!!! Some pictures

[{Image src='pakistan.jpg' caption='Hotel in Murree Hills, Pakistan\\ Photo: Haris Naeem ' alt='Hotel' width='900' height='598'}]

[{Image src='20161023_153803.jpg' caption='Islamabad City, Pakistan\\ Photo: Haris Naeem ' alt='Hotel' width='900' height='506'}]

[{Image src='isb1.jpg' caption='Comsats University, Islamabad\\ Photo: [CIIT|http://islamabad.comsats.edu.pk]' alt='Hotel' width='900' height='341'}]

[{Image src='138.jpg' caption='Beauty of the country's northern areas\\ Photo: Fareha Yousaf 'alt='Hotel' height='350'}]

[{Metadata Suchbegriff=' ' Kontrolle='Nein'}]

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