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G. Cont: Googling Considered Harmful US Military Academy West Point http://www.iicm.edu/Googling_Considered_Harmful.pdf

N. Kulathuramaiyer, W.-T. Balke: Restricting the View and Connecting the Dots . Dangers of a Web Search Engine Monopoly J.UCS 2006, Vol. 12 / Issue 12, pp. 1731 - 1740

N. Kulathuramaiyer, H. Maurer Data Mining is becoming Extremely Powerful, but Dangerous, http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/Data_mining_is_dangerous.doc

H. Maurer, T. Balke, F. Kappe, N. Kulathuramaiyer, S.Weber, B. Zaka: Report on dangers and opportunities posed by large searche engines, particularly Google http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/Ressourcen/Papers/dangers_google.pdf DAS IST DIE HAUPTSTUDIE

N. Kulathuramaiyer, H. Maurer Market Forces vs Public Control of Basic Vital Services http://www.iicm.edu/market_vs_public.doc

N. Kulathuramaiyer, H. Maurer Why is Fighting Plagiarism and IPR Violation Suddenly of Paramount Importance? To appear in: Proc. ICKM Conference, Vienna (August 2007) http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/iicm_papers/why_is_fighting_plagiarism_of_importance.doc

H. Maurer, F. Kappe, B. Zaka: Plagiarism - A Survey J.UCS 2006, Vol. 12 / Issue 8, pp. 1050 - 1084 http://www.jucs.org/jucs_12_8/plagiarism_a_survey

H. Maurer, B. Zaka: Plagiarism . a problem and how to fight it Proc. ED-MEDIA 07, Vancouver, Canada, June 25-28 http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/Ressourcen/Papers/plagiarism_ED-MEDIA.doc

H. Maurer Google-Freund oder Feind? (in German) Springer Informatik Spektrum July 2007 http://www.iicm.tugraz.at/papers/google_freund_oder_feind.doc

G. Reischl Die Google Falle (Buch) Ueberreuter 2008

T. Brabazon The University of Google (Book) Ashgate 2007