number of deaths to date (d), and the number or currently infected active persons (a). We include a special line for Austria at the bottom.

For more information we ask you to consult [the Corona- Section|https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus] but advise tio also use them with caution.

The numbers below are rounded to the nearest 1000.  So 5 people infected means 5.000, 20 deaths means 20.000. Growth 0 could mean 400, etc. A question mark ? indicates that worldometer did not show a number.

Here we go: 

__Nov. 1, 2022__ (available Nov.2)__
*__1 USA__: i:99,401; g:17; d:1,096; a:1,323; __2 India__: i:44,656; g:1; d:529; a:17; __3 France__:i: 36,843; g:30; d:157; a:804; __4 Germany__: i:36,650; g:30; d:154; a:1,496;
*__5 Brazil__: i:34,879; g:8; d:688; a:130; __6 S.Korea__: i:25,616 ; g:58; d:29; a:539; __7 UK__: i:23,898; g:?; d:194; a:165 ; __8 Italy__: i:23,531; g:?; d:179; a:467;
*__9 Japan__: i:22,362; g:67; d:47 a:1816; __10 Russia__: i:21,435; g:5; d:390; a:232; __11 Turkey__: i:16,920 ; g:?; d:101; a:?; __12 Spain__: i:13,512; g:?; d:115; a:102;
*__13 Vietnam__: i:11.503; g:0; d:43; a:857; __14 Australia__: i:10,379; g:2; d:16; a:147; __15 Argentina__: i:9,719; g:?; d:130; a:5; __16 Netherlands__ :i:8,518; g:2; d:23; a:82; 
*__17 Taiwan__: i:7,747; g:34; d:13; a:750; __18 Iran__: i:7.558; g:0; d:145; a:81; __19 Mexico__: i:7,111; g:0; d:330; a:397; __20 Indonesia__: i:6,498; g:5; d:159; a:27;
*__24 Austria__: i:5,444; g:5; d:21; a:53.

Dec. 1, 2022 (numbers are those from last month, will be corrected only Dec.2)
*__1 USA__: i:100,788; g:32; d:1,107; a:1,444; __2 India__: i:44,674; g:0; d:531; a:6; __3 France__:i: 37,975; g:59; d:159; a:875; __4 Germany__: i:36,558; g:28; d:158; a:547;
*__5 Brazil__: i:35,356; g:39; d:690; a:424; __6 S.Korea__: i:27,209 ; g:52; d:31; a:991; __7 Japan__: i:25,021; g:110; d:50; a:4245; __8 Italy__: i:24,488; g:?; d:182; a:507;
*__9 UK__: i:24,025; g:?; d:197; a:83 ; __10 Russia__: i:21,604; g:56; d:392; a:203; __11 Turkey__: i:17,005 ; g:?; d:101; a:?; __12 Spain__: i:13,615; g:3; d:116; a:95;
*__13 Vietnam__: i:11,517; g:0; d:43; a:865; __14 Australia__: i:10,744; g:19; d:16; a:181; __15 Argentina__: i:9,727; g:?; d:130; a:7; __16 Netherlands__ :i:8,545; g:0; d:23; a:26; 
*__17 Taiwan__: i:8,343; g:14; d:14; a:327; __18 Iran__: i:7,560; g:0; d:145; a:80; __19 Mexico__: i:7,133; g:?; d:331; a:402; __20 Indonesia__: i:6,674; g:4; d:160; a:56;
*__23 Austria__: i:5,572; g:5; d:21; a:48.

Jan . 4, 2023\\  
*__1 USA__: i:103,019; g:45; d:1,121; a:2,154; __2 India__: i:44,680; g:0; d:531; a:3; __3 France__:i: 39,370; g:14; d:163; a:624; __4 Germany__: i:37,475; g:29; d:162; a:564;
*__5 Brazil__: i:36,428; g:30; d:694; a:537; __6 Japan__: i:29,572; g:104; d:58; a:8,342;__7 S.Korea__: i:29,299 ; g:79; d:32; a:1,170; __8 Italy__: i:25,144; g:?; d:185; a:418;
*__9 UK__: i:24,135; g:?; d:199; a:76 ; __10 Russia__: i:21,814; g:3; d:3924; a:192; __11 Turkey__: i:17,043 ; g:?; d:101; a:?; __12 Spain__: i:13,684; g:?; d:117; a:80;
*__13 Vietnam__: i:11,525; g:0; d:43; a:871; __14 Australia__: i:11,173; g:9; d:17; a:136; __15 Argentina__: i:9,964; g:?; d:130; a:196; __16 Taiwan__: i:8,948; g:34; d:15; a:416;
*__17 Netherlands__: i:8,569; g:?; d:23; a:23; __18 Iran__: i:7,562; g:0; d:145; a:81; __19 Mexico__: i:7,562; g:5; d:331; a:432; __20 Indonesia__: i:6,722; g:1; d:161; a:9;
*__23 Austria__: i:5,716; g:4; d:21; a:35.

!!Note Jan 6, 2023
In Europe, the pandemic Corola has been said to be "over", changing into local outbreaks. All numbers reported are very doubtful. The huge infection rates in China are not at all reported. All counted, even the reduced information given above does not make much sense any more, and will not be continued after January 2023, unless I get much feedback (use the green button on the right) that I should continue.I will report here, how many votes for continuation have been obtained in January.
Hermann Maurer

No updates are carried out below anymore.

This site was monitoring the virus following the numbers in Worldometers in the [geography section of  Austria-Forum|Geography/Visualizations], more specifically the part in  [the Corona- Section|https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus]. Details were shown for over two years , and we leave what was shown in the last months below for some time. 

Note that all numbers that follow are rounded, and many are obsolete within hours. Dramatic changes happen within hours, due to when reports are released in various countries.  Note further, that many reports are erroneous, be it on purpose or because not enough Corona testing is done, let alone in some medically lesser developed countries.  Note that all figures have to be taken with more than a grain of salt, there are quite visible discrepancies from day-to-day and from country to country. 

!!Rounded growth of reported daily infections over 30.000 in countries since July 2022 in thousands:
Thus, e.g.France(133) means 133.000 new infections in France since last day. The figures from Saturday to Sunday and Sunday to Monday are omitted on purpose, since fewer test on weekendes just distort picture.

*June 30 - July 1: France(133),Germany(113),USA(86),Italy(83), Brazil(75),Taiwan(39),Australia(34).
*July 1 - 2: France(125),USA(103),Germany(99),Italy(86), Brazil(76),Taiwan(36),Australia(35).
*July 4(Mo) - 5: Germany(147), Italy(36), Brazil(34).
*July 5 - 6: France(207),Italy(132),Germany(131),Brazil(75),USA(46),Australia(37),Taiwan(36).
*July 6 - 7: France(155),Germany(135),Italy(108),USA(91),Brazil(77),Australia(43),Taiwan(35),Japan(33).
*July 7 - 8: France(161),Germany(118),Italy(108),USA(91),Brazil(73),Japan(45), Australia(43),Taiwan(31),Mexico(31).
*July 8 - 9: France(141),USA(108),Italy(102),Germany(96),Brazil(73),Japan(48), Australia(42),Mexico(32),Taiwan(30).
*July 11(Mo) - 12: Germany(155),USA(58),Japan(51),Brazil(44),Italy(38),Australia(32).
*July 12 - 13: France(182),Italy(144),Germany(128),USA(95),Brazil(65),Japan(46),Australia(41),S.Korea(37),Taiwan(31).
*July 13 - 14: Germany(152),France(128),Italy(110),USA(108),Brazil(72),Japan(68),Australia(44),S.Korea(40),Mexico(36).
*July 14 - 15: France(119),Germany(110), Italy(109),USA(95),Japan(93),Brazil(65),Australia(47),S.Korea(39),Mexico(37).
*July 15 - 16: Germany(123),USA(112), Brazil(108), Italy(98),Japan(97),Australia(43),S.Korea(39),Mexico(35).
*July 18(Mo) - 19: Japan(105), France(74), Italy(69), S.Korea(40),Australia(38), Mexico(31).
*July 19 - 20: Germany(161), Japan(104), USA(58), Australia(39), Brazil(39), Italy(31).
*July 20 - 21: Germany(141),France(134),Italy(121),Japan(80),USA(75),S.Korea(74), Brazil(58), Australia(50).
*July 21 - 22: Germany(137),USA(114),France(90),Italy(87),Japan(81),S.Korea(76),Brazil(56),Australia(49),Mexico(34).
*July 22 - 23: Japan(135),Germany(108),USA(101),Italy(81),France(81),S.Korea(71),Australia(55),Brazil(52),Mexico(35).
*July 23 - 24: Japan(181),USA(106),Germany(92),France(74), Italy(71),S.Korea(69),Australia(53),Brazil(49),Mexico(34).
*July 25(Mo) - 26: Japan(173),Germany(145),USA(53),Australia(37),S.Korea(36),France(74),Brazil(31).
*July 26 - 27: Japan(154),Germany(122),S.Korea(99),Italy(88),USA(88),France(88), Australia(47),Brazil(39).
*July 27 - 28: Japan(180),USA(114),Germany(104),S.Korea(100),Italy(64),France(59), Australia(50),Brazil(47),Mexico(30).
*July 28 - 29: Japan(207),USA(93),S.Korea(88),Germany(85),Italy(60),France(52), Australia(46),Brazil(45).
*July 29 - 30: Japan(230),USA(99),S.Korea(85),Germany(66),Italy(54),France(46), Australia(45),Brazil(43).
*August 1(Mo) - 2: Japan(197),Germany(104),USA(54),S.Korea(45), Australia(33).
*August 2 - 3: Japan(168),S.Korea(112),Germany(88),Italy(65),USA(61),France(55), Australia(35),Brazil(34).
*August 3 - 4: Japan(196),S.Korea(120),USA(101),Germany(75),Italy(46),Australia(41),France(39),Brazil(37).
*August 4 - 5: Japan(232),S.Korea(108),USA(86),Germany(60),Italy(43),Australia(37),Brazil(37),France(34).
*August 5 - 6: Japan(253),S.Korea(113),USA(89),Germany(50),Italy(38),Australia(33),France(31).
*August 8(Mo) - 9: Japan(199),Germany(79),S.Korea(55),USA(44).
*August 9 - 10: Japan(173),S.Korea(150),Germany(73),USA(58),Italy(43),France(38),Brazil(30).
*August 11 - 12: Japan(243),S.Korea(137),USA(79),Germany(50).
*August 12 - 13: Japan(225),S.Korea(129),USA(85),Germany(46).
*August 15(Mo)- 16: Japan(170),Germany(64),S.Korea(62),USA(38).
*August 16- 17: Japan(160),S.Korea(84),Germany(67),USA(54).
*August 17 - 18: S.Korea(181),Japan(178),USA(87),Germany(59),Italy(36),France(36), Russia(33).
*August 18 - 19: Japan(208),S.Korea(178),USA(69),Germany(47),Russia(36).
*August 21(Mo)- 22: Japan(218),Germany(60),S.Korea(60),USA(35),Russia(33).
*August 22 - 23: Japan(185),S.Korea(150),USA(53),Germany(53),Italy(35),Russia(31).
*August 23 - 24: Japan(194),S.Korea(139),USA(82),Germany(49),Russia(40).
*August 24 - 25: Japan(237),S.Korea(113),USA(60),Russia(43),Germany(37).
*August 25 - 26: Japan(227),S.Korea(101),USA(64),Russia(46),Germany(33).
*August 29(Mo)- 30: Japan(153),Germany(55),S.Korea(43),Russia(40),USA(30).
*August 30 - 31: Japan(126),S.Korea(116),USA(50),Russia(37),Taiwan(31),Italy(31).
*August 31 - Sept.1: Japan(140),S.Korea(104), USA(71),Brazil(59),Russia(46),Germany(39),Taiwan(35).
*Sept.1 - 2: Japan(167),S.Korea(81), USA(66),Russia(50),Taiwan(34),Germany(34).
*Sept.2 - 3: Japan(153),S.Korea(90), USA(62),Russia(51),Taiwan(34).
*Sept.5(Mo) - 6: Japan(105),Germany(50),Russia(42), S.Korea(38).
*Sept.6 - 7: S.Korea(100),Japan(84),Germany(470),Russia(39), Taiwan(37).
*Sept.7 - 8: Japan(101),S.Korea(85),USA(50),Russia(48),Germany(42),Taiwan(41).
*Sept.8 - 9: Japan(135),S.Korea(73),Russia(51),USA(47),Germany(36),Taiwan(35).
*Sept.9 - 10: Japan(112),S.Korea(69),Russia(52),USA(51),Taiwan(34),Germany(30).
*Sept.12(Mo) - 13: Japan(85),Germany(55),Russia(46),S.Korea(37).
*Sept.13 - 14: Japan(65),S.Korea(57),USA(51),Germany(51),Taiwan(47),Russia(44),France(42).
*Sept.14 - 15: S.Korea(94),Japan(79),USA(55),Russia(52),Taiwan(50),Germany(47),France(34).
*Sept.15 - 16: Japan(100),S.Korea(71),Russia(56),Taiwan(45),USA(41),Germany(39),France(33).
*Sept.16 - 17: Japan(88),Russia(59),S.Korea(52),Taiwan(42),USA(39),Germany(37).
*Sept.17 - 18: Japan(78),Russia(58),S.Korea(43),Taiwan(40),France(33).
*Sept.19(Mo) - 20: Japan(64),Germany(60),Russia(49).
*Sept.20 - 21: Germany(57),France(52),S.Korea(48),Russia(46),Taiwan(45),Japan(41).
*Sept.21 - 22: Germany(57),Russia(53),USA(48),Taiwan(47),S.Korea(41),Japan(39),France(38).
*Sept.22 - 23: Japan(61),Russia(53),Germany(51),Taiwan(42),USA(39),France(38),S.Korea(33).
*Sept.23 - 24: Japan(78),Russia(53),Germany(47),Taiwan(40),France(38),Australia(36),USA(33).
*Sept.26(Mo) - 27: Germany(89),Japan(44),Germany(89),Russia(40).
*Sept.27 - 28: Germany(96),France(74),Japan(51),Taiwan(46),Italy(45),S.Korea(39),Russia(37).
*Sept.28 - 29: Germany(79),France(53),Japan(50),Taiwan(49),Russia(40),Italy(37),USA(37),S.Korea(36).
*Sept.29 - 30: Germany(96),France(51),Taiwan(45),Japan(42),Russia(39),Italy(38),USA(32),S.Korea(31).
*Sept.30 - Oct.1: Germany(74),France(48),Taiwan(43),Japan(37),Russia(37),Italy(34).
*Oct.3(Mo)- Oct.4: Taiwan(33).
*Oct.4 - 5.: Germany(134),France(89),Italy(59),Taiwan(50),Japan(40).
*Oct.5 - 6.: Germany(132),France(67),Taiwan(55),Italy(45),Japan(41),USA(37),S.Korea(35).
*Oct.6 - 7.: Germany(174),France(66),Taiwan(46),Italy(45),Japan(33),USA(31).
*Oct.7 - 8.: Germany(122),France(61),Taiwan(51),Italy(45).
*Oct.10(Mo) - 11.: Germany(173),Taiwan(32).
*Oct.11 - 12.: Germany(137),France(95),Italy(66),Taiwan(41).
*Oct.12 - 13.: Germany(145),France(68),Taiwan(52),Italy(48),Japan(46),USA(35),S.Korea(31).
*Oct.13 - 14.: Germany(114),France(64),Taiwan(53),Italy(46),Japan(46). 
*Oct.14 - 15.: Germany(92),France(59),Taiwan(48),Italy(416),Japan(37).
*Oct.17(Mo) - 18.: Germany(150).
*Oct.18 - 19: Germany(130),France(88),Italy(58),Taiwan(45),Japan(42),S.Korea(33).
*Oct.19 - 20: Germany(117),France(63),Taiwan(45),Japan(44),Italy(42),USA(33).
*Oct.20 - 21: Germany(92),France(57),Italy(41),Taiwan(40),Japan(36). 
*Oct.21 - 22: Germany(75),France(49),Taiwan(37),Italy(36),Japan(32). 
*Oct.24(Mo) - 2.: Germany(116).
*Oct.25 - 26: Germany(95),France(60),Italy(49),Japan(48),S.Korea(44),Taiwan(40). 
*Oct.26 - 27: Germany(79),Japan(50),France(41),S.Korea(41),Taiwan(40),Italy(35).
*Oct.27 - 28: Germany(61),Japan(43),France(37),Taiwan(36),S.Korea(35),Italy(32).
*Oct.28 - 29: Germany(48),Japan(39),S.Korea(36),France(37),Taiwan(36),S.Korea(36),Italy(32). 
*Oct.31(Mo) - Nov.01:  

!!The situation in Austria shows one line starting March 15, 2022 as follow:\\
Date :  t: Total infections; g: Growth of infections; d: Total deaths; r: Total recovered; a: Total active\\


Mar.15:t:3,225,272; g:37125; d:15,261  r:2816,416; a:393,595\\
Mar.16:t:3,283,855; g:58583; d:15,289  r:2851,667; a:416,899\\
Mar.17:t:3,335,900; g:52045; d:15,320  r:2887,173; a:433,407\\
Mar.18:t:3,387,012; g:51112; d:15,344  r:2926,418; a:445,250\\
Mar.19:t:3,429,012; g:41999; d:15,387  r:2963,825; a:449,799\\
Mar.20:t:3,466,203; g:37129; d:15,409  r:3003,103; a:447,691\\
Mar.21:t:3,498,075; g:31872; d:15,432  r:3044,103; a:437,835\\
Mar.22:t:3,532,415; g:34349; d:15,487  r:3087,262; a:429,666\\
Mar.23:t:3,585,486; g:53071; d:15,530  r:3129,004; a:440,952\\
Mar.24:t:3,627,093; g:41607; d:15,579  r:3168,886; a:442,628\\
Mar.25:t:3,665,003; g:37910; d:15,619  r:3209,448; a:439,936\\
Mar.26:t:3,698,511; g:33508; d:15,665  r:3252,752; a:430,094\\
Mar.27:t:3,723,056; g:27304; d:15,681  r:3302,123; a:419,221\\
Mar.28:t:3,747,582; g:22120; d:15,706  r:3331,691; a:400,185\\
Mar.29:t:3,770,412; g:22830; d:15,764  r:3372,749; a:382,899\\
Mar.30:t:3,805,155; g:34743; d:15,812  r:3415,869; a:373,474\\
Mar.31:t:3,831,048; g:25893; d:15,865  r:3455,869; a:359,851\\
Apr.01:t:3,854,405; g:23357; d:15,905  r:3497,957; a:340,543\\
Apr.02:t:3,873,448; g:19043; d:15,957  r:3537,192; a:320,299\\
Apr.03:t:3,887,355; g:13907; d:15,985  r:3572,192; a:299,140\\
Apr.04:t:3,899,660; g:12305; d:16,002  r:3607,702; a:275,956\\
Apr.05:t:3,912,606; g:12946; d:16,061  r:3643,590; a:252,999\\
Apr.06:t:3,933,682; g:21076; d:16,097  r:3674,107; a:243,478\\
Apr.07:t:3,950,161; g:16479; d:16,141  r:3701,204; a:232,816\\
Apr.08:t:3,964,246; g:14085; d:16,168  r:3729,061; a:219,017\\
Apr.09:t:3,976,750; g:12504; d:16,208  r:3757,730; a:202,812\\
Apr.10:t:3,987,385; g:10635; d:16,226  r:3779,116; a:192,043\\
Apr.11:t:3,999,418; g:08033; d:16,242  r:3779,939; a:179,237\\
Apr.12:t:4,004,069; g:08651; d:16,286  r:3819,238; a:168,545\\
Apr.13:t:4,016,540; g:12471; d:16,324  r:3839,507; a:160,709\\
Apr.14:t:4,004,069; g:08651; d:16,286  r:3819,238; a:168,545\\ 
Apr.15:t:4,036,813; g:09790; d:16,390  r:3873,490; a:146,933\\
Apr.16:t:4,045,809; g:08996; d:16,407  r:3890,719; a:138,683\\
Apr.17:t:4,053,809; g:07408; d:16,420  r:3904,290; a:132,507\\
Apr.18:t:4,059,444; g:06227; d:16,431  r:3918,429; a:124,584\\
Apr.19:t:4,064,839; g:05395; d:16,439  r:3930,478; a:117,922\\
Apr.20:t:4,072,410; g:07571; d:16,470  r:3945,134; a:110,806\\
Apr.21:t:4,092,513; g:08155; d:17,057  r:3967,810; a:107,646\\
Apr.22:t:4,095,600; g:07223; d:18,016  r:3967,810; a:106,687\\
Apr.23:t:4,099,049; g:06536; d:18,035  r:3979,810; a:101,451\\
Apr.24:t:4,104,859; g:05810; d:18,047  r:3989,860; a:96,952\\
Apr.25:t:4,108,970; g:04111; d:18,054  r:3999,860; a:92,138\\
Apr.26:t:4,114,558; g:05588; d:18,076  r:4008,005; a:88,477\\
Apr.27:t:4,122,797; g:08239; d:18,100  r:4018,417; a:86,280\\
Apr.28:t:4,120,158; g:06316; d:18,117  r:4026,844; a:84,197\\
Apr.29:t:4,135,344; g:06186; d:18,138  r:4034,609; a:82,597\\
Apr.30:t:4,140,543; g:05199; d:18,156  r:4042,540; a:79,847\\
May 01:t:4,144,906; g:04363; d:18,161  r:4049,476; a:77,269\\
May 02:t:4,149,004; g:04098; d:18,170  r:4055,726; a:75,108\\
May 03:t:4,154,244; g:05240; d:18,183  r:4063,754; a:72,307\\
May 04:t:4,161,004; g:06760; d:18,200  r:4070,732; a:72,727\\
May 05:t:4,166,759; g:05755; d:18,222  r:4078,247; a:70,290\\
May 06:t:4,172,760; g:06001; d:18,228  r:4084,163; a:70,369\\
May 07:t:4,177,928; g:05168; d:18,242  r:4090,144; a:69,542\\
May 08:t:4,181,545; g:03617; d:18,245  r:4095,510; a:67,790\\
May 09:t:4,185,678; g:04133; d:18,249  r:4100,958; a:66,471\\
May 10:t:4,189,700; g:04022; d:18,271  r:4106,651; a:64,778\\
May 11:t:4,195,691; g:05991; d:18,279  r:4112,993; a:64,419\\
May 12:t:4,200,825; g:05134; d:18,291  r:4119,090; a:63,444\\
May 13:t:4,205,380; g:04555; d:18,296  r:4124,821; a:62,263\\
May 14:t:4,209,157; g:03777; d:18,303  r:4130,999; a:59,855\\
May 15:t:4,212,492; g:03335; d:18,303  r:4135,885; a:58,304\\
May 16:t:4,215,150; g:02658; d:18,303  r:4140,792; a:56,055\\
May 17:t:4,218,059; g:02909; d:18,312  r:4145,947; a:53,800\\
May 18:t:4,222,381; g:04322; d:18,320  r:4151,556; a:52,505\\
May 19:t:4,225,674; g:03293; d:18,328  r:4156,309; a:51,037\\
May 20:t:4,228,908; g:03234; d:18,333  r:4156,309; a:54,266\\
May 21:t:4,231,480; g:02572; d:18,343  r:4166,123; a:47,014\\
May 22:t:4,233,430; g:01950; d:18,347  r:4169,371; a:45,712\\
May 23:t:4,235,183; g:01753; d:18,599  r:4173,311; a:43,273\\
May 24:t:4,237,360; g:02177; d:18,607  r:4177,580; a:41,173\\
May 25:t:4,240,295; g:02935; d:18,619  r:4181,437; a:40,239\\
May 26:t:4,243,293; g:02998; d:18,632  r:4184,997; a:39,664\\
May 27:t:4,244,865; g:01572; d:18,643  r:4187,970; a:38,252\\
May 28:t:4,246,631; g:01766; d:18,651  r:4191,006; a:36,974\\
May 29:t:4,248,507; g:01876; d:18,651  r:4193,684; a:36,127\\
May 30:t:4,250,240; g:01733; d:18,651  r:4195,652; a:35,937\\
June01:t:4,255,871; g:03728; d:18,658  r:4202,091; a:35,122\\
June02:t:4,258,906; g:03035; d:18,659  r:4202,515; a:35,732\\
June03:t:4,262,117; g:03211; d:18,665  r:4206,881; a:36,571\\
June04:t:4,264,738; g:02621; d:18,669  r:4210,181; a:35,888\\
June05:t:4,267,154; g:02416; d:18,670  r:4212,299; a:36,185\\
June06:t:4,269,277; g:02123; d:18,674  r:4214,477; a:36,126\\
June07:t:4,271,517; g:02240; d:18,675  r:4216,213; a:36,629\\
June08:t:4,274,905; g:03388; d:18,682  r:4219,119; a:37,104\\
June09:t:4,280,049; g:05144; d:18,687  r:4221,650; a:39,712\\
June10:t:4,284,320; g:04271; d:18,690  r:4224,080; a:41,550\\
June11:t:4,288,427; g:04107; d:18,694  r:4226,460; a:43,273\\
June12:t:4,291,416; g:02989; d:18,697  r:4228,720; a:43,999\\
June13:t:4,294,321; g:02905; d:18,699  r:4231,207; a:44,415\\
June14:t:4,298,563; g:04242; d:18,706  r:4233,943; a:45,914\\
June15:t:4,305,432; g:06869; d:18,717  r:4237,609; a:49,108\\
June16:t:4,312,525; g:07093; d:18,720  r:4241,084; a:52,721\\
June17:t:4,317,466; g:04941; d:18,721  r:4244,211; a:54,534\\
June18:t:4,322,873; g:05407; d:18,728  r:4247,445; a:56,700\\
June19:t:4,329,279; g:06406; d:18,729  r:4250,857; a:59,693\\
June20:t:4,334,212; g:04933; d:18,732  r:4254,136; a:61,344\\
June21:t:4,341,493; g:07281; d:18,738  r:4258,136; a:64,765\\
June22:t:4,352,391; g:10898; d:18,744  r:4261,845; a:71,802\\
June23:t:4,361,919; g:09528; d:18,749  r:4266,508; a:76,662\\
June24:t:4,370,852; g:08933; d:18,757  r:4271,277; a:80,818\\
June25:t:4,379,764; g:08912; d:18,758  r:4276,737; a:84,269\\
June26:t:4,386,857; g:07093; d:18,760  r:4281,819; a:86,278\\
June27:t:4,393,255; g:06398; d:18,764  r:4286,495; a:87,996\\
June28:t:4,403,444; g:10189; d:18,768  r:4293,115; a:91,561\\
June29:t:4,415,953; g:12509; d:18,779  r:4300,943; a:96,231\\
June30:t:4,428,459; g:12506; d:18,787  r:4308,472; a:101,200\\
July01:t:4,438,883; g:10424; d:18,792  r:4314,940; a:105,151\\
July02:t:4,448,954; g:10071; d:18,793  r:4322,440; a:107,721\\
July03:t:4,457,570; g:08616; d:18,798  r:4329,661; a:109,111\\
July04:t:4,465,315; g:07745; d:18,798  r:4336,503; a:110,141\\
July05:t:4,475,146; g:09831; d:18,805  r:4335,393; a:110,948\\
July06:t:4,487,675; g:12529; d:18,816  r:4354,923; a:113,936\\
July07:t:4,499,646; g:11971; d:18,825  r:4364,180; a:116,641\\
July08:t:4,510,741; g:11095; d:18,835  r:4373,320; a:118,586\\
July09:t:4,520,395; g:09654; d:18,872  r:4383,716; a:117,807\\
July10:t:4,529,644; g:09249; d:18,877  r:4393,109; a:117,658\\
July11:t:4,536,872; g:07228; d:18,884  r:4401,616; a:116,372\\
July12:t:4,547,061; g:10189; d:18,900  r:4413,524; a:114,637\\
July13:t:4,562,210; g:15149; d:18,909  r:4424,590; a:118,711\\
July14:t:4,574,722; g:12512; d:18,916  r:4436,566; a:119,218\\
July15:t:4,587,307; g:12585; d:18,925  r:4446,382; a:122,000\\
July16:t:4,599,489; g:12128; d:18,930  r:4457,544; a:123,015\\
July17:t:4,609,834; g:10345; d:18,931  r:4467,592; a:123,311\\
July18:t:4,618,283; g:08449  d:18,934  r:4477,310; a:122,039\\
July19:t:4,630,041; g:11758  d:18,958  r:4488,692; a:122,391\\
July20:t:4,644,055; g:14014  d:18,971  r:4499,583; a:125,501\\
July21:t:4,658,125; g:14070  d:18,987  r:4510,463; a:128,675\\
July22:t:4,669,240; g:11115  d:18,987  r:4521,552; a:128,701\\
July23:t:4,680,148; g:10908  d:18,992  r:4532,678; a:128,478\\
July24:t:4,687,113; g:06965  d:18,999  r:4542,478; a:125,636\\
July25:t:4,695,898; g:08785  d:19,007  r:4551,977; a:124,915\\
July26:t:4,705,111; g:09213  d:19,024  r:4564,278; a:121,809\\
July27:t:4,716,543; g:11432  d:19,051  r:4576,763; a:120,729\\
July28:t:4,724,622; g:08079  d:19,068  r:4587,631; a:117,923\\
July29:t:4,732,191; g:07569  d:19,080  r:4598,271; a:114,840\\
July30:t:4,738,778; g:06567  d:19,095  r:4609,269; a:110,414\\
July31:t:4,744,492; g:05714  d:19,106  r:4619,198; a:116,188\\
August01:t:4,748,697; g:04205  d:19,118  r:4628,405; a:101,174\\
August02:t:4,755,335; g:06638  d:19,140  r:4639,640; a:96,555\\
August03:t:4,763,810; g:08475  d:19,151  r:4650,435; a:94,224\\
August04:t:4,770,516; g:06706  d:19,165  r:4661,070; a:90,281\\
August05:t:4,776,787; g:06271  d:19,177  r:4669,036; a:88,574\\
August06:t:4,782,740; g:05953  d:19,194  r:4678,166; a:85,380\\
August07:t:4,787,491; g:04751  d:19,199  r:4682,297; a:85,995\\
August08:t:4,791,014; g:03523  d:19,200  r:4689,678; a:82,136\\
August09:t:4,796,689; g:05675  d:19,215  r:4698,570; a:78,904\\
August10:t:4,803,681; g:06992  d:19,231  r:4706,153; a:78,297\\
August11:t:4,809,558; g:05877  d:19,242  r:4712,078; a:78,238\\
August12:t:4,815,286; g:05728  d:19,257  r:4717,829; a:78,200\\
August13:t:4,820,764; g:05478  d:19,273  r:4725,003; a:76,488\\
August14:t:4,825,495; g:04731  d:19,274  r:4729,737; a:76,484\\
August15:t:4,828,503; g:03008  d:19,277  r:4734,035; a:75,191\\
August16:t:4,832,311; g:03808  d:19,279  r:4739,492; a:73,540\\
August17:t:4,838,214; g:05930  d:19,296  r:4747,623; a:71,322\\
August18:t:4,845,882; g:07641  d:19,306  r:4754,365; a:72,211\\
August19:t:4,852,013; g:06131  d:19,322  r:4760,237; a:72,454\\
August20:t:4,857,488; g:05475  d:19,338  r:4767,237; a:71,469\\
August21:t:4,862,223; g:04735  d:19,342  r:4771,237; a:71,920\\
August22:t:4,865,409; g:03186  d:19,343  r:4774,787; a:71,279\\
August23:t:4,870,292; g:04883  d:19,357  r:4782,203; a:68,732\\
August24:t:4,876,243; g:05951  d:19,372  r:4787,958; a:68,913\\
August25:t:4,881,412; g:05169  d:19,384  r:4793,279; a:68,749\\
August26:t:4,886,600; g:05188  d:19,390  r:4797,769; a:69,441\\
August27:t:4,891,721; g:05121  d:19,393  r:4802,300; a:70,028\\
August28:t:4,895,552; g:03831  d:19,394  r:4806,807; a:69,351\\
August29:t:4,898,260; g:02708  d:19,395  r:4810,689; a:68,176\\
August30:t:4,902,914; g:04654  d:19,407  r:4817,884; a:65,623\\
August31:t:4,908,274; g:05360  d:19,418  r:4824,069; a:64,787\\
Septe.01:t:4,912,972; g:04698  d:19,428  r:4829,500  a:64,044\\
Septe.02:t:4,917,159; g:04187  d:19,437  r:4833,825  a:63,897\\
Septe.03:t:4,921,112; g:03953  d:19,440  r:4839,413  a:62,259\\
Septe.04:t:4,924,440; g:03328  d:19,442  r:4843,228  a:61,770\\
Septe.05:t:4,927,105; g:02665  d:19,442  r:4846,503  a:61,160\\
Septe.06:t:4,931,352; g:04247  d:19,455  r:4853,555  a:58,342\\
Septe.07:t:4,935,820; g:04468  d:19,461  r:4858,351  a:58,008\\
Septe.08:t:4,940,768; g:04948  d:19,473  r:4862,644  a:58,651\\
Septe.09:t:4,945,050; g:04282  d:19,478  r:4866,714  a:58,858\\
Septe.10:t:4,949,088; g:04038  d:19,483  r:4872,714  a:57,764\\
Septe.11:t:4,952,508; g:03429  d:19,486  r:4875,321  a:57,701\\
Septe.12:t:4,955,082; g:02574  d:19,486  r:4877,858  a:57,738\\
Notgedrungenen bis auf weiteres aus einer neuen Quelle https://covid19-dashboard.ages.at//
Die Zahlen stammen  jeweils vom Ende des Tages um Mitternacht:\\                                                       
Septe.13:t:5,002,850; g:06251  d:20,661  r:4935,280  a:46,909\\
Septe.14.t:5,005,277; g:5623;  d.20,662  r.4902,004  a.47,982\\
Septe.15:t:5,008,515; g:5371;  d:20,664  r:4938,280  a:49,170\\ 
Septe.16:t:5,013,900; g:5375;  d:20,670  r:4941,958  a:51,272\\
Septe.17:t:5,018,962; g:4767;  d:20,676  r:4946,892  a:51,394\\ 
Septe.18:t:5,024,113; g:3553;  d:20,677  r:4950,082  a:53,364\\ 
Septe.19:t:5,027,739; g:3626;  d:20,678  r:4953,814  a:53,248\\
Now back to old way of counting (Worldometer):\\ 
Septe.20:t:5,033,797; g:6058;  d:20,683  r:4959,738  a:53,376\\ 
Septe.21:t:5,042,307; g:8510;  d:20,690  r:4963,987  a:57,630\\
Septe.22:t:5,050,233; g:7926;  d:20,700  r:4968,164  a:61,369\\
Septe.23:t:5,058,191; g:7958;  d:20,707  r:4972,182  a:65,302\\
Septe.24:t:5,066,790; g:8599;  d:20,712  r:4979,106  a:66,972\\
Septe.25:t:5,073,706; g:6916;  d:20,712  r:4983,565  a:69,429\\
Septe.26:t:5,079,700; g:5828;  d:20,713  r:4987,148  a:71,839\\
Septe.27:t:5,090,354; g:10654; d:20,723  r:4999,510  a:74,121\\
Septe.28:t:5,105,202; g:14389; d:20,734  r:5001,313  a:83,155\\
Septe.29:t:5,118,512; g:12317; d:20,738  r:5006,572  a:91,202\\
Septe.30:t:5,131,527; g:12695; d:20,743  r:5011,540  a:99,244\\
Oct. 01: t:5,144,116; g:12274; d:20,754  r:5019,774  a:103,588\\
Oct. 02: t:5,154,447; g:9940;  d:20,756  r:5025,560  a:108,131\\
Oct. 03: t:5,162,934; g:8080;  d:20,758  r:5030,558  a:111,518\\
Oct. 04: t:5,176,784; g:13416; d:20,767  r:5040,975  a:115,045\\
Oct. 05: t:5,195,408; g:17882; d:20,779  r:5050,046  a:124,583\\
Oct. 06: t:5,210,285; g:14233; d:20,794  r:5058,597  a:130,894\\
Oct. 07: t:5,226,219; g:15099; d:20,809  r:5066,128  a:139,282\\
Oct. 08: t:5,239,883; g:13288; d:20,823  r:5078,414  a:140,646\\
Oct. 09: t:5,252,058; g:10879; d:20,824  r:5088,561  a:142,673\\
Oct. 10: t:5,260,762; g:08299; d:20,825  r:5098,210  a:141,727\\
Oct. 11: t:5,273,660; g:12572; d:20,857  r:5113,300  a:139,503\\
Oct. 12: t:5,292,773; g:18507; d:20,895  r:5137,934  a:133,944\\
Oct. 13: t:5,306,372; g:13599; d:20,895  r:5146,953  a:138,524\\
Oct. 14: t:5,320,086; g:13054; d:20,919  r:5159,463  a:139,704\\
Oct. 15: t:5,331,324; g:11238; d:20,922  r:5173,569  a:136,833\\
Oct. 16: t:5,330,548; g:08667; d:20,926  r:5188,819  a:130,803\\
Oct. 17: t:5,346,939; g:06297; d:20,928  r:5202,545  a:123,466\\
Oct. 18: t:5,356,174; g:08970; d:20,942  r:5219,043  a:116,188\\
Oct. 19: t:5,369,885; g:13048; d:20,943  r:5233,582  a:115,350\\
Oct. 20: t:5,379,734; g:09596; d:20,971  r:5244,893  a:113,924\\
Oct. 21: t:5,387,830; g:07490; d:20,980  r:5254,130  a:112,720\\
Oct. 22: t:5,392,347; g:07151; d:20,891  r:5266,213  a:105,243\\
Oct. 23: t:5,398,512; g:05407; d:20,894  r:5279,877  a:097,741\\
Oct. 24: t:5,402,698; g:03768; d:20,919  r:5295,433  a:086,346\\
Oct. 25: t:5,408,648; g:05950; d:20,922  r:5305,433  a:082,097\\
Oct. 26: t:5,416,866; g:07892; d:20,943  r:5317,029  a:078,894\\
Oct. 27: t:5,421,555; g:04475; d:20,962  r:5325,999  a:074,594\\
Oct. 28: t:5,426,408; g:04853; d:20,963  r:5330,927  a:074,518\\
Oct. 29: t:5,432,162; g:05465; d:20,976  r:5342,477  a:068,709\\
Oct. 30: t:5,436,721; g:04260; d:20,979  r:5352,127  a:063,615\\
Oct. 31: t:5,439,567; g:02798; d:20,981  r:5360,619  a:057,967\\

Note that the most critical parameters are the daily growth __g__ and the number of actively sick __a__:  March 16 shows almost 60.000 new infections (g) daily and almost 450.000 actively  infected persons (a) a few days later, numbers never reached before. By end of May the situation has improved (lowest number June 1 with a: 35,122) but numbers in June haven again  increased for a while! However, as of August 1, 2022 new rules are in place. As one consequence the number of infections reported is still futher away from the truth than it always was. We see similar patterns in other countries. Thus, it is not clear at all wether it makes sense to continue our lists. We do have a discussion about this right now, to e.g. only report once a week or even once a month. If you have inputs on this, please do write to me at hmaurer100@gmail.com.
!! Situation world-wide \\
Format: Date. No. of infections;  (i): growth; (g): deaths;  (d): recovered;  (r): active cases (a):\\

__Note that the most critical number is the number of active cases (a):  As long as they do not decrease systematically the virus is a serious problem. We show all days starting May 1, 2022.__

*May 01,2022: i:513,543.000; g: 0295.000;d:6262.000; r:467,602.000; a:39,679,000
*May 02,2022: i:513,921.000; g: 0277.000;d:6263.000; r:468,349.000; a:39,309,000
*May 03,2022: i:514,576.000; g: 0601.000;d:6266.000; r:469,169.000; a:39,142,000
*May 04,2022: i:515,226.000; g: 0604.000;d:6269.000; r:469,867.000; a:39,090,000
*May 05,2022: i:515,809.000; g: 0556.000;d:6269.000; r:470,528.000; a:39,009,000
*May 06,2022: i:516,494.000; g: 0513.000;d:6275.000; r:471,160.000; a:39,060,000
*May 07,2022: i:516,904.000; g: 0405.000;d:6276.000; r:471,603.000; a:39,025,000
*May 08,2022: i:517,213.000; g: 0306.000;d:6276.000; r:471,888.000; a:39,048,000
*May 09,2022: i:517,649.000; g: 0335.000;d:6278.000; r:472,477.000; a:38,894,000
*May 10,2022: i:518,345.000; g: 0596.000;d:6280.000; r:473,245.000; a:38,819,000
*May 11,2022: i:519,001.000; g: 0576.000;d:6282.000; r:473,856.000; a:38,873,000
*May 12,2022: i:519,658.000; g: 0600.000;d:6284.000; r:474,462.000; a:38,911,000
*May 13,2022: i:520,279.000; g: 0537.000;d:6287.000; r:474,954.000; a:39,038,000
*May 14,2022: i:521,188.000; g: 0321.000;d:6288.000; r:491,736.000; a:23,163,000
*May 15,2022: i:522,863.000; g: 0737.000;d:6291.000; r:492,885.000; a:23,688,000
*May 16,2022: i:522,909.000; g: 0752.000;d:6291.000; r:492,915.000; a:23,703,000
*May 17,2022: i:523,784.000; g: 0836.000;d:6292.000; r:493,727.000; a:23,765,000
*May 18,2022: i:524,699.000; g: 0771.000;d:6295.000; r:494,495.000; a:23,909,000
*May 19,2022: i:525,544.000; g: 0794.000;d:6297.000; r:495,329.000; a:23,918,000
*May 20,2022: i:526,382.000; g: 0761.000;d:6299.000; r:496,158.000; a:23,926,000
*May 21,2022: i:526,995.000; g: 0604.000;d:6300.000; r:496,837.000; a:23,858,000
*May 22,2022: i:527,480.000; g: 0476.000;d:6300.000; r:497,523.000; a:23,656,000
*May 23,2022: i:528,209.000; g: 0497.000;d:6302.000; r:498,422.000; a:23,385,000
*May 24,2022: i:528,841.000; g: 0632.000;d:6304.000; r:499,254.000; a:23,284,000
*May 25,2022: i:529,542.000; g: 0589.000;d:6306.000; r:499,987.000; a:23,248,000
*May 26,2022: i:530,168.000; g: 0571.000;d:6308.000; r:500,667.000; a:23,193,000
*May 27,2022: i:530,786.000; g: 0547.000;d:6310.000; r:501,364.000; a:23,113,000
*May 28,2022: i:531,228.000; g: 0440.000;d:6310.000; r:501,831.000; a:23,087,000
*May 29,2022: i:531,527.000; g: 0327.000;d:6311.000; r:502,343.000; a:22,873,000
*May 30,2022: i:531,957.000; g: 0341.000;d:6312.000; r:502,929.000; a:22,717,000
*May 31,2022: i:532,676.000; g: 0535.000;d:6314.000; r:503,692.000; a:22,670,000
*June01,2022: i:533,403.000; g: 0570.000;d:6316.000; r:504,285.000; a:22,803,000
*June02,2022: i:534,000.000; g: 0547.000;d:6317.000; r:504,859.000; a:22,823,000
*June03,2022: i:534,000.000; g: 0547.000;d:6317.000; r:504,859.000; a:22,823,000
*June04,2022: i:535,041.000; g: 0402.000;d:6320.000; r:505,829.000; a:22,889,000
*June05,2022: i:535,344.000; g: 0299.000;d:6320.000; r:506,304.000; a:22,719,000
*June06,2022: i:535,833.000; g: 0330.000;d:6321.000; r:506,804.000; a:22,707,000
*June07,2022: i:536,495.000; g: 0546.000;d:6323.000; r:507,568.000; a:22,604,000
*June08,2022: i:538,013.000; g: 0593.000;d:6326.000; r:511,270.000; a:20,416,000
*June09,2022: i:539,090.000; g: 0565.000;d:6328.000; r:511,785.000; a:20,977,000
*June10,2022: i:539,751.000; g: 0531.000;d:6330.000; r:512,330.000; a:21,056,000
*June11,2022: i:540,164.000; g: 0387.000;d:6331.000; r:515,287.000; a:18,546,000
*June12,2022: i:540,489.000; g: 0325.000;d:6331.000; r:515,681.000; a:18,477,000
*June13,2022: i:540,970.000; g: 0340.000;d:6332.000; r:515,213.000; a:18,424,000
*June14,2022: i:541,701.000; g: 0588.000;d:6334.000; r:516,901.000; a:18,466,000
*June15,2022: i:542,433.000; g: 0604.000;d:6337.000; r:517,708.000; a:18,388,000
*June16,2022: i:543,058.000; g: 0569.000;d:6338.000; r:518,186.000; a:18,534,000
*June17,2022: i:543,620.000; g: 0497.000;d:6339.000; r:518,722.000; a:18,559,000
*June18,2022: i:543,989.000; g: 0368.000;d:6340.000; r:519,131.000; a:18,517,000
*June19,2022: i:544,255.000; g: 0261.000;d:6341.000; r:519,514.000; a:18,400,000
*June20,2022: i:545,202.000; g: 0369.000;d:6342.000; r:520,380.000; a:18,480,000
*June21,2022: i:545,717.000; g: 0731.000;d:6343.000; r:521,611.000; a:17,762,000
*June22,2022: i:546,570.000; g: 0727.000;d:6346.000; r:522,154.000; a:18,070,000
*June23,2022: i:547,361.000; g: 0733.000;d:6348.000; r:522,665.000; a:18,348,000
*June24,2022: i:548,165.000; g: 0714.000;d:6349.000; r:525,170.000; a:18,646,000
*June25,2022: i:548,641.000; g: 0443.000;d:6350.000; r:523,515.000; a:18,776,000
*June26,2022: i:548,978.000; g: 0299.000;d:6351.000; r:523,902.000; a:18,725,000
*June27,2022: i:549,805.000; g: 0515.000;d:6352.000; r:525,547.000; a:17,906,000
*June28,2022: i:550,723.000; g: 0827.000;d:6354.000; r:526,342.000; a:18,027,000
*June29,2022: i:551,750.000; g: 0866.000;d:6356.000; r:527,235.000; a:18,158,000
*June30,2022: i:552,647.000; g: 0838.000;d:6358.000; r:527,851.000; a:18,437,000
*July01,2022: i:553,600.000; g: 0826.000;d:6360.000; r:528,319.000; a:18,921,000
*July02,2022: i:553,992.000; g: 0391.000;d:6361.000; r:528,659.000; a:18,972,000
*July03,2022: i:554,565.000; g: 0203.000;d:6362.000; r:529,496.000; a:18,707,000
*July04,2022: i:555,228.000; g: 0485.000;d:6362.000; r:529,934.000; a:18,931,000
*July05,2022: i:556,359.000; g: 0913.000;d:6364.000; r:530,771.000; a:19,224,000
*July06,2022: i:557,561.000; g: 0953.000;d:6367.000; r:531,426.000; a:19,768,000
*July07,2022: i:558,614.000; g: 0947.000;d:6369.000; r:532,136.000; a:20,108,000
*July08,2022: i:559,675.000; g: 0895.000;d:6371.000; r:532,689.000; a:20,615,000
*July09,2022: i:560,195.000; g: 0482.000;d:6372.000; r:533,138.000; a:20,685,000
*July10,2022: i:560,667.000; g: 0413.000;d:6373.000; r:533,686.000; a:20,607,000
*July11,2022: i:561,677.000; g: 0579.000;d:6375.000; r:534,562.000; a:20,740,000
*July12,2022: i:562,882.000; g: 0978.000;d:6377.000; r:535,460.000; a:21,046,000
*July13,2022: i:563,997.000; g: 0990.000;d:6379.000; r:536,171.000; a:21,446,000
*July14,2022: i:565,390.000; g: 0966.000;d:6383.000; r:536,891.000; a:22,117,000
*July15,2022: i:566,415.000; g: 0923.000;d:6386.000; r:537,640.000; a:22,388,000
*July16,2022: i:567,078.000; g: 0663.000;d:6387.000; r:538,215.000; a:22,476,000
*July17,2022: i:567,658.000; g: 0638.000;d:6387.000; r:538,708.000; a:22,663,000
*July18,2022: i:568,520.000; g: 0650.000;d:6389.000; r:539,689.000; a:22,441,000
*July19,2022: i:569,588.000; g: 0985.000;d:6392.000; r:540,744.000; a:22,453,000
*July20,2022: i:571,412.000; g: 0979.000;d:6396.000; r:541,737.000; a:23,279,000
*July21,2022: i:572,489.000; g: 0954.000;d:6398.000; r:542,610.000; a:23,481,000 
*July22,2022: i:573,715.000; g: 0981.000;d:6401.000; r:543,513.000; a:23,801,000 
*July23,2022: i:574,433.000; g: 0716.000;d:6402.000; r:544,148.000; a:23,883,000
*July24,2022: i:575,107.000; g: 0616.000;d:6403.000; r:544,761.000; a:23,943,000
*July25,2022: i:575,935.000; g: 0683.000;d:6405.000; r:545,731.000; a:23,800,000
*July26,2022: i:576,993.000; g: 0970.000;d:6407.000; r:547,830.000; a:23,756,000
*July27,2022: i:578,393.000; g: 1004.000;d:6412.000; r:548,463.000; a:23,518,000
*July28,2022: i:579,432.000; g: 0935.000;d:6414.000; r:549,423.000; a:23,559,000 
*July29,2022: i:580,771.000; g: 0906.000;d:6418.000; r:550,698.000; a:23,656,000 
*July30,2022: i:581,466.000; g: 0671.000;d:6419.000; r:551,511.000; a:23,537,000 
*July31,2022: i:582,132.000; g: 0587.000;d:6420.000; r:552,220.000; a:23,492,000 
*Aug.01,2022: i:582,897.000; g: 0637.000;d:6422.000; r:552,306.000; a:23,152,000
*Aug.02,2022: i:583,967.000; g: 0836.000;d:6424.000; r:554,583.000; a:22,961,000
*Aug.03,2022: i:585,134.000; g: 0917.000;d:6428.000; r:555,669.000; a:22,037,000
*Aug.04,2022: i:586,530.000; g: 0874.000;d:6431.000; r:556,618.000; a:23,481,000
*Aug.05,2022: i:587,507.000; g: 0864.000;d:6434.000; r:558,517.000; a:22,556,000
*Aug.06,2022: i:588,731.000; g: 0645.000;d:6436.000; r:559,791.000; a:22,505,000
*Aug.07,2022: i:589,313.000; g: 0563.000;d:6437.000; r:560,576.000; a:22,300,000
*Aug.08,2022: i:590,040.000; g: 0589.000;d:6439.000; r:561,645.000; a:21,956,000
*Aug.09,2022: i:591,003.000; g: 0774.000;d:6442.000; r:562,845.000; a:21,717,000
*Aug.10,2022: i:592,109.000; g: 0860.000;d:6446.000; r:563,874.000; a:21,789,000
*Aug.11,2022: i:593,020.000; g: 0835.000;d:6449.000; r:565,132.000; a:21,439,000
*Aug.12,2022: i:593,949.000; g: 0793.000;d:6452.000; r:566,057.000; a:21,449,000
*Aug.13,2022: i:594,559.000; g: 0587.000;d:6453.000; r:567,553.000; a:20,553,000
*Aug.14,2022: i:595,100.000; g: 0511.000;d:6455.000; r:568,302.000; a:20,343,000
*Aug.15,2022: i:595,910.000; g: 0510.000;d:6457.000; r:569,730.000; a:19,723,000
*Aug.16,2022: i:596,795.000; g: 0589.000;d:6459.000; r:570,814.000; a:19,521,000
*Aug.17,2022: i:597,809.000; g: 0844.000;d:6464.000; r:571,759.000; a:19,587,000
*Aug.18,2022: i:598,689.000; g: 0803.000;d:6466.000; r:572,724.000; a:19,498,000
*Aug.19,2022: i:599,595.000; g: 0782.000;d:6469.000; r:573,561.000; a:19,564,000
*Aug.20,2022: i:600,240.000; g: 0629.000;d:6471.000; r:574,362.000; a:19,408,000
*Aug.21,2022: i:600,837.000; g: 0558.000;d:6472.000; r:575,101.000; a:19,265,000
*Aug.22,2022: i:601,475.000; g: 0539.000;d:6474.000; r:575,989.000; a:19,012,000
*Aug.23,2022: i:602,231.000; g: 0705.000;d:6476.000; r:576,958.000; a:18,797,000
*Aug.24,2022: i:603,207.000; g: 0748.000;d:6480.000; r:577,942.000; a:18,784,000
*Aug.25,2022: i:604,011.000; g: 0716.000;d:6483.000; r:578,853.000; a:18,676,000
*Aug.26,2022: i:604,790.000; g: 0689.000;d:6485.000; r:579,605.000; a:18,699,000
*Aug.27,2022: i:605,335.000; g: 0534.000;d:6485.000; r:580,384.000; a:18,463,000
*Aug.28,2022: i:605,812.000; g: 0458.000;d:6488.000; r:581,076.000; a:18,248,000
*Aug.29,2022: i:606,425.000; g: 0441.000;d:6490.000; r:582,037.000; a:17,898,000
*Aug.30,2022: i:607,063.000; g: 0547.000;d:6492.000; r:583,014.000; a:17,557,000
*Sep.01,2022: i:608,623.000; g: 0607.000;d:6499.000; r:584,868.000; a:17,257,000
*Sep.02,2022: i:609,352.000; g: 0562.000;d:6501.000; r:585,581.000; a:17,270,000
*Sep.03,2022: i:609,813.000; g: 0445.000;d:6503.000; r:586,181.000; a:17,130,000
*Sep.04,2022: i:610,231.000; g: 0369.000;d:6504.000; r:586,855.000; a:16,873,000
*Sep.05,2022: i:610,635.000; g: 0354.000;d:6505.000; r:587,956.000; a:16,174,000
*Sep.06,2022: i:611,235.000; g: 0490.000;d:6507.000; r:588,749.000; a:15,979,000
*Sep.07,2022: i:611,872.000; g: 0517.000;d:6509.000; r:589,490.000; a:15,873,000
*Sep.08,2022: i:612,461.000; g: 0506.000;d:6512.000; r:590,244.000; a:15,705,000
*Sep.09,2022: i:612,988.000; g: 0492.000;d:6515.000; r:590,998.000; a:15,476,000
*Sep.10,2022: i:613,405.000; g: 0359.000;d:6516.000; r:591,771.000; a:15,119,000
*Sep.11,2022: i:613,745.000; g: 0296.000;d:6517.000; r:592,353.000; a:14,875,000
*Sep.12,2022: i:614,166.000; g: 0350.000;d:6518.000; r:593,003.000; a:14,645,000
*Sep.13,2022: i:614,815.000; g: 0477.000;d:6522.000; r:593,711.000; a:14,582,000
*Sep.14,2022: i:615,343.000; g: 0528.000;d:6523.000; r:594,362.000; a:14,457,000
*Sep.15,2022: i:615,951.000; g: 0497.000;d:6526.000; r:595,053.000; a:14,372,000
*Sep.16,2022: i:616,512.000; g: 0441.000;d:6529.000; r:595,690.000; a:14,294,000
*Sep.17,2022: i:616,865.000; g: 0347.000;d:6530.000; r:596,294.000; a:14,041,000
*Sep.18,2022: i:617,183.000; g: 0290.000;d:6531.000; r:596,734.000; a:13,919,000
*Sep.19,2022: i:617,541.000; g: 0312.000;d:6532.000; r:597,261.000; a:13,748,000
*Sep.20,2022: i:618,008.000; g: 0439.000;d:6533.000; r:597,816.000; a:13,660,000
*Sep.21,2022: i:618,568.000; g: 0434.000;d:6535.000; r:598,344.000; a:13,690,000
*Sep.22,2022: i:619,102.000; g: 0439.000;d:6537.000; r:598,943.000; a:13,622,000
*Sep.23,2022: i:619,636.000; g: 0458.000;d:6539.000; r:599,385.000; a:13,712,000
*Sep.24,2022: i:619,978.000; g: 0321.000;d:6540.000; r:599,021.000; a:13,517,000
*Sep.25,2022: i:620,246.000; g: 0252.000;d:6540.000; r:600,296.000; a:13,410,000
*Sep.26,2022: i:620,620.000; g: 0306.000;d:6542.000; r:600,816.000; a:13,263,000
*Sep.27,2022: i:621,182.000; g: 0498.000;d:6543.000; r:601,317.000; a:13,322,000
*Sep.28,2022: i:621,798.000; g: 0474.000;d:6545.000; r:601,748.000; a:13,504,000
*Sep.29,2022: i:622,386.000; g: 0463.000;d:6547.000; r:602,158.000; a:13,681,000
*Sep.30,2022: i:622,905.000; g: 0422.000;d:6549.000; r:602,615.000; a:13,740,000
*Oct.01,2022: i:623,205.000; g: 0295.000;d:6550.000; r:602,966.000; a:13,689,000
*Oct.02,2022: i:623,461.000; g: 0241.000;d:6551.000; r:603,333.000; a:13,577,000
*Oct.03,2022: i:623,710.000; g: 0179.000;d:6552.000; r:603,786.000; a:13,372,000
*Oct.04,2022: i:624,242.000; g: 0521.000;d:6553.000; r:604,232.000; a:13,457,000
*Oct.05,2022: i:624,908.000; g: 0527.000;d:6555.000; r:604,681.000; a:13,672,000
*Oct.06,2022: i:625,575.000; g: 0533.000;d:6558.000; r:605,141.000; a:13,876,000
*Oct.07,2022: i:626,085.000; g: 0459.000;d:6560.000; r:605,521.000; a:14,005,000
*Oct.08,2022: i:626,393.000; g: 0292.000;d:6560.000; r:605,936.000; a:13,897,000
*Oct.09,2022: i:626,665.000; g: 0232.000;d:6561.000; r:606,264.000; a:13,840,000
*Oct.10,2022: i:627,060.000; g: 0332.000;d:6562.000; r:606,672.000; a:13,826,000
*Oct.11,2022: i:627,648.000; g: 0491.000;d:6564.000; r:607,147.000; a:13,937,000
*Oct.12,2022: i:628,319.000; g: 0530.000;d:6566.000; r:607,539.000; a:14,214,000
*Oct.13,2022: i:628,911.000; g: 0479.000;d:6568.000; r:607,949.000; a:14,393,000
*Oct.14,2022: i:629,406.000; g: 0426.000;d:6570.000; r:608,346.000; a:14,490,000
*Oct.15,2022: i:629,686.000; g: 0280.000;d:6571.000; r:608,684.000; a:14,431,000
*Oct.16,2022: i:629,948.000; g: 0229.000;d:6572.000; r:608,986.000; a:14,390,000
*Oct.17,2022: i:630,328.000; g: 0313.000;d:6573.000; r:609,391.000; a:14,364,000
*Oct.18,2022: i:630,844.000; g: 0497.000;d:6574.000; r:609,862.000; a:14,408,000
*Oct.19,2022: i:631,531.000; g: 0468.000;d:6577.000; r:610,330.000; a:14,623,000
*Oct.20,2022: i:632,034.000; g: 0407.000;d:6580.000; r:610,735.000; a:14,719,000
*Oct.21,2022: i:632,430.000; g: 0350.000;d:6581.000; r:611,145.000; a:14,704,000
*Oct.22,2022: i:632,675.000; g: 0244.000;d:6582.000; r:611,475.000; a:14,618,000
*Oct.23,2022: i:632,981.000; g: 0220.000;d:6583.000; r:611,762.000; a:14,636,000
*Oct.24,2022: i:633,242.000; g: 0261.000;d:6584.000; r:612,214.000; a:14,444,000
*Oct.25,2022: i:633,744.000; g: 0421.000;d:6586.000; r:612,708.000; a:14,449,000
*Oct.26,2022: i:634,212.000; g: 0398.000;d:6588.000; r:613,149.000; a:14,474,000
*Oct.27,2022: i:634,630.000; g: 0348.000;d:6590.000; r:613,573.000; a:14,467,000
*Oct.28,2022: i:635,031.000; g: 0312.000;d:6593.000; r:613,971.000; a:14,467,000
*Oct.29,2022: i:635,258.000; g: 0223.000;d:6593.000; r:614,293.000; a:14,372,000
*Oct.30,2022: i:635,457.000; g: 0180.000;d:6594.000; r:614,537.000; a:14,326,000

Oct.30: In what follows we are listing the 30 countries with the largest total number of infections, and are marking countries with a daily growth below 500 with a *, countries with growth of over 3.000 and below 20.000 compared to the last entry with a +, with a growth above 20.000 with ++, with no new figure with a ?

With 99,353.000 total infections so far, and 8.000 new infections since the last day the (1) USA+ is the country with the largest number of confirmed cases. Active cases are now 1,360.000. Concerning total infections, (2) India 44,654.000, (3) France+ 36,810.000, (4) Germany? 35,571.000, (5) Brazil 34,867.000,  (6) S.Korea++ 25,539.000, (7) UK? 23,856.000;  (8) Italy? 23,531.000,  (9) Japan++ 22,273.000, (10) Russia+ 21,424.000, (11) Turkey? 16,852.000, (12) Spain?  13,512.000, (13) Vietnam* 11,502.000, (14) Australia 10,377.000, (15) Argentina 9,719.000,  (16) Netherlands? 8,512.000, (17) Taiwan++ 7,690.000, (18) Iran* 7,557.000,   (19) Mexico 7,111.000, (20) Indonesia 6,491.000,  (21) Poland* 6,340.000, (22) Colombia? 6,310.000, (23) Portugal? 5,518.000, (24) Austria+ 5,437.000, (25) Ukraine? 5,296.000, (26) Greece? 4,839.000, (27)Malaysia+ 4,900.000, (28) N.Korea? 4,773.000, (29) Chile+ 4,756.000, (30) Thailand? 4,687.000. There are 40 more countries with more than 1 million total infections.


[{Metadata Suchbegriff='Corona, Coronavirus, Coronavirus daily, Covidvirus, COVID, COVID-19' Kontrolle='Nein'}]