!!!Pachl Walter\\

(Zur Seite als [Editor|Infos_zum_AF/Editorial_Board/Pachl,_Walter,_Dipl.-Ing.])

!!Compute and show data about Triangle A (0/0) B (0/300) C (200/100)\\
[{Image src='af_49.bmp' caption='__Triangle A (0/0) B (0/300) C (200/100)__' width='600' class='image_left}]
Sides / Seiten:\\
BC a=282.843 CA b=223.607 AB c=300.000\\
Perimeter / Umfang: 806.450\\
Area / Fläche: 30000.000\\

Angles / Winkel:\\
alpha=63.435 beta =45.000 gamma=71.565\\
Angle-bisectors / Winkelsymmetralen:\\
*    bsA: y=1.618*x\\
*    bsB: y=-2.414*x+300.000\\
*    bsC: y=-0.162*x+132.456\\

Orthocenter / Höhenschnittpunkt: (100.000/100.000)\\

Circumcircle / Umkreis: (50.000/150.000) R=158.114\\

Inscribed circle / Inkreis: (74.400/120.382) r=74.400\\

Centroid / Schwerpunkt: (66.667/133.333)\\
Medians / Schwerlinien:\\
*    mA: y=2.000*x\\
*    mB: y=-2.500*x+300.000\\
*    mC: y=-0.250*x+150.000\\

Feuerbach Circle / Feuerbachkreis: (75.000/125.000) r=79.057\\

Euler's Line / Eulersche Gerade: y=-1.000*x+200.000\\

!!The same in color (as HTML):
[{Image src='at.jpg' caption='__Triangle A (0/0) B (0/300) C (200/100)__' width='900' height='534'}]
%%(font-size: 200%;)
[{Image src='supereggo.jpg' caption='A Family of Superellipses' alt='A Family of Superellipses' width='300' height='300' class='image_left' }]
Output of a program on [Rosetta Code|http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Superellipse#REXX] using u=320; v=320
\\Call supegg Color,a,b,n,u,v is the Syntax for supegg
\\Call supegg black,080,080,0.5,u,v
\\Call supegg black,110,110,1  ,u,v
\\Call supegg black,140,140,1.5,u,v
\\Call supegg green,170,170,2  ,u,v
\\Call supegg blue ,200,200,2.5,u,v
\\Call supegg red  ,230,230,3  ,u,v
\\Call supegg black,260,260,4  ,u,v
\\Call supegg black,290,290,7  ,u,v

\\Note: The program creates a BMP file (1.2MB).
\\Using IrfanView this can be converted to a JPG file (79kB) which is shown here.

[Zur Tabelle der Symbole_der_Bundesländer|Wissenssammlungen/Symbole/Symbole_der_Bundesländer]

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